Why is the dead beta still going on?

Beta testing is not something you or I need to worry about.


But as Rutabagah says, if there are more bugs than they can fix in the next month, having new bugs to fix isn’t going to help.


I agree with this, which is why I would think they could consider adding people to their team, so that these bugs, and then subsequently bugs for the untested content don’t make it into launch. Some of these things are pretty big bugs, like hunter pet AI. But, as also noted before, both of you know more about software development than I so I trust you know what you’re talking about on the issue.

The deadline is fixed, and the team wouldn’t have the time to bring on new people at this late stage.

Adding a new developer usually means taking away from the time of an existing developer to bring them up to speed. If that takes a week, you’ve lost the work of a full-steam ahead developer for a week, to get a new and unfamiliar to the work developer for at most 2 weeks.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they expand the level cap to 58, just to capture the bugs so they can work on them after launch, but we’re just under 2 months from launch, and the last month is likely going to be taken up fixing the UI issues relating to launch and the layering. The last week will be dead time as the patch goes out and people need time to update.

It would make sense to just increase the cap to 58 and work on some of those bugs after launch. Thanks for clarifying the hurdles for me :slight_smile:

This is 2019, don’t hate on the Canadians, they give us good syrup.

You’re funny

The launch date of 8.2 in the middle of Beta wasn’t accidental. They knew there would be a drop off after 8.2 launched. Which is why it dropped after people had awhile to test 1-40 and gave them a nice backlog of bugs to work though during the drop off.

So not much will happen in regards to people sending in new bug reports, but plenty is happening with bug fixes. That bug fixer team didn’t bail to go play 8.2 (or
I mean I hope they didn’t. Back to werk! werk werk!)

There is a well documented phenomena in programming where you quickly hit diminishing returns from simply “throwing programmers at it” in an attempt to accomplish something. Granted, they have an advantage here where they can pilfer coders from “retail” to help with Classic as the code base is essentially the same. But they can only divert so many coders away from retail.

If things are bad enough, they’ll likely delay launch. But I think they’re doing all they can to avoid that. I also don’t think things are that bad. (And many of the bugs aren’t “coder problems” but rather the domain of the design and/or art teams.)

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Yeah man, imagine the outrage if they delay launch lol

I’d take an early release with known bugs yet to be fixed

They will leave it at 40 but it will become an open beta in a month or so when they feel 8.2 initial excitement has worn off.

40-60 content (dungeons, raids) needs testing far more than 1-40. Afaik there haven’t been any quest bugs found anyway

A lot of stuff people are claiming are bugs. Aren’t.

Yes we do see a few this is true. But a lot aren’t actually bugs.

And correct.

The only problem I can find with the beta is my lack of an invite.


“One woman can make a baby in 9 months. Nine women cannot make a baby in 1 month.”

Additionally to that, every new resource consumes 2 resources (the new resource and the person training them up) for a period of time on arrival. I don’t think we have enough time left to make that ramp up worthwhile.

I agree that they shouldn’t add anymore people to beta because they already have at least 2 months of work ahead of them before release. I’m sure they have a giant backlog.

I submitted bug reports in the beta in 2004 that still haven’t been fixed. I’m joking Eloraell - don’t freak out at me again.

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1-40 has a number of quests with odd interactions/triggers that most players overlook.

Internal teams would’ve had to test 1-12 zones for orcs/trolls, undead, tauren, gnomes/dwarves, humans, night elves. almost all of the starter zones have their own quirks to their quests. off the top of my head, the weird animations that play in the dwarf area after you turn in the item-drop quest that requires you to kill level 8 leper gnomes.

there’s a handful of zones that can be skipped by players leveling 1-40. I never hit silverpine forest or hillsbrad and my warrior made it to 34 without thinking about it. I raised another character to 31 and never once visited 1000 needles. I have never leveled a character 40-60 and taken a different quest route. You need all the quests from 40-60 to cap out without excessive grinding. 1-40, not so much.

Most quests from 40-50 have already been tested by min/maxing streamers and have been fixed if there were any bugs (there were hardly any from what I personally experienced).

50-60 is mostly comprised of a few escort quests, lootable quests, and kill quests which do not have a lot (if really any) complex triggers in game.

there is no “tuning” required, because they are using default values for dungeons/raids.

the raids at launch are incredibly basic to work through. when the most complex mechanics are implemented by shoving invisible rabbits inside lava flows, you know you have a simple game.

BRD has around 8 quests, the vast majority are kill and loot quests. One is an escort.

How can you possibly say in dreams is a difficult thing to test by 5 players? oh no, they have to test 2 disguises and put in clauses that remove those disguises when they’re not in the flagged areas. we need 800 bug reports about it.

Hit cap and spell power coefficients? if https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/bug-hit-tables/185675/12?u=ironsides-stormreaver is any indicator, they already have verified old data. the fact that they were using legion normalization on weapons should’ve already prompted them to double check those mechanics internally so they aren’t surprised by other mechanics that were updated.

1-40 is 100% more valuable than 50-60, because all of the gameplay mechanics like character position updates, DR interactions, class pvp interaction etc can be determined from those levels. the rest can be internally worked out.

17000 bug reports, and you wanna know how many of them were probably unique and valid? I’d say maybe 100-300 at most. Most players just don’t have a clue what was what from back then (iron weapon chain reduces the time you’re disarmed by 50%, right swifty?)

And also correct. And handsome.

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Could’ve sworn they did this with Blackwing Lair back in Vanilla, and they decided to never release untested content again after learning that hard lesson in bug catching.