Why is the burning legion in Maldraxxus?

Everything about the scene was different except the literal two felguards.

That’s not being lazy, that’s specifically showing reference/link between the two.

Christ’s sake.

It doesn’t have a colour yet. You’re intentionally letting your bias affect how you view something new. That’s on you.

Exactly. It has no colour - but past experiences shapes one’s image of the future, no? And if the past is coloured brown, is one not inclined to follow the trend?

You’re talking about bias, yet you speak as if the contrary is correct and factual. Perhaps address your own biases? Or not. I can only hope you’re right.

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Only if you let them.


I didn’t go into this thinking about who made it, or expecting it to be poor or high quality. I have little intention of playing shadowlands, and have done no research into the stories or layout.

I drew the conclusion that the scene was a reference and not a lazy re-use of assets. Based off a; what’s it’s trying to imply with Draka being a combo spy/assassin, and B; the fact that the scenery and details in the scene were different. It was only similar enough to be recognized, at the most.

It would have been less work to have concealed a lazy re-use, than to do it like they did.

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… Only if I let them? “Once bitten, twice shy” - I believe this is an apt adage for this discussion.

An intriguing encounter, for sure. If I may ask, why are you here? Are you just waiting for your sub to run out?

I think Blizzard has made a pretty wide array of hilariously bad decisions over the years.

A common affliction seems to be taking that and damning everything they do, regardless of context or reason.

When they do something idiotic, I like to make fun of them. When people do this, I argue against it. Not everything they do is bad. Not everything they do is good.

Many seem to let that slip their minds.


Yall that scene of Draka stealing the map was the same world Illidan invaded years later.

It wasn’t in the Shadowlands.


It IS lazy, they could have transmitted the same idea without being lazy yet you defend them


That world isn’t Maldraxxus (see: rain, foliage), Draka is stealing a map from the Burning Legion on an unknown world.


Pretty much,

The fact they need to clarify it by twitter shows how piss poor a job they did in the first place.

I mean, was it widely known that the dead in shadowlands could move about in real world with ease?

And if they could why didn’t Blizzard make her abilities look exotic/different then a typical rogue stealth.

Without given the viewer any context outside a crappy training montage. ( seriously no music ), it looked like it could have been a place in shadow lands.

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When plenty of people came to the conclusion immediately, without needing to be told, maybe it’s not Blizzard being the silly ones.

What happened in the Bastion cinematic.

They completely re-drew portions of the shot and changed scenery. Some of the only things not different were the felguards.

There was literally music and narration.


Ma’am every single lore speculation discord I’m in came to the same conclusion before the twitter confirmed it, it’s just people who literally have zero analytical skill and much less knowledge of the lore than some of us who don’t catch on to these things.

Kyrians were already confirmed to be Spirit Healers, and that Wild Gods can re-enter reality from Ardenweald, so yes, actually.

Rogue stealth is literal invisibility.


Many is vague word, It it easy to say many thought it as cheap resuse
by company who deceived it audiences before.

Arthas last word we’re not “ I see a gaintb blue lady before me “. I think that would stuck out more then darkness.

It more like editing a already turn in paper. It wouldn’t get a passing grade from a teacher, nor should fans give it one.

It unless making it get down to business then it is not training music.

It more like some are analyzing a company, seeing past deceptive behavior and seeing it more as a reuse to save time.

Possible reason, they had to rewrite, add scenes to filled it run time after scrapping a good chunk after they realizing that was Garona is still alive.

The spirit healers, as far as I a aware are still the Odyn and Helya ex val’kry. After all the spirit healers bring people back. This new blue man group just take you to dead, or the maw when get a bug up their butts.

That’s is my point, for dead person transversing in the world of living. You think they would make it unique. A visual indicator to let you know she had cross back into the mortal world.

Not something that looks like she pressed a button to activate.

I agree with, but this is World of Warcraft, they wanted something the general player could see and understand, “Ohhh, that’s stealth! I know what stealth is.”


They mentioned Draka at Blizzcon and Garona was alive in both Legion and BfA.


Remove Thrall from it, which onky one seem, that character is remarkable similar to Garona. Her skills, her acting as weapon to a master, and the fellowship with others.

Sense we are analyzing it, and taking not form past Blizzard lies/mistake, and seeming lack of in depth understand of their own lore.

It easy to conclude they made several frame with Garona in mind and has to changed it at some point.

Presuming that demons could get into the Shadowlands, it makes sense that they’d try (and fail) to accomplish much. Demons have always had a high horse.

Nope you’re wrong, all Spirit Healers are Kyrian Watchers.


I hear this a lot but I haven’t really seen the proof of that shown.

The spirits healers were said to be the valk’yr in chronicles.

Granted Blizzard took a massive dumb on chronicles books, so their lore is forfeit now.

So you may be right about that, but it really doesn’t match much sense for them to bring people back to life.

I mean they brainwashed the dead to act as afterlife Uber driver, I doubt they would consider allowing a mortal to stay alive.

The ideal of rogue Valk’kyr doing made a bit more sense.

It’s in the Kyrian Covenant Campaign. I did not take screenshots of every quest nor do I remember what part it was. By all means go to the Shadowlands WoWhead website and search through the database, but it’s there.

Or watch the Nobbel vids.

They’re told not to take souls before their time.

This is a very bitter perspective to take but that’s your prerogative lol


Won’t take your word for it, but I have not doubt Blizzard would retcon it.

Are you the same guy that was doubted an author ability to write based on the color of their skin.

That far more bitter buddy.

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