Why is the burning legion in Maldraxxus?

Why is there felguards in maldraxxus? The legion does not belong there…
I just noticed they copy pasted the scene from Illidan’s harbringers video pathetic job Blizzard

Others have noticed as well. It’s either a lazy reuse of… well it is a reuse, but it might be a little more clever. It could be somewhere other than Maldraxxus, or maybe the Legion is stealing the Maldraxxus ‘tech.’

Or it could just be a lazy reuse and those ‘felguard’ are Maldraxxus undead of another house.
I really don’t think it’s outside of the Shadowlands because that would present a lot of problems.


My guess is that it’s another part of the Shadowlands that the Legion had invaded, and Maldraxxus was pushing out.


Draka was grabbing their War Map so the Legion was being robbed of it by the Shadowlands so that Maldraxxus could set up a proper defense against the Legion invasion.

Incidentally the place where she got the map resembles Tanaan Jungle…


I believe there’s a quest saying they tried invading the Shadowlands once. Probably just some leftover forces.

Realistically, since it’s literally a reused shot from the Illidan short, it was probably to cheapen the production cost. Which doesn’t bode well for Shadowlands itself when they cut costs on the advertising campaign.


Though that makes one ask, they didn’t have a proper defense or counter measures for the countless years before Draka died and she was trained to be a master spy?

The Undying Army beat the snot out of the Light and Void when it tried to invade in ages past. They had the proper defenses, but you know, not everything can be dealt with by using brute force.

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This. Furthermore the Legion comes up with new plans so Maldraxxus has to send new spies to keep grabbing plans.

Draka dying and becoming a Spy allowed her to be in a position to derail the what would have been the Legion’s most recent invasion of the Shadowlands from Tanaan if we hadn’t killed Archimonde first before Gul’dan could ready the Black Gate for the invasion!

Now we know what Archimonde meant when he told Gul’dan he made a pact before sending him to Azeroth: Gul’dan was to aid in opening the Black Gate to the Shadowlands for Archimonde’s invasion of the place then be sent to Azeroth to open the Tomb of Sargeras for Kil’jaeden’s invasion of Azeroth!

We thought that Azeroth was Archimonde’s target(not aware that Kil’jaeden seized full jurisdiction of that invasion) and were oblivious to the true goal and still managed to derail it!


I don’t know if it was as one-sided as you’re describing it to be. We know that during a Void Invasion, it was the former leader of the Kyrians who drove it back by sacrificing themselves. Makes it sound like Maldraxxus either dropped the ball or was overwhelmed.

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One of the leaders of Maldraxxus when talking to Mograine about his purpose laughs off the light by saying “The light has no purchase here.” I’m pretty sure at least ONE of those fights was lopsided in Maldraxxus’ favor.

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What’s grabbing a hand draw map guarded by some Felguards going to? If you have the intelligence to know where the map is, I think you’re already ahead of the game, probably already know where the enemy’s positions are.

I don’t know, having the ‘spy’ grab the map comes across as the most rudimentary idea of what a spy does.

So someone who had no training in life to become a spy, becomes the master spy of Maldraxxus, the key player they were missing to stopping the Legion by stealing a map and eventually, the betrayals in Maldraxxus? Sounds pretty dumb.


The Enemy may be attacking from Tanaan yet the exact movements when they arrive in the Shadowlands(not that they ever did thanks to the Players) from the Black Gate(which didn’t appear until Gul’dan created the Portal so the Maldraxxians wouldn’t know of it without the Plans) would be another story.

And who says Draka is the master spy? Vashj is the master of spies if Beta is any indication. Vashj or her Boss the Margrave was probably the one who found where the Enemy Plans were.

Draka was sent to grab the Plans to test to see if her Spy training was successful and thus could make her useful to the House of the Chosen.

One of the Venthyr mounts also describes a similar situation with the Light:

Silessa fought valiantly alongside her master in the great incursion by the Light, following the battle her master set her to guard over a vault room.

So, it seems like, at least once, the Light and the Void were able to become bigger threats than the Necrolords alone could handle, and the other Covenants got involved.


Where did you get that?

The place the Demons had their plans taken from clearly resembles Tanaan Jungle when it was ruled by the Legion in WoD! I’d recognize that Demon ruled territory anywhere!

If the Plans to invade the Shadowlands were in Tanaan rather than Argus, Mardum or Nathreza then the invasion of the Shadowlands was happening from Tanaan which means that Archimonde was not invading Azeroth but the Shadowlands!

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While clearly there is something up with the Light and the Void in the Shadowlands, I think we also have to draw attention to the fact that the individuals making these claims have a lot to lose if they’re wrong.

It could be Shadowlands propaganda. The Light & the Void wouldn’t have bothered if there wasn’t even a slight chance they could win and I think that has very serious ramifications for the universe as a whole.

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I’m not sure why this is so hard to grasp for people.

The shot was ‘reused’ because it was the same planet, before it was made into a full on Legion base as seen in the Illidan cinematic, as a planet that was specifically important to the Legion, hence Illidan going after it.

Maldraxxus defends the Shadowlands. The House of Eyes is specifically for gathering intelligence, hence them going to what will be a major location for the Legion and yoinking intelligence from them. Without that specific similarity in poses, we never would have known and they’d have had to spell it out… which they still do, apparently.

They tried to do something that would be a callback and a crossover and people are calling them lazy for it… it’s baffling.


This actually blows my mind that people think this is the case.


I’ve heard it speculated maybe the two were scouting outside the Shadowlands in that scene.

Danuser liked this response to me

Meaning that the use of the same location is intentionally reused assets, i.e. that Draka and Margrave Akarek were stealing a map from a Legion base before Illidan got there and destroyed it. When Draka is there the area still has trees, when Illidan gets there all the trees are dead.