Why is the burning legion in Maldraxxus?

It’s tragic that it has come to this, hasn’t it? When people just assume it’s laziness - but that’s what you get when you have 2 years of - frankly - lies, bad development and exceptionally poor communication.


Did you not see the training montage…

Even Draka points it out how confused she was when she put into the house of spies.


If they missed it, I don’t blame them. It’s just not a training montage without an upbeat, yet intense, 80s soundtrack.


We already know the legion has been in the shadowlands before its in the beta on the tombstones in maldraxus. Also the dreadlords stole the helm and frostmourne from the shadowlands. Have you payed no attention to the lore?


To be fair, the people complaining about it being laziness on Blizzards part, are also the same people that complain it’s laziness on blizzards part, regardless of what blizzard does. There’s no satisfying these kind of people.


I have never agreed with you so hard as I’m agreeing with you now.


i’ve been talking about this with a friend.

imo, it makes the legion cooler to show they were able to raid the shadowlands at will, and did raid it occasionally. i don’t dislike the retcon to frostmourne and the plate of domination, but i feel like it’d be even cooler still if the dreadlords are just so good, that they stole frostmourne by force, and then made apocalypse(from the artifact lore book, it is better than frostmourne in every single way with everything it’s capable of) their selves as an improvement on the design.

so i like that the legion could have invaded. it’s cool to me. that being said, that isn’t what this was. this was the shadowlands entering the mortal plane to attain some legion information for some reason. perhaps it was information about the sargerite keystone, and perhaps illidan paid for that information. it’s hard to to tell, but they definitely weren’t in the shadowlands during that outing.

I personally hate the idea that demons are better at death magic and death artifacts than the death domain is. I much prefer the new lore that Maldraxxus, on its own, kicks the Legion’s butt so hard that the Legion ducked off.

But that just like my opinion, man.

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They did invade the shadowlands again thats on the tombs in maldraxus you can see on the beta. The foces of the void (old gods) have also invaded, the forces of the light (naru) also tried to invade and another 4th force more powerful than those 3 tried and failed the name of that force is scribbled out though


Makes sense. Given the nature of Fel magic, I’d be more surprised if the Legion didn’t try multiple times to inavde an entire plane of souls.


given the nature of fel magic, idk how it’s not perceived as the most dangerous enemy of the shadowlands.

one chaos bolt and that’s anima completely obliterated from existence, never to be used to fuel the shadowlands.

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I did see that. I was pointing after what Yven said, that if Draka could enter the Shadowlands without these skills, then be trained up to that position, why did Maldraxxus have to wait until she arrived to get someone to fill that role? Why weren’t they already prepared?

They apparently have all the lessons they need to teach someone, why not teach someone who already excels? Does Draka’s undead spirit burn brighter than everyone else? I guess so.

Primus left a prophecy that someone would come who would rule Maldraxxus and defeat someone (whom I can’t remember atm). My guess is, he either told the Margrave of Eyes who that was, or the Margrave’s spy agents found out and told him. I’m completely certain that the individual the Primus was speaking of is Draka after Afterlives.

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I have no doubt Draka is going to become the leader of Maldraxxus, as I said already, I just wished the story to that point didn’t involve the chosen one and prophecies bits, which is one degree above what the script says happens.

The Venthyr have a captured Naaru so the light definitely paid a visit at some point.

There’s a fine line between a lack of faith in a company, and not even stopping to think for yourself.


Yep lies and horrible bad expansions. Also Way more tgn 2 years.
What else could it be?
Even if it’s about the Legion reuse seems very lazy.

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I hope not.

That woman deserves to be reunited with her husband. I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the soldiers of Maldraxxus can retire at some point and travel to another afterlife. I was hoping Draka would get the opportunity to reunite with Durotan and Fenris, and the rest of the Frostwolves.

Quite right - and Blizzard has angled their pencil to the side and shaded the line. That’s the point of my post. When you’ve had 2 years of crap, why assume a new brown substance is ice cream, and not crap?

The best part about having very low expectations (I have high expectations for the xpac, however) is that it’s hard to be disappointed.


It doesn’t help that a good chunk of what was shown would only make sense to someone whos already played the bloody thing.

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