Why is the average skill level of alliance players lower than horde players

Lots of PVP players went Alliance for DF because of racials.

Alliance were also leading the leaderboards in Shadowlands. And in BfA.

No one said it’s roughly 50/50 at blizzard in the last few expansions, they never gave numbers. Realmpop also doesn’t say it’s 50/50. It has been imbalanced for years, that is why cross factions needed to be added.

It hasn’t been imbalanced.

And cross-faction wasn’t needed. It was only added because the Alliance player lobby makes so much noise.

Nor is this hyena pup starving. But man you’d sure think it is from that noise it’s making.

Oh, maybe you are RPings or something?


The only metrics we have now show a massive imbalance, and no one at blizzard saying it’s 50/50, that is just something you made up.

Wowanalytica’s metrics are worthless.

Or maybe you agree with them that Repent on Tichondrius is the top guild in the world? With their current progression of 10/10?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s comical.

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That is just because it sorts by progress and then when that is 10/10 it sorts by “members”, it’s just how it’s sorted on the website, not by date killed. Pretending the factions are 50/50, with zero supporting data, is the only silly thing here.

^ This guy doesn’t even know when the last 10-boss raid was.

It’s out of date but this is the last really reliable data we have and it only got worse since then before cross faction was added because of the imbalance.

It’s out of date, no question. But it was never reliable in the first place.

I’m going to ignore you now, but I did chuckle that you have your account set to try and make it harder for people to ignore you. Which is the surest sign of a forum troll, every time. Fortunately, there are ways around that.

It was the most reliable data outside of blizzard releasing the actual numbers. I don’t think you can actually change any settings to make it “harder for people to ignore you”, sounds like you are just making more things up, why would blizzard even add something like that?

well for one this isnt my main. i would think someone who is posting on a level 10 toon would know that the toon they are posting on doesnt have to be their main. And im sorry if level 10 is your max level toon lol
and two since its not my main and most people know to check people’s achievements before posting terrible takes, then you would know ive gotten keystone master before…

it doesn’t trigger me. but it does make me feel like you don’t know the difference between a proper, objective study – with random sampling, removing outliers, etc. – and just anecdotal evidence lol.

“100% of people in my guild are horde! Why are there are so many horde players?!”

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Just about everything posted in the forums is anecdotal…

none of us work at blizz so no one can physically prove anything they are saying.
Like a lot of alliance players say there is a faction imbalance. they cant prove it. they are just going off of hall of fame mythic plus results. “Oh. Out of the top 100 guilds to clear X raid only 10 of them were alliance. THERE IS A FACTION IMBALANCE!” Those same players dont actually consider that there are tons of players who dont raid or do mythic plus. A ton of alliance players role play or sit in goldshire all day.
Ion has already stated that the factions are actually fairly balanced. There are just far less max level alliance players pushing endgame content.

So my point is just about every point made in the forums is anecdotal…

it’s literally all the same people.

Go on either side and you’ll hear the same complaints about how they never win and how this faction sucks

Most of those “Horde” Hall of Fame guilds are Alliance character heavy these days, to boot.

The idea of a “guild’s faction” is irrelevant these days. I’m the GM of my guild. My guild is a Horde guild, because I moved a Horde alt of mine to the GM spot when I race-changed to Alliance, since you can’t race-change as a guildmaster unless you pay for a guild faction change.

Cross-faction has made everything all screwball. It’s so screwball that the people posting in threads like this don’t even understand that they don’t understand what they’re talking about.

Yet your title and assertion in your OP sound like you think it’s more than anecdote. You mentioned getting KSM before - is that your gauge for what you consider “average skill level”?

My idea for an average skill level is just knowing how to execute your rotation. Not saying flawlessly, but adequate enough to be competitive with most players. Like for instance, I once ran an m+ in shadowlands with an destro lock who refused to use chaos bolt because they said they didn’t like the ability. And a general knowledge of how mechanics work. Not how each mechanic works, but like knowing not to stand in crap and what not.

And you think there’s real differences in skill levels between present day alliance and horde players? What do you consider a “horde” or “alliance” player? Someone who exclusively plays that faction? Because Brewa up there is alliance, right? Or is he horde because he was mostly horde on that monk? What about all the top key runners these days? Many of them use to be horde but are now alliance. Do you categorize them by which faction they spent the most time on even if they’re presently playing majority alliance?

I would assert that factions are pretty meaningless these days. Maybe it mattered before DF introduced cross-faction grouping, but it’s fairly meaningless now.

Somebody with a definite preference to playing one or the other, if Blizzard would pull its head out of its rear.

I’d lump all of us as Horde players, despite Blizzard’s massive Alliance favoritism and design of encounters that require an Alliance racial. Blizzard’s stupidity and arrogance don’t negate that many of us are Horde players at heart.