And that’s fine. I get that completely. My question is specifically to OP who is suggesting skill is associated with faction. I’m asking him for clarification as to how he determines a player’s faction for his “stats” when he claims the average alliance player is less skilled. Because at first glance, that would include you and a great many of the best pve players in the world lol.
I don’t think anyone can reasonably dispute the following:
- Faction populations have, historically, been roughly the same.
- The RP population is overwhelmingly Alliance and always has been.
- Given 1 & 2, that puts the non-RP population more in Horde’s favor.
Which, by the way, brings up an important point:
Why doesn’t anybody ever talk about how Blizzard needs to attract more people to Horde role-playing?
Didn’t you literally make this same thread twice?
Anyway, it’s funny coming upon it after I did a +5 all horde group on a 440 ret paladin and I was the only one to consistently do the most dps whereas everyone else was barely breaking 30k consistently.
I know Ion said the factions were historically balanced population-wise. He also admitted the devs screwed up years ago with racials and left those imbalanced racials for far too long, which lead to many end-game players migrating to horde and staying there (I’ve fully quoted him several times, years ago - not hunting that down again). They acknowledged it and that’s why we have cross-faction grouping now.
I feel like I saw a post not long ago encouraging more horde RPers to go to Moonguard. Despite preferring RP realms myself, I’m not sure it’s as popular as it used to be, just generally. I won’t claim to know why that is, but maybe it’s just more consolidated to Moonguard and Wyrmsrest.
OPs bringing the Alliance average down
Ion always tells the room what it wants to hear.
I’d put more faith into the “Horde racials were too powerful” trope if he - or ANYONE - could actually point me to what, where, and when these “powerful Horde racials” were.
I keep asking.
Nobody can ever tell me.
Why does it matter? Seriously.