Why is the average skill level of alliance players lower than horde players

Now let me start out by saying both sides have some great players and both sides have some bad players.

And I know this is going to trigger some alliance players. So my apologies if this triggers you.

But what I mean is in general I always find alliance players seem to have a lower skill level on average than horde players. Like in any group content whether it’s the world boss, open world content, random dungeons, etc, alliance players seem to have a harder time.

Now don’t use the excuse of “all good alliance players went horde back a few expansions ago.” With dragonflight a bunch of horde players went to alliance. Like the top guilds on thrall went alliance, Visions and Wizard and Monkeys.

Is it because a lot of alliance players don’t care to do endgame content? Like I know a ton of them sit in goldshire all day. So when they do some endgame stuff they just don’t really know what they’re doing?

I’m curious about what your thoughts are on the matter. And how we could get alliance players to play better.

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This post is totally not biased in any fashion of a sense. Totally on the horde is always better then alliance on any level of biasness.


The things you listed aren’t even endgame content.


So there was this theory that certain choices create a certain demographic and that a faction with monsters would have more hardcore players and that the good races like elves, humans and dwarves would attract more roleplayers. But really it’s just that the whole pve mythic raid scene switched to Horde slowly overtime.

With cross-faction some top players are switching back to Alliance because the racials are op but still mainly playing in Horde guilds.

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You can’t cancel out something when it’s true. They switched for racials some time ago and didn’t come back. Some guilds may have come back to alliance but majority stayed horde.


“All good alliance players went horde a few expansions ago” is the answer you are looking for though even if you don’t want to hear it. In legion blood elves were m+ meta due to having an aoe silence racial, and blizzard didn’t fix the faction gap in time for horde to be the defacto mythic raid faction for US servers. And it isn’t that alliance racials were worse at a certain point it was more a matter of the meta problem where more people played high end pve on horde so if you want to have an easier time getting into high end pve its best to be horde snowballing out of control.


It’s called individual perspective.
I came here to ask you why the Horde players are exactly the same in my gaming world.


As someone who does mythic plus I would assume you would know what endgame content is. But it’s described as raiding, mythic plus, and rated pvp.

Which were none of the things you listed in your OP.


Horde has better racials for cutting edge raiding. That’s why the alliance could never fill their hall of fame.

Meanwhile alliance has better racials for m+. So you see a lot of competitive groups that contain as many night elves as possible.


Had. Most of the world first groups were dwarves.


Depends on how useful stoneform is in a season. This raid had a lot of debuffs stoneform could dispel.

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Even for last raid the recommendation was for blood dks to go dwarf as you needed to be dwarf to do some stuff on the last boss.

I would say that dwarf racial also has peaked for casters a lot, it’s the top for a lot of classes or close to. And the defensive ability is just too good, and probably should get nerfed.

Honestly curious: do you have any evidence/data of this or is this purely anecdotal?

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Several reasons for this. There are a lot more horde players than alliance players, cross faction was added because of this huge imbalance. The horde had better racials in PvE for a long time which forced a lot of top guilds to go horde, this lead to more good players going horde because that is where you had the higher likelihood of playing with good players, so that just stayed as the raiding faction since wotlk and was made worse when guilds like Method went horde in pandaria and it has only snowballed since then.

It’s all anecdotal to me because I see only 0.1% of the players.

I routinely run into Alliance in all content totally and unequivocally dominating. For me, they are the superior faction and Warmode is Ally Mode.

Also, players have alts. To be competitive, is to hedge your bets against all odds.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Because young gamers like the aggressive, “cool looking”, savage races, while families like the clean, civilized, “family friendly” races.

So the people who tend to gravitate more toward The Horde are typically more “hardcore” while The Alliance are typically more “casual”.

There was also a move years ago that pushed a lot of high level Alliance guilds to The Horde. And they stayed there. So now, I think there’s this stigma that The Horde is somehow better than The Alliance at raiding.

Yes all we do is play pet battles and host karaoke nights at goldshire


Why is the average skill level of alliance players lower than horde players

Why? because a lot of horde transferred to alliance when cross faction became available.

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I’m curious what he feels skill is related to. Dps numbers? Doing mechanics? Having representation in high end leaderboards?

He just sais “they have a hard time” and leaves it at that.