Why is the average skill level of alliance players lower than horde players

You know Alliance was on top for over 10 to 12 years… so for more than half the life of the game.

In Vanilla, TBC and WotLK and possibly Cata…Alliance had ruled all.

Is the Petting Zoo Army happy that all the people came over to horde to follow the top guilds in the race for world first, since at that time, Horde racials were 1% better?

It’s the other way around, though. Good players went Alliance for racials and it trickles down.

I think the pre made horde players are better but the Q horde casuals are worst

but that’s exactly what happened. people who wanted to mythic raid largely went horde, because that’s where the population was. it was a snowball effect.

you sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending facts aren’t facts doesn’t make them not facts.

none of the above is content that matters, nor can you in any way prove your assertation taht alliance struggles with it.

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Ion confirmed this as well a few years ago, I think maybe during BFA or SL.


There was never a Horde racial that “trivialized” a mechanic in a raid, unless you want to count BE’s on Zul, but you could do the same with Mass Dispel, and Zul was more about stacking Rogue alts anyway.

However, currently, there actually ARE racials that don’t just trivialize Mythic boss mechanics, but outright remove them: Stoneform & Fireblood. Which is why you see so many Dwarf rerolls, these days.

14 Dwarves on RWF Fyrakk

“swung back a bit”


It flipped from 52/48 Alliance/Horde to 48/52.

“Mass exodus”.


I don’t know what I’m doing even in LFR and I have several alliance toons. Several horde as well though, my infection I be spreadin’ it.

There had been more Horde raiding guilds than Alliance since Burning Crusade.

The “panic” in BfA was entirely because of the stupid Hall of Fame, since people who didn’t even raid suddenly felt embarrassed about their faction and decided they “needed” to play Horde because “it’s the only way you can find dungeon groups” and other nonsense.

There were plenty of Alliance Mythic and CE raiding guilds in BfA/Shadowlands.

A lot of the guilds that did flip from Alliance to Horde “because we have to” ended up having worse progression as Horde after they switched.

Try closer to 43/57 Alliance/Horde from that correct start. In 1 single expac. If that’s not a mass exodus I don’t know what is.

Yep. If that keeps up for the next 8 years, we’ll be about even.


That’s exactly what I was thinking.

I’m curious why a player who can hardly clear +2’s in time saying anyone else needs to play better.

checks pvp leaderboards

Well it looks like blue is winning. Massively.

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Does alliance win pvp 95% of the time?

Wish I was in your world because we horde lose AV all the time. Thats not counting other BGs

But who was confirmation bias

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Which Mythic fight did you do where it would have been trivialized by a Horde racial?

Blue was winning the PvP leaderboards even back when “everybody had to play Horde”.

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I wish I could remember the WG plaque on my first realm, Kargath. The Alliance had like 3.27x as many victories as the Horde

During Warlords of Draenor, almost all the PvPers rerolled Alliance. This resulted in massively long queue times for Alliance for bg’s (because so many were trying to squeeze into them against the paltry number of Horde PvPers) that Blizzard invented mercenary mode so Alliance players could queue as Horde.

We also had win/loss data back then (before Blizzard choked off that part of the API) and Alliance had 80% win rates across most bg maps.

It’s very imbalanced, that’s not even a question. There are far less alliance players in general. When Ion gives no actual numbers you can’t go off of anything he says for PR purposes “close” can be a 60/40, you aren’t going off of anything when he says something like that. There is just a far smaller pool of players on alliance side, so the cross faction stuff needed to be added so alliance players can have access to more end game options. This is the main reason they are looking to just get rid of the faction system as the player base keeps shrinking, faster on the alliance side.

When both Blizzard and the most reliable data (which was realmpop) both point to a roughly 50/50 split, it’s not imbalanced.