Why is the average skill level of alliance players lower than horde players

Well gnomes and mechagnomes do more often drown than most.

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That’s actually not entirely true.

Ion said the factions are actually fairly balanced population wise. Where the problem is endgame balance. There are just far less alliance players doing the three pillars of endgame content compared to horde players. More so in raiding and m+. A lot of alliance players role play, farm old content, mounts, sit in goldshire all day, etc. the cross faction was added to help the fewer alliance players that do endgame stuff.

Ion sais a lot of things. Doesn’t mean they’re true. If you use sites that calculate the population of active characters and not total characters, you’ll see that there’s a large imbalance favoring Horde.

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Top guilds switched for racials. Everyone else switched for the larger pool of better and likeminded players.

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I’ve played on both sides a lot over the years. During those years I’ve noticed:

  • alliance players often say that alliance players in battlegrounds are awful and always lose
  • horde players say that HORDE players in bgs are awful and always lose

This usually happens when someone is on a team that isn’t winning. I think that the reality is unknowable–there’s not really any way to measure this beyond anecdotal evidence. People are quick to judge others when things don’t go their way.

Battlegrounds is really just an example–this happens for other endgame content as well.

Yes, I’m one of them. But it’s purely because Stoneform/Fireblood are by far the most powerful racials in the game’s history, given current encounter design.

Doesn’t mean I like playing Alliance; I don’t.

Doesn’t mean I play with other Alliance players; I don’t. I play exclusively with my guild, who are either (a) still Horde, or (b) Alliance, but also only play with the guild.

Horde players, flipping to Alliance because Alliance racials are massively overpowered, does not make more people to group with other Alliance players.

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That is also PR, he said they are kind of close, but 65/35 is actually a huge gap, even 60/40 is gigantic, but he is a lawyer so 20 points difference to one person might be kind of close. That is why before this alliance were struggling to be able to even get mythic+ groups and why the alliance couldn’t complete the 100 mythic raid clears until months after the horde did, they had to add cross faction because the imbalance was so bad.

That’s my point. Actual population wise it’s not imbalanced. It’s imbalanced at endgame activities. There are just far less alliance players actually raiding or doing m+. Like I said a lot of alliance players don’t care to do those things. Which they have every right to say. A lot of them are fine role playing and farming transmogs for their subscription.

My whole point to my post was how can we get those alliance players to engage in more endgame activities.

I’m pretty sure the Horde numbers would be higher if it wasn’t for my herd bringing it down.

Yes, let’s use websites that haven’t actually worked since bfa I think because blizz took out the ability to actively track those statistics. And go against someone who actually has the data.

the correct answer

Because alliance begins with A and Horde begins with H and H is later down the alphabet meaning it takes more skill to get there.


Horde racials were better for better for raiding, so everyone migrated there. They might be more balanced now but you wouldn’t migrate back if they’re balanced, only if there was an advantage to.

Horde is also just ‘edgier.’ Gaming nerds like to feel edgy.

It’s real and it’s not because Alliance players are naturally bad. Horde racials were stupidly OP for years and years, to the point where they could actually trivialize mechanics in raids (though it’s actually swung back a bit), which lead to everyone serious about progression to switch Horde.

That had a gradual knockdown effect until most players serious about progression went Horde.

There was also a mass exodus of Alliance players to Horde in BFA, I think in part due to the story telling (Alliance basically got their asses kicked in the intro to BFA and one of their races genocided. Who wants to play on the loser faction in a 2 faction mmo?). That combined with the later release of Vulpera was the nail in the coffin, I think - after that, Alliance legit did not have enough players to progress and were only playing with a fraction of the community, leading to Cross-Faction.

In NA, it was like 28% Alliance/72% Horde for PvP realms, and not much better in PvE

Only my opinion, but I’d wager that the majority of Alliance players (and probably most of the Horde as well) actually enjoy the game more, regardless of their actual or perceived ‘skill level’. The players who pursue optimization as a goal often end up sucking the fun out of the game they’re trying to optimize, whether intentional or not.

Stop caring so much about how you (and especially others) are playing and you’ll probably have more fun overall.

I don’t know about end-game content (I’m Horde only there) … but after running alts through LFR all night I will say the Alliance groups had a lot more Derpy-Dans. The Horde groups maybe had more Frustrated-Fannies though.

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You jest, but the alliance does have a much heavier presence in the RP scene than horde does.


These seem like iron-clad facts.

Yup. Pretty much this. This is what I experience on both sides as well.

Horde has more try-hards
Alliance has more people not knowing what to do

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Proportionally more male players on Horde.
cash me outside