Why Is Striving For Exellence Looked Down Upon In GD?


Only an academic difference. I’ve literally never seen anyone respond positively to either A or B. Because they would rather keep stubbornly doing it wrong than ever admit they were doing it wrong.


I certainly can’t argue that. I’ve seen it, too. I suppose I should’ve said that the first response is more likely to get a positive reaction than the second.

People dont get called out for “striving for excellence” until they start ranting about removing something. Like: “LFR ruins everything, delete it” or “WF/TF makes me feel bad” or the standard “Casuals dont deserve any gear progression”.
Avoid doing that and no one should say boo. (There will always be trolls but “Hordies”, what can you do :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:)
I applaud all those who run high keys or kill mythic bosses; I sure dont have that kind of dedication. But just because you like the game hardcore doesn’t mean everybody else does.

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Definitely a good thing they created the Mythic raids and mythic+ dungeons to push the envelope on peoples in game abilities.

I think the worst of it is that it goes the other way… it can be a circle of disdain. Hardcore rag on the noobs and the noobs rag on the hardcore.

You see this right here? This is what people are talking about when they use words like toxic or elitist. You are making massive assumptions here. You are assuming that everyone wants to be at the ‘top’.

That is a position of arrogance. What you are saying here is “I am the best and anyone else who isn’t as good is just lazy and jealous and they hate me because I am the best”. This is toxicity.


I’ve whispered folks to utilize [x] ability more to make my job [healer] easier. I think they know better than to talk back because I’ve not had much issue with making the comment.

Especially when I request folks to interrupt more.

No, I’m not.

I’m not saying everyone acts like this, nor am I saying that everyone wants to be a world first mythic raider.

YOU are making that assumption. YOU are reading what YOU want into what I wrote… and thereby accidentally proving my point for me.

Not everyone acts this way, but MANY, MANY people do.

You said it!

I’ve been called both. And you know how I post here with trying to engage in conversation with facts, sources and personal experience rather than my own feelings.

I’ve seen this maybe five times in my years of playing WoW since BC. I’ve seen more jealous people using this rare occurrence as a high horse to get what they want in the game easier, though.


Personal character flaws.

People may be in need of some self reflection.

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Definitely. I have been called elitist… the person that has not raided above LFR in like 4 years because I said something about the game should stop throwing out high level gear like tic tacs.

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The bolded part of your quote is the only one that’s NOT a D-bag personal opinion. Statements like the first two are the ones that others react negatively towards, with legitimate reason. If everyone proposing “excellence” used the same tone as the last bit, things would be a little better overall.


no one is against trying to be good. it’s the people that are trying to be good that crap on the people who aren’t good who get ridiculed.

Striving for success isn’t looked down upon. Snide, demeaning, elitism and a gross disconnect from reality is looked down upon. As long as you don’t do that, people aren’t talking about you.

Then you need to learn how to get your point across better.

Because this right here.

Is implying that you are talking about everyone.

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You haven’t seen the multitudes of threads about welfare gear, casuals wrecking the game, benthic noob gear etc?

Why is that beating down? That sounds like things concerned with the design of the game and reward/effort ratio.

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I’ll find some of the quotes for you. It’ll take a bit to compile it all.

It isn’t.

Elitism is frowned upon, striving to better yourself is not.