Why Is Striving For Exellence Looked Down Upon In GD?

Uh, it’s not them shoving people into it… it’s Blizzard.

Different strokes for different folks, Blizzard caters to them so they are equally at fault.

(@ Auto Moderator: I refrained from initially saying Blizzard due to the magical new rule.)

Blizzard caters to Blizzard’s bottom line… no more no less. It’s unwise to blame your fellow players for Blizzard’s decisions. It diverts accountability from where it should be.

I tried that route too. Maybe I can try taking that route again?

Maybe. :slight_smile: Sorry if it feels like I am attacking you personally… I am not meaning to it’s just a REALLY HUGE pet peeve with me when we snipe at each other for things we should probably all be holding Blizzard responsible for.

I think I can rephrase it.

Blizzard invests too much in the World First Race/MDI/Etc. and it hurt the game by shoving people into that when they are not capable of doing it.

That’s probably more fair :slight_smile:

Because it takes effort.

Some people think that they deserve things despite being unwilling to put in the work.

Because they are unwilling to put in the work they hate on those that do put in the work.

Because it generally turns into a rant on removing content from the game.

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Who thinks that? Did anyone ever tell you that or are you just making an assumption?

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I honestly envy you if you have never met anyone in your life that thinks that way.

Lots of people are entitled and believe that they deserve anything that they desire.

I’m not talking about real life, I’m talking about this game.

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People are people. There are people inside the game that feel that way just as much as there are those in the real world that do.

Did they tell you that?

People normally do not confess their sins, but nonetheless they are rather easy to pick up on. You’ve seriously never seen anyone say “I pay the same sub so I should get …”? Really?

Comes in different forms for different reasons. People have seen me in threads a lot talking about how I dislike WF / TF, and about how I think people should seek to better themselves. Because of this, and because I am blunt with people, I sometimes get the toxic / elitest tag thrown around about me.

Sometimes it boils down to just personal dislike, and sometimes people try to come up with reasons why people shouldn’t seek to achieve something by belittling the achievements of others. I’ll never understand it personally. Striving to excel should always be something people seek to do. Seeking to become better players is something no one should be turned away from. For me, this is a hobby. And I would personally like to be good at my hobbies.

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You are the bestest though Shadina!

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You flattuh me. But there are people who would argue otherwise, I’m sure.

Well they are just wrong. :stuck_out_tongue: I get you though since our personalities seem to be pretty similar.

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