Why Is Striving For Exellence Looked Down Upon In GD?

Heh, that is cute.

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I’m out of edits due to “circumstances,” otherwise I would have just edited this into my previous post:

I’d only add that in my experience, there will be some pushback regardless. The most well-written forum posts, for example, edited for clarity and tone, re-read and re-checked for word choice, so that you absolutely, positively took a neutral tone and steered clear of ad hominems will still get at least one flippant “wall of text crits for 4351234…” response.

This is mirrored in-game. Example? People talking about pet collections. “I have 100!”. “Cool, I have 535!” “Right on, I have 650.”

Then I pipe up, “I’ve spent a lot of time collecting pets, and I have 1120.”

“Man you spend too much time here, don’t you have a job?”

Stuff like that.

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Not many are willing to admit this in public, so +1.

I can be blunt at times. What is obvious to me, may not be obvious to someone else, and vice-versa.

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Heh. Twisting my post into an “LFR is good or bad” argument misses the point entirely. In this “Why look down (not hate, another twist) on players who strive” thread, my point is that striving is just not enough to satisfy many of you. Most of you. I include you, since you choose to defend these elitists. What we look down on is your attitude that you are the arbiters of what is good or bad for the rest of us because you have been there and done “that”, whatever “that” may be. (Raider? Been there, done that. Woop te doo.) LFR can go to blazes for all I care, but don’t try to take it and expect me to say thanks. Same with “Welfare” epics. You are not qualified to decide what is good for me or anyone else, or what I need or deserve, and the fact you think you are irks me to the bone and always will. I don’t like bullies. I don’t like the “haves” trying to push me around and telling me it’s good, and that I have more than I deserve.

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Like 6%+ damage across your entire raid makes or breaks killing Ashvane which is why a VAST majority of guilds are stuck on her. People talking about “feelings” over a “1% upgrade” have no idea what a hard dps check is.

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New one for me. I thought being casual was the biggest bad?

I think most people just want to be left long to do their thing, whatever that might be. It’s when people come stirring the pot and getting the reaction they expect then they step back and acted all shocked. It goes in both directions.


There is a difference between an Elite player and an Elitist.

The people you describe being frowned on are Elitists.

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I know this is going to come across as harsh, but your entire post can be refuted with a bit of “copypasta”.

So…Rokjuro… buddy…I think we’re done here.


Look, I get it. You’re frustrated, and you’re trying to foist upon me attitudes, opinions, and arguments I don’t have. You’re doing this because you think anger is a proper substitute for logic; you believe that if you’re upset enough, offended enough, you don’t have to defend your position.

However, 1) logic exists apart from your feelings about it, and 2) no one, in the grand scheme of things, is attacking YOU PERSONALLY. All I did was ask you to explain an analogy you made, and you jumped to, “OMGZ, HE’S QUESTIONING ME WHAT A JERK RAAAWR!!!”.

Moreover, all you’re anger is simply justifying my earlier point.

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I’m totally rocking out to this now.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Nothing wrong with striving for excellence. What’s bad is when those on the top are putting down those on the bottom who may be trying, but are struggling.

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Not frustrated, or angry, this is pretty entertaining. This is just an internet argument, one of my many hobbies. You can’t ever win, can’t ever convince anyone ever. Just understand, I’ll never accept anyone ever deciding what is right for me or even thinking they have that right quietly. If all I can do is speak up, I will. If that makes me the bad guy C’est la vie. Been there, done that too.


That’s fine, but I’m not sure that is what is happening here.

People will debate topics, and some people have better perspectives on those topics than others. The merits of any system are open to analysis.

People aren’t targeting you, specifically.

Need aotc, IO score, pvp rating…

The classic community will figure out how to gatekeep.

Apparently we are. Who Knew?

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You think they would really give out a weapon that invalidated the drops from the new world boss and the first PvP reward just for basically entering a zone?

Nobody expected it to go live.


It was a joke. :blush:

I think the issue really is that players who strive for excellence often put down those who do not play for that reason by calling them bad or lazy. This has created a real backlash.

WoW, like most hobbies, can be something you work at or something you just do for fun to chill. Neither approach is wrong.

I write. I don’t do it for fun. . .I WORK at it. This does not mean I sneer at people who write stories for fun.

This game would be better if we stopped insisting that everyone play the same way.


Oh, apologies then.

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I agree with this.

The reasoning is Pro Casual Consumption Methods/Options.

Specifically: I wish the “git gud” crowd would stop shoving people into M+/Raids/Rated PVP for the best rewards like they have since…forever.