Why is Saurfang portrayed as the good guy?

Yea, well. They will surely keep the Saurfang being sad story open and continue it. I just hope they don’t completely forgot about why he became sad in the first place.


Honestly, me too. I also hope he doesn’t DIE (as selfish as that may seem coming from a person that does still likes him). The messages of his REALLY expensive cinematics are: “Live Another Day” (Old Soldier); “I cannot clean up YOUR mess alone” (Lost Honor); and “We Don’t Get to Hide”(Safe Haven). On top of this Saurfang’s obsessive fixation on following in his Son and Brother’s footsteps is part of what blinded him so much that he got on board with this war.

Bluntly, this conflict cannot result in giving him what he wanted from it in the first place. He cannot get his Warrior’s Death, that would be akin to hiding from his mistakes (and forcing others to clean up his messes). He NEEDS to live out the rest of his life in service to his people; and penance for those he’s wronged … even if NEs would rather have his skull right now. Even if he can NEVER earn forgiveness for his actions and mistakes … he NEEDS to at least try for as long as he can.


Imo, what you have here is a set up for a “Galadriel” type moment.

Maybe I am overly optimistic, but I am guessing Blizzard really is trying to tell a different story than MoP - but they are failing to get that across.

I have suggested this a few times. We all tend to repeat ourselves from time to time. But:

This could be a build up to Sylvanas getting the chance to have everything she wanted - and refusing it for a greater good.

I can see a moment where the Horde is victorious. They conquer Stormwind. She has the whole of its populace ready to be put to the sword and raised as her army.

But… something changes her mind.

To the surprise of everyone, she spares the living, and claims only the corpses of the fallen defenders and the Graveyards.

The peace deal could be:

“The dead are mine, little lion, but I will spare your living. The Horde may require your Alliance forces in the Wars to come. But - the Shattered Mask must fly high over Stormwind, and be raised above its hearth. As a constant reminder of the Horde’s mercy. And a reminder of the Horde’s fury when threatened.”

The Horde wins a peace on its terms. Which is what her stated goal was to Saurfang. She settles for the goal - instead of complete power and conquest.

Like Galadriel refusing the ring.


Yup, he wanted his honor back, but in order for that to happen he’d not only feel sorry for what he did, but act on it. It’s kind of like Prince Zuko from Avatar (if you watched that), he should be on his knees and apologize to night elven people, and then be part of helping them rebuild their civilization.

Knowing Blizzard we can guess how likely that is, though. It will all end up with Saurfang and Sylvanas both being redeemed for reasons that have nothing to do with Teldrassil. They don’t write these kind of stories


Technically, abandoning the field of combat to save yourself after telling the Alliance you’d cover them may not fall within “upholding honor.” We don’t really know what Varian’s meaning of honor is any more than we really understand what Saurfang’s meaning of honor is, either, though.

Even more technicalities arise from now learning that Vol’jin might have been mentally manipulated even before he was stabbed at the Broken Shore, as this is the same Vol’jin:

    Vol'jin says: Ain't no other way, mon. We gotta stop Garrosh here an' now, else we be runnin' the rest of our lives.

Strangely, I agree. I agree with Amadis’ original concept where Saurfang IS put in a position where the NE Patriarch and Matriarch have authority over him; and they not only spare him but ALSO make their expectations of him VERY apparent. They expect him to TRY to redeem himself; not just to the Kaldorei (but also to his people). Even if he can NEVER actually accomplish that redemption, the expectation is that he try (and the NEs were put in such a position of power to demand that expectation of him … as well as grant him that “mercy”).

As for Sylvanas … I hope the NEs get her head lol. Or, at the very least (if her plot still takes precedence) … let them get her last remaining extra life and make her REALLY sweat.


I’ll say it before, I’ll say it again. Vol’jin’s personal side-story is THE single most interesting narrative on the Horde side right now. What severed his connection to the Loa to kill him? What has enough power to even DO that to someone as in tune with the Loa as Jin? WHY did they want Sylvanas in the Warchief spot (was it because they believed she’d start this conflict)? Above all, what is Vol’jin’s fate going forward … what is he becoming?

Its quite the little mystery.


Getting her head would be lovely… but it wouldn’t even be enough…

At this point though, I’d be happy if night elves even get mentioned in future patches. If they are not going to give us something that would hurt the (evil) horde, it would atleast be nice if we got something to rebuild the night elven race.
It could be a new capital city with children etc. to show that they are repopulating, but what am I even thinking? We all know how it’s going to end.


I think that’s not even the most important thing. The first important thing is to get their racial pride back which they started to lose since cataclysm where they were abused to give humans some material.


Which is weird since Sylvanas has not been raising a whole lot of people just a handful. She did a lot more in Cata Silverpine than this whole expansion.

Xal’atath, N’zoth and Azerite had something to say about that.

Sylvanas is trying to save us all. She’s such an awesome bad girl gone good.


Or she’s feeding the majority of the souls lost in this war to the Crows waiting at the bottom of the cliff she led her blind-sheep off of. :wink:


Something is gobbling up our souls and taking them to the same place Sylvanas went when she committed suicide. She’s trying to prevent that.

You will be thanking her when its all said and done.


You mean the very same something that severed Vol’jin’s links to the Loa; ensured he was blind to deathblow by trashmob; and mind garbled him in a VERY Ner’zhul sort of way so he’d choose Sylvanas as his replacement? Yes, something tells me that whatever THAT entity is … they are doing nothing but profiting from Sylvie’s current actions.

EDIT: Also, considering BOTH Vol’jin and Illidan were shown to haven gotten stolen from their destined “afterlife” … how much you want to bet that the place Sylvie went WAS a real place; but was NOT her destined eternity? She’s an unwitting pawn in somebody else’s game; just like the Horde and Forsaken are pawns in her’s.


Such a kind, gentle, benevolent queen! The Horde is so ungrateful!


Victory for Sylvanas!

Should we even consider Saurfang and the Baine types Horde? I see them and all I see is Alliance.

People have been asking for that thing for how long? Anti Sylvanas super fans have come and gone and that thing is still attached to her shoulders, she’s still holding it down for the Horde.

Zerde has been around for a while, how long have anti Sylvanas fans been drooling at the thought of her head on a pike? A decade?


Pretty sure she’s died three times at this point. Hell, she probably never takes off that hood because she’d hate for us to see that gaping hole in the back of her skull from Godfrey’s gun.


I think the real difference is that Iroh is a mentor character, whereas Saurfang has never had anyone to mentor. I don’t recall Iroh having a lot of “big hero” moments independent of his role in pushing Zuko to do better.

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Six years for me:

I’m still here. Still will be calling for Sylvanas’ head for however many more years it takes.

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Oh yea I will be thanking her for saving those 10 that are left of my people.

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