Why is Saurfang portrayed as the good guy?


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/bpkhtu/blizzard_dev_voice_do_you_think_if_we_keep/

Blizzard keeps throwing cinematics at him, to make people feel bad and support the guy, but I don’t see why?

He feels bad because he was the reason why the genocide happened in the first place. He was the one who planned the war, he is part of the bad guys. He is the reason for several thousands of innocent deaths.

Why does Blizzard suddenly portray him as the perfect honorable horde soldier? In the Battle of Lordaeron, he wanted a honorable death through the hands of the alliance, but at that point, his honor was already long lost after the events of Teldrassil.

Even if his rebellion succeeds and we get rid of Sylvanas, there is still a lot he’d have to do before he could be forgiven. Before his rebellion and the alliance can work together, he should be on his knees and apologize or something.

Also side question: Why does only the horde get cinematics? Did they only burn Teldrassil so they could make Cinematics about Saurfang being sad :frowning: ?


Youll get cinematics next expansion when Tyrande leaves the Alliance, at lesst thats what I think so because Blizz said that the Alliance would have its conflict.

But yeah I agree, I dont think hes the good guy, hes the sorry guy if hes self aware. Zekhan is a good guy, Thrall mostly ish kinda, Saurfang, no xD.

Hope he dies taking down Sylvanas in mak’gora because he is guilty like her, he just didn’t burn the tree himself.


they were probably talking about the things that already happened when tyrande and anduin argued about teldrassil.

Yea that sums it up pretty well. Saurfang can’t restore his honor by just serving the horde at this point, imo.

Yup he set everything up for her to do the final blow, as if it wasn’t predictable. I wish that he either gets killed off or shows true regret and is willing to act on it.


Oh hopefully he regrets is. We forget a lot that because this game is an MMO and not a tv series we get the story in the slowest and most spaced out chunks that we can, and we never hear character monologues or thoughts. If this WERE a tv show and he didn’t feel regret for it then it’d be concerning. I figure he HAS to feel regret if not, then that’s just very poorly written.


Well the best thing they could probably do at this point his let him kill sylvanas with his rebellion and the alliance and then perhaps make him part of helping the night elves rebuild their civilization when they are actually going the way of making peace between the alliance and the horde. It is not his definition of honor of slaying alliance, but imo the only way his honor could be restored. (prince zuko vibes here).

But I really doubt blizzard will be going in any good direction with their story…


Have hope my devolved troll (sorry not sorry xD). And yeah like idk hopefully, also don’t worry about the night elves, I know every night elf player is angry right now but your time will come eventually.

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My guess? Blizz is tone deaf or does not care. They have their fantasy and it will be so.

Blizz wanted to make the Horde the bad guys - but this time with some soul searching to heighten the “drama”.

Blizzard decided to make the only Female ever to lead one of the two Playable Factions an insane irrational leader. They also decided to have the wise and experienced Male under that Female’s command refuse to serve under her.

That older, experienced Male (Saurfang) unites with the Naive and trusting youthful Male (Anduin) to take down the evil Female.

WoW has basically become a story of how women are crazy and evil and they must be brought to heel by Old Men and bratty boys. The cinematics double down on that aesthetic.

Jaina going nuts and trying to destroy Orgrimmar, until she is talked down by Kalec, was a precursor to this. Along with the “hush Tyrande” moment.


I believe that they knew Teldrassil wasn’t going to be universally welcomed by the Horde player base but were set in stone to nuke it. Thus instead of focusing on somewhere who wasn’t there reacting to it like Baine, they decided to focus on Saurfang since he was there. This allowed them to show not all the Horde was happy with the Teldrassil camp fire, seeded rebellion against Sylvanas story line, and was at attempt by Blizzard to show that they were not going to sweep aside Teldrassil.

And I say attempt because Teldrassil is barely mentioned Horde side. Which gives the impression that they kind of will sweep, especially since the schism within the Horde breaking into the open was started with Derek’s resurrection.


I still lol at the tone-deaf nature of this.


Blessedwords at it again I see. Love how the self-made woman who is elevated to power based off her own actions will be cast down by a conveniently placed male rival who is depicted as more deserving in every way and a spoiled brat who got handed his position because daddy was king. Truly progressive and revolutionary Blizz.:roll_eyes:


Burning Crusade: Male Villain
Wrath of the Lich King: Male Villain
Cataclysm: Male Villain
Mists of Pandaria: Male Villain
Warlords of Draenor: Male Villain
Legion: Male Villain
Battle for Azeroth: Female Villain (maybe)

“Oh my god, Blizzard hates women!”


Yeah I don’t hate Saurfang as a character, but he’s basically ThrallLite.

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That’s not really the point to be honest. Female villains are fine. Azshara is my favorite character in the game and she is not a good guy by any stretch of the imagination.

The issue is that one of the playable factions gets a female leader for the first time in 15ish years and the writers immediately set off on ascribing every negative stereotype about female leaders to her complete with a more deserving man standing right behind her. I don’t think Blizzard hates women, I think this storyline has a lot of gross undertones to it and that’s Blizzard’s fault for writing it like this.


Yes. He misses the point that this is the leader of a Playable Faction. The first female leader of one of the two Playable Factions in the 15 year history of the game.

In BtS, Sylvanas even has that small “girl power!” thought for a brief moment. It is not about Female Villains. Azshara is a good one. We have had Lady Prestor and the Blood Queen and others.

The OP asked about Blizzard’s portrayal of Saurfang as the good guy… his foil is Warchief Sylvanas of the Horde. The first female leader of one of the Playable Factions is shown as antagonizing this supposed “hero” of 3 cinematics.

The OP has an interesting question. And my answer is: Blizz is tone deaf to the product they release.

I agree that Saurfang’s portrayal as some hero falls flat. I think Teldrassil was received poorly. And I think the handling of the first female leader of a playable Faction was basically a Misogynists Nocturnal Emissions made manifest.


Y’know, if Jaina was the crazy High Queen of the Alliance, I don’t think we’d hear a peep from you.


In my first post in this thread, I mentioned Jaina’s attempted destruction of Orgrimmar as symptomatic of this tone deafness among Blizzard.

The Woman gets emotional and genocidal until some man she loves calms her down and puts her in her place.

I also mentioned the “hush Tyrande” moment.

So I think my opinion is consistent despite the Faction.


Yeah, I’m callin’ BS. There’s an actual discussion to be had about what you’re saying, but you of all people aren’t the one to have it. I think you’re just latching onto something for brownie points because it happens to coincide with something you were already upset about. You didn’t care about this stuff then, and I doubt you do now.

You are a poor fake.


It makes as much sense as “Oh my god, all the leaders are women this expansion! SJWs are ruining WoW!” Which you know has also been spewed on the forums.

Both takes are equally stupid, IMO. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, not a conspiracy.


Luckily your opinion is merely a punch line.

If you concocted some personal idea of me - go with that. Heck if I care. I am happy to discuss this topic with others who are less willfully ignorant.

I think you must have some severe degree of brain damage if you think brownie points on the forums are a thing I would seek. To what end?

Yeah. Like you called some other poster who talked about being a Marine a fake. You are basically just ignorant and you call things you can not comprehend “fake.”

If you can not fathom it - it is fake!

At this point, being called fake by you is an affirmation.


Point blank? Because that’s how the writers see him. They see him as an orc being an orc, not someone complicit in genocide, because that’s not the war he was sold (which I agree with, but i understand why a lot of you don’t).

Just like they don’t see the war of thorns as a war crime that deserved more than an indecisive batte at darkshore led by the still-warm corpses of former members of the alliance to avenge it (which in this instance, I do agree with the majority of you).

The writing is tone deaf. more at 11.