Thank you Blizzard

You’re welcome!

That reminds me:

    Sylvanas Windrunner: The Horde is nothing!
    Overlord Geya'rah: Keep an eye out for any who still obey Sylvanas!

    Overlord Geya’rah: And remember the lesson to be learned from her.
    Overlord Geya’rah: She was a strong warchief. She did whatever it took to achieve victory.
    Overlord Geya’rah: But she fought only for herself, not for the Horde!
    Overlord Geya’rah: We were nothing to her! She abandoned her own people!
    Overlord Geya’rah: A great leader must have more than strength.
    Overlord Geya’rah: They must be true to their people. They must live and die for them!
    Overlord Geya’rah: Do not forget this. We will not repeat Sylvanas’s mistakes!

For bonus points, Lady Liadrin:

    With Saurfang dead and Sylvanas... absent, Orgrimmar is without a warchief. Meanwhile, the threat of N'Zoth looms over us all. We mustn't allow Orgrimmar to descend into chaos.

    Remain vigilant for any signs of N’Zoth’s influence… along with any who cling to Sylvanas’s twisted ideals.