Why is Saurfang portrayed as the good guy?

One was a military installation full of troops that had been evacuated of civilians during a war between two groups.

The other was the forceful detention of an entire race for the actions of a few.

One was Pearl Harbor, one was the detainment of Japanese-americans during WW2.

They were both bad, for different reasons


Evacuated straight into Orgrimmar so they could fight their friends and loved ones to the death for the amusement of Horde races and or be target practice. :upside_down_face:


Oh boy, more debate about something thatā€™s been hotly debated for almost ten years at this point.

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Iā€™m not generalizing the horde to be like Erevian, although plenty are. Iā€™m much more into the comparison between him, and the OP. Because, ONE of those two is hyucked over, and spoken about like theyā€™re an actual boogey monster so much, that people who play her race and gender somehow need to be reminded of her, or even perhaps post like her. /gasp. Maybe evenā€¦it couldnā€™t be.

None of this gets us anywhere I donā€™t think. But, if someone is lying, they should at least be called out about it.


We can discuss ā€œjustified attacksā€ in a separate thread. Letā€™s bury Elesanaā€™s theme. Letā€™s wait for her official return.
At least I will hopefully.


The Purge of Dalaran was good. Dalaran belongs to High Elves and any Blood Elves staying in that city shouldā€™ve known what would happen to them. They gave their assistance to the enemy instead of helping their own people. It showed Aethas and his followers to be the morons theyā€™ve been for a long time. No Blood Elves should be in Dalaran as like no High Elves should be in Silvermoon.

Itā€™s as if they cut off your arms and sewed them onto our backs, thinking weā€™d like more arms, but they arenā€™t the skilled surgeons they think they are, nor do they know us well enough to know what weā€™d like, so now we have useless dead limbs attached to us thatā€™s slowly killing us while your still bleeding out on the table because they didnā€™t close your wounds properly.

Itā€™s an everybody loses situation. It makes no sense for us to argue with each other over what happened when we know the surgeon is the one responsible.


I mean, we know that, but itā€™s easy to forget it when the rivalry at the same time induces us to hate each other, and see fellow players as the enemy. Yes, I know that most Horde players didnā€™t want this. But itā€™s hard to sympathize with them sometimes when Iā€™ve constantly got about fifteen examples that Iā€™m remembering of people screaming ā€œYAAS QUEENā€ when Teldrassil was destroyed. Iā€™m sure it feels the same way for those on the other side when theyā€™re thinking about Alliance players who remind them that theyā€™re playing for the bad guys and retroactively twisting events as a way of calling people either stupid or evil for being surprised that the Horde would be presented that way.

Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong, because youā€™re right on the money. Iā€™m just aware of and pessimistic about the mental traps that got us here, and that prevent us from holding the surgeon responsible as opposed to going after each other.


I really did enjoy the whole premise of A Good War being the debate of if such a thing as a ā€œgoodā€ war even exists.

Is that Herman Munster?

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I think you project too much into the righteousness of the Night Elves, that you take a moment that may be a moment of victory to someone else personally because that moment victimized you personally. Thatā€™s not meant to be an insult just a real observation of you.

those 15 people were not personally cheering your downfall and thatā€™s something you are going to have to wrap your mind around. For what itā€™s worth a lot of the reactions I remember from that moment, even from Sylvanas fans was that it was meant to be a deep moment of loss and grief, she became the monster she fought against. Which is different than her moment of beating up Bolvar as the Lich King because her beating up the power that oppressed her was more justified than her punching down on the Night Elves.

But on the flipside, Tyrande becoming the Night Warrior had the same amount of conflict behind it, some people were like ā€œYass Queenā€ as she decapitated an orc and threw his head in a moonwell and other people were legitimately worried she went off the deep end. Itā€™s subjective.

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Iā€™m not sure where you get the idea of righteousness from, particularly when such a statement is at odds with what Iā€™ve actually proposed. Iā€™m upset over watching something that I got invested in be destroyed by the other faction for shock value, and then in watching fans of that faction rub my face in it. Itā€™s present. I canā€™t unsee it, I canā€™t unexperience it - even if again, I know that most Horde players did not and do not behave that way.

My point in bringing that up isnā€™t to say that mine is the only perspective of that event or that only it matters. My point is that this extremely negative emotion tends to sit in the back of my mind when speaking with Horde fans, however amicably that conversation may be. As I said and as I think you pointed out, mine isnā€™t the only negative emotion, and I see how that bubbles to the surface quite frequently in discussions that take place on these boards.

My point to Rathi is that these factors, factors built by Blizzardā€™s methods of constructing the story, frequently prevent people from holding the writers accountable, because itā€™s emotionally easier to cut to the supposed source of that ā€˜painā€™ - which is the other faction in a lot of cases.

That is not a statement about how things should be. Thatā€™s just my belief as to why things are the way they are.


I think you are right to be mad at Blizzard for doing this, and for putting all of us in this position were we had to pick a side and I know that it has brought out the worst in some people.

It brought out Erevien and they are the worst.

Sure. Including myself. There have been times where Iā€™ve gotten angry enough that Iā€™ve said some truly hurtful and out-there things because of what I just mentioned, things that the person I was talking to probably didnā€™t deserve. Iā€™m not immune, none of us is.

ā€¦ and yes, I am upset with Blizzard. Not that they made us pick a side because I feel that the rivalry can be fun and enjoyable, but for specifically constructing it in a way thatā€™s explicitly negative, and nasty, and toxic in a way that we take out on each other.


Not really. The Night Elf boogey-woman isnā€™t even remotely close to the other Elf by any standard.

They are both Elves though, so yeah thereā€™s that.

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Iā€™m just gonna say. I havenā€™t experienced this grief over Teldrassil from horde fans until lately. horde were elated it happened at the time, and anyone who wasnā€™t was cautiously excusing her behavior for various reaching reasons. This is my experience of course, but I know when I get in disc with Horde players over the lore, theyā€™re verbally excited to this day over WoT. I wouldnā€™t say it was meant to be personal, but it was meant to wound the Alliance, and Night Elves in particular, while just hurting the hordeā€™s opinion of itself.

Tyrande got to do something, I donā€™t consider it to be an undeserving moment at the other factions expense. No one cares about whoā€™s heads got thrown into the well, because they basically belonged to no one. There was no loss.


Funny cause I remember being told that the one or two Horde posters here that claim they didnā€™t care about Teldrassil were more representative of the Hordeā€™s opinion on it than the Blizzcon Audience of Horde Players cheering for it when the all that big fancy professional done commissioned art of Teldrassil burning in front of Sylvanas was shown off. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Not by you of course.


I understand Kyalin, and Luxio both, and think that what theyā€™re saying is based off personal experiences, and attitudes that what to feel relief, and move on. Thatā€™s why when stuff like what youā€™re saying has happened, Iā€™ve seen it, continues to go on, and is barely hinted at not being true. Is why I think it was meant to be personal. Not even so much the act itself, but the attitude towards people, and specifically the OP. If I had a dollar for how many times Iā€™ve seen someone tell the Nelves to suck it up, and proceed to march in this lament for the hordeā€™s lack of motivation, interest, or worth while, it just gets likeā€¦ idk. So what if OP cares?


Yeah, sure, I get that. Iā€™ve seen it. Iā€™m the last person to claim that itā€™s not going on.

Yet Iā€™ve also been in discords where Iā€™ve talked with Horde fans, and sure, you get that element. Some names come to mind of people who I donā€™t care to talk to, fine. But what always surprises me is that in the moments where I find myself upset and frankly looking for a fight, more often than not I find sympathy instead. That happened here, in fact - and sure, itā€™s been a back and forth with some people, but on the whole I was quite pleasantly surprised.

I remember when I was on the Story Forum discord and I sought to disprove the argument that ā€œno one wanted Teldrassilā€, and sure, I disproved it. I found fifty unique examples of people, at the time, who were posting celebratory content, memes, that sort of thing. That exercise also demonstrated to me however, just how hard it is to pick out that element. Because there were many more comments either expressing sympathy, getting angry at Blizzard for doing this, sharing the ā€œare we the baddies?ā€ meme - that sort of thing.

So, I would be careful with grafting the sentiments of the worst of the worst to the playerbase as a whole. Itā€™s inaccurate, and frankly, unproductive.


The No.1 issue I have with Horde posters, is them telling me WHY I like the Alliance, and itā€™s never remotely close to the mark. Ever. Never ever. Yet I can point out what I think they have liked from the story, based on evidence, and they try to thinly pretend thatā€™s not the case. Fine.

Then I get told Iā€™ve had enough of a good time, and I need change my opinion on who needs what? Who do you think theyā€™re advocating for even more floundering?

Iā€™m not comparing the entire Horde posters to Erevian. But, I WILL compare them to who is all whole scared, and upset over Elesana? The OP. Because that is very real, and has made this situation so absurd.

And, thereā€™s nothing even wrong with enjoying the horde, or especially the Alliance for being dark to the other side. Itā€™s carrying it across the story, and invalidating other people because they care. I understand not everyone on the Horde liked Teldrassil. But in my first ten posts I was accused of being this OP. Cā€™mon now.