Why is Saurfang portrayed as the good guy?

All I would encourage you to do is not throw out the baby with the bathwater here. That’s all.

I’ll give you consideration, but I’ll ask you to bluntly tell me what you mean. I’m just not focused on what you’re specifically referring to me doing.

You’re right about the people calling everyone who expresses a Night Elf viewpoint “Elesana”. The fregoli delusion is the work of a handful of posters who seem to have an interest in shooting down anything that looks remotely like it could threaten their side.

But you are giving those people way too much credit and letting them take cover behind a lot of other people who don’t think like they do when you when asserting that their positions are those of Horde posters generally. It allows them to neatly step out of the way so that someone who doesn’t think as they do reacts with anger over being accused of what you’re accusing them of doing.

You’re right. Perhaps I do this, but I try to allow people the rope to hang themselves with. There are obviously Horde posters around here I disagree with, and can respect. Even one in particular I argue with. But, far to vocal are the cowards you’ve mentioned. I’m being to poetic about it even. I’ll consider your words if I can remember. Thank you.

It’s always Horde posters who generalize people.


I know. Reveling in moral absolutism… totally a real thing. Reveling. Wow.

Dalaran is a Human built city.

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Certain comments here are very revealing.

I think Saurfang got stuck in a plot trap because he was in the Lordaeron cinematic, which was made early on. He wasn’t allowed to defect earlier since he needed to show up in it. In reality Saurfang would’ve gone straight to Thrall at the start of the expansion.

I wish BfA actually did this and started with a rebellion, then Anduin made good on the “we will end you” promise of his father instead of walking away a second time.
</ bfa rewrite ideas>

Anduin isn’t his dad. He probably never knew of it.

Oh look another post dragged out of the ether with an agenda. This is becoming tiresome.


i highly doubt they’ll do anything with saurfang other then continuing the fight against the alliance or killing him off

Saurfang was already killed off in BfA, and there is no evidence he will return.