Why is Saurfang portrayed as the good guy?

Never said there was a purpose i mean your tapeworm thing is it evolving over tome to become more suited for where it lives by becoming simpler evolution isnt becoming more complex.

Ah good i was unsure because on one hand you fo have people that did know the isues but on the other hand you had uranium used to make things glow for civilan use

And you’re wrong on both counts. The fact of the matter was that Japan was ready to surrender as early as May 1945. But Truman had already come to the decision that Japan could not be allowed to surrender before the U.S. got to try out it’s new toys, to honor that promise of a “Big Surprise” he had made to Stalin. So negotiators were instructed to hold to the hard line of no conditions
 no negotiation.

The fighting capability of Japan had degraded tothe point where the expected casualty count was about 40,000 for a land invasion.

Also, Japan was an island nation, with an economy dependent upon imports. (The American attempt to starve them economically in the 30’s had driven Japan to ally with Germany in the first place.) Starving them out was a real option.

Where that falls flat is the fact that the atomic pile was invented decades in a Chicago squash court before the atom bomb. Bomb development contributed virtually nothing to the development of civilian power plants.

I wasnt talking about power plants i was t as lking about glowing paints

That was radium and that was known in the 19th century, as well as the death rates among the women whose job it was to paint those radium dials.

I’m going to do something that is often frown upon and necro this thread (as for how I found it, someone upvoted a comment I made).

So I barely remember this thread or commenting in it. Now reading through it, I think I understand the point I was trying to make but I went about it the worst way possible.

For transparency sake, I’m not going to delete my comments but I will like to say I’m sorry for laying into you the way I did. I could have, should have, made my points clearer without the unnecessary vitriol.

So, I’m sorry.

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I love how this thread has the titular Night Elf boogey-woman being gracious, and literate, even discussing a topic that reaches across the faction aisle for discussion on Saurfang’s honor, and she’s still made out to be a monster.

Meanwhile the Eriven guy got banned today for being insane, and I’ve seen a red poster someone excuse his behavior, and another try to disown him as an Alliance stand in. Critical.


This comment aged well, eh? :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Well everyone knows that this thread was made by the devil, every Night Elf player is unreasonable and crazy and that Erevien is actually an Alliance player that’s trying to make Horde posters look bad.


Why are we making hay over this?

Yes, of course we’re seen as “unreasonable” - we are at odds with Horde players because they get power fantasy moments that they don’t even want at our expense. Meanwhile we’re at odds with Alliance players because a) the Night Elves never really fit in the Alliance, and b) because being in the Alliance has been a raw deal for us due to Blizzard’s desire to use the race to prop up or motivate the humans.

Being a Night Elf fan means that more people hate you than like you. Making it up to you means that we have to butcher some sacred cows, such as default Horde supremacy and Human potential. No matter how gingerly you put it and how much you try to take the interests of others into account, it will ALWAYS look like a threat to certain communities when you speak up and say “hey, I’m paying $15 a month too, and I’m sick of being treated this way”.

Yeah, I know, that sucks. But trying to generalize Horde posters according to an unhinged poster boy for bad behavior isn’t going to make that issue better. Nor will complaining about it in a necroed thread.


Generally I’m not anti-necromancy but with skubtastic topics like this;


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This is why a lot of Horde themed threads really debunk the idea of “honor culture” as it exists as a cornerstone of Horde morality. Saurfang’s honor code was flawed from the beginning. Saurfang’s clan is the Blackrock Clan, a clan who’s only definition of honor is “die honorably in battle against a hated enemy.” There’s not good and evil in that honor code, and it presents that each warrior is the hero of his own story. That gets problematic when you unpack how terrible the Blackrock mentality is and how it lead the Horde to countless atrocities that Saurfang willingly participated in. Orgim and Blackhand were both Warchief’s that the Horde still kind of look up to despite the fact that they both did terrible things. Orgrim the most because if his friendship with Thrall.

In Saurfang’s defense though, I think by the negotiation cinematic he started to understand this since he talks about the Legacy of the ‘Old Horde’ and how Sylvanas is Blackhand’s legacy and there is a lot to unpack there, as well as his own self insert narrative that he was the Orgrim to Sylvanas’s Blackhand which is a bit of an over exaggeration and a little bit of hero worship on his part. That’s another problem, hero worship, but it’s not exclusively a Horde problem.

I personally wish they had done more to tie Saurfang to his brother Broxigar’s arc. While Broxigar was a hero for saving the night elves, Saurfang was a villian for planning a war that would lead to a genocide of the Night Elves. I wish they went harder on that angle than villian bating Sylvanas. At the end of the day Sylvanas gave Saurfang the honorable death he wanted and he went out like a Blackrock, he deserved a better story though. We all did.


Really makes you think.

The common denominator is not Red or Blue, but Elf.

#NotAllElves, of course. Some of my best alts are elves. But they sure do seem to attract a type.


Kind of how like the game features the player character, no?

Saurfang planned a war to break Stormwind as he had been convinced that the only long term future for the Horde was to break the Alliance. The plan as presented to him involved taking the Tree hostage, not burning it out of hand.

Now the context around that has been spinning like a compass at a magnetic pole. First, we’re led to believe that Sylvannas had the tree burned because Saurfang screwed up his part in acheving the point of the Thorn War
 the death of Malfurion Stormrange. Prior to that we got a interior head trip that suggested that Sylvannas’ motives were at least in part genuine.

Since then, Blizzard has relied on “Word of God” statements to clarify the story instead of doing so in writing. Now we’re told that Sylvannas’ plan was 'Death, Death, and lot’s more Death" and that she’s essentially been doing the Jailor’s agenda since before Wrathgate.

The Night Elves have the problem that they WERE the major strategic Alliance presence in Kalimdor. Night Elf posters like to forget however that prior to Teldrassil, it was Humans that took the biggest loss on Kalimdor when Theramore was nuked.

Saurfang isn’t clean of blood on his hands, his actions in Ashenvale and Darkshore added a lot to his own personal tally, but warfare is not a clean or nice business.


First off you can’t mention Theramore ever because Horde posters will absolutely meltdown because you dared to bring it up when Jaina went and did a purge and the purge a bazillion times worse than the bombing.

Second off Theramore was not representative of any playable race when it happened. Tubs of Lard didn’t become playable until BfA. The bombing of Theramore happened in Cata.

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Theramore was a Human city. Humans have been a playable race since vanilla. Theramore wasn’t a Kul Tiran city.


Also, Kul Tirans are still considered Humans inside that Fourth Wall.

I mean in regards to what Kingdom it belonged to. Even if not belonging to Stormwind it was part of the Alliance.