Why is "refusing to play position" not reportable but swears are?

You are blowing this way out of proportion. These people are not lying in their responses. The DEV told you they dont deal with players queuing as the incorrect role, thats frankly not worth their time, never did he say its okay to queue in the wrong role. Get over it.


How they may be playing or fulfilling their role is not something we’d generally be able to intervene on.

That was his literal response. Can you point out ANYWHERE in his response where he gave an example that WAS bannable for ruining group content?

Additionally, yes, the only reporting option available would be to report inappropriate language/subject matter, or cheating/exploitation, etc…

Hes litearlly explicitly telling me what IS reportable in the dungeon. Nowhere does he list the option that you just made up and created in your own mind. The world you are living in is the one I am trying to make a reality in this game.

Dun cry lil Drak, here are some tasty Hawaiian rolls.


Oh. So… I am curious… how many toons, and how many runs through TW, would it take for someone to be an expert on this subject?

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It wouldn’t take any.

It would take the collective experience of the industry to understand deviant game behaviors and then putting in place a solution to solve that problem.

This is an issue in lots of games. Take DOTA, League, ESO, FF14. All of those have Codes of Conduct where this type of behavior is bannable. In WoW, the developers have chosen to side with the trolls and griefers.

You are speaking as if there arent literally 10s of thousands of complaints from multiple games on multiple different systems where this is one of the main complaints. Its one person being deviant and against the spirit of the game.

How do you struggle so much with this really basic concept?

I love how you’re continuing to insist legality = morality.

Just because something isn’t against the rules doesn’t make it “okay.” It just means that Blizzard isn’t going to play nanny and intervene.

Now, understood, you want that to change, and this thread’s actually in the right place for that. But all you’re yelling is, “FIX IT.”

Okay, fix it… how? Add a report button for not fulfilling a role, I’m guessing, but… how can Blizzard prove that?

I’ve seen the tools GMs use, a while back during a brief visit, and they don’t have logs of what spec someone was in at the time of a dungeon, just what they are at the time of looking at the character. They’ve also said as much every now and again. That’s just not data they have.

So… now what?


You do not engage in dialogue with others very much, do you?


FFXIV also assigns classes to specific roles, so you literally can’t play as anything else…


Why should I have to pull slow so you can feel like it’s more “authentic”? Pull to first boss, mop the floor with everyone, collect my 900g and be on my way. If you want to actually do a dungeon, you wouldn’t be in heroic.

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…oh that looks amazingly delicious. :heart: Now I’m hungry.


Wrong, I am proposing a solution and using the current penalty system as an example.

I dont understand how this is so hard. I keep checking and I am definitely on the NA forums and definitely typing in English.

M+ locks you into your role and spec. You cannot change it after the dungeon starts. There is LITERALLY SYSTEMS IN PLACE already to solve this problem. If you queue as tank, you could be forced into your tank role and gear.

Easy fix.

Blizzard adding one extra text box to the report system with the option that says “Not playing queue’d role” would be a solution. Removing the kick timer at the start of the dungeon would be a solution.

The only one here yelling anything is “people” like you that are pretending I am not responding with literal solutions.

You sure do seem to care a bunch about a game you’ve said multiple times you don’t care about being banned from, and that you say you’re only wasting time in till the Riot MMO launches.

What people have said dozens of times is:

  1. Queuing for the wrong role may be frustrating, annoying, and an unpleasant experience. In that way, it is not “ok”.
  2. It is also not against the rules and Blizzard is not going to to get involved. That does not make it a positive thing, it just makes it something that is not against the rules.
  3. You have resources in game to resolve it. Kick, or leave. Yes, both have consequences and limits. Someone who has been kicked a lot will have a cooldown where they can’t be kicked anymore for a while. If someone is kicking a lot of people, they also get a cooldown that stops them from kicking again for a bit. Keep in mind, a kick IS a consequence - it keeps them out of the dungeon for 30 mins. Not only that, it is an immediate consequence and in the hands of players vs waiting on a GM.
  4. Put the person on Ignore so you won’t be grouped with them again.

Something can be a negative experience (as in not ok) and not be actionable.

We all get it, you want Blizzard to create a report function so that if someone plays the wrong role they can be reported. You were told that is not generally something Blizz gets involved in.

However, this thread is in the proper section of the forum so that Dev can see it. You can also use the in-game suggestion tool to suggest that it be against the rules (suspension worthy) for players to not play their role.


You can pull as fast as you want.

If you are 1.8k Io and pulling in ret spec while the rest of the group is lv 50 in heirloom gear and you are just using the lvl 50’s as tank fodder, thats the issue.

That should not be allowed but it is.

But they can’t see that.

So, now what?

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Care to back this up with any actual evidence?

Mirasol, I found how to ignore you and will not be responding to any more of your posts.

As we discussed earlier, you are not here in good faith, your arguments are nonsense and you refuse to stay on topic. PLEASE please stop trying to get my attention.

If you need directions, you click your character profile, go to your preferences and in “USERS” type the username you want blocked.

Best of luck on the “community council”

Not really, they just need to hold aggro and survive. If they’re overgeared enough that they can do that as a DPS spec, I don’t really see the problem. It makes the run go significantly faster.

So I guess the question is… is this happening and the group is failing because people can’t do the job they queued for?


Clearly you are trolling or cant properly interpret what you are being told. Not having a system in place to punish those who queue in the wrong role is not the same as saying its okay to do so. Like I said, punishing a player for such an offense is frankly not worth their time. Again, get over it.


What do you mean they cant see that?

Blizzard absolutely can see that. Its literally their game. They lock players into their roles in M+. The game splits your dungeon runs into tank, heal and dps IO.

I dont get why you are sitting here saying things that are ALREADY in the game.

Yeop. The passive aggressiveness in their response to Mirasol is cringe trolling level.