Why is "refusing to play position" not reportable but swears are?

Something not being against the rules doesn’t mean that there are no consequences to it. Like being kicked from a group or losing a group member because someone else in the group chooses not to fulfill the role they signed up for and for some reason the rest of the group is cool with that.

I’ll leave you with your soapbox though.

Best of luck to you.


You know, this kind of tone and word choice towards people is what got your last thread locked. Can’t you treat people with some civility and kindness?

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What are you talking about? If you queue for tank, you should play tank. You shouldn’t be allowed to queue as a tank, take the tank slot up, stay in DPS spec and then run the entire dungeon using four other players as your “tanks” because UNHOLY DK’S dont have global threat generationl ike a tank does.

Your response has literally nothing to do with what I am discussing. This topic is on players queueing in the wrong role, running the dungeon and using the Blizzard automated systems to their advantage to ruin the experience of the four other players.

Leavers get a 30 minute penalty. People who use swear words get the ability to form groups in group finder taken away. People who queue into group content with random players can play it like its solo content, desstroy the game for the other players and there is no punishments or recourse?

Its actually nutty that ACTUAL game ruining behavior is OK’d just because they clearly dont want to hire the staff. The only punishments are things that an automated computer can detect and thats really not right.

“Destroy” the game is a very extreme way of putting it.

You ranted in the other thread how this game means so little to you and how you play so many other games; why not take the L, leave the group and go play something else until your 30 minute Deserter debuff expires?

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Cinder, what part of “I do not care” are you failing to register?

This game may be your entire life but its not the same for me. I do not care because 1) this is a video game 2)_ this is blizzard. Blizzard does not make choices or changes that are player friendly or would increase human payroll costs.

Again, like I stated earlier for you, this is ONLY a video game. My posts are made to give suggestions to make group content better for everybody.

I dont care about your opinions for different reasons I stated in the previous post. I don’t want to repeat myself so I wont. If you do not have anything constructive to add, go somewhere else.

And that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Who cares if the tank’s a tank? As long as the dungeon gets done, and no one’s dying, what does it really matter?


For some one who doesn’t care, you’ve raged pretty hard across three separate threads for the exact same topic for the same game, that you supposedly don’t care about.

Edit: Hi Mirasol!


Its almost like you didn’t read the post and don’t understand the difference between a “role” and “specialization”.

My dungeon had an Unholy dk queue as tank for the bonus TW badges. 4 of us were in the 50 range for lvls just levelling up as you do on TW weeks. “Tank” was a 1.8k IO DK in the unholy spec.

Blizzard does not allow vote kicks for the first 15 mins of the dungeon. DK ran into packs. pulled the full rooms and used the rest of us as his tanks as stuff started running and killiing everybody while he just kept going.

Blizzards response to this is, “we arent going to get involved in how people are fulfilling their roles”.

Thats wildly wrong. You should know this, I know this. If you queue in a ROLE you are telling the game “I will fill that role”. Its simple.

That’s just flat untrue. It can end up getting that high, or higher (I believe), if someone accrues enough vote kicks dungeon after dungeon, but that isn’t the normal baseline.

He’s a jerk, but being a jerk isn’t against the rules. If the vote-kick failed, then that’s when you take the L, as suggested, and head off to do something else for 30 minutes. Farm transmog or something.


We didnt get to vote kick after 7 tries it just kept giving us the warning that it takes 15 minutes.

The healer just left the dungeon and I did too. The problem is using a swear word can get your ability to form groups and do content taken away but ACTUAL game ruining behavior doesn’t?

Its actually such a bad system its no wonder this game keeps losing players. Its worst than the league of legends system

Ok, so this isn’t the same story you told in the other thread.

So it’s not that you did 7 vote kicks and they failed each time, it’s that you attempted 7 vote kicks, but it wouldn’t let you even vote. That’s a whole different kettle of fish; it means that guy has been doing it often, probably, and you just need to take the L man. Or deal with him up to the first boss, beat it, then leave.

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Then you did what you needed to do. Frustrating, sure, but like… not really the end of the world, y’know?

He could have also switched to Vengeance and tanked it himself till the first boss was beaten, then leave without a debuff.

Yeah, I bet when that happens enough times to an actual new player they will just love how enjoyable playing group content on a grey screen is while also telling them, “oh, only adult words are bannable, we dont punish actions”.

Its absurd if you think this is going to grow the game

Buh-buh-buh muh roles :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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It doesn’t happen that often to really anyone. It happened to you, once, and that sucks, but don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

If there are one million players, and this happens to .1% of them, how many players would be affected by this?

Again, you dont seem to eitehr have the knowledge of the game or group finder systems to be in here talking about this. I thought u were intentionally being dishonest but you just dont have a clue. That much is certain now.

This game is almost twenty years old, bro. The only growing it’s gonna do is old.

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And of those 1,000 players, how many of them do you think are so affected they come to the forums and make three threads about it? Most of them aren’t going to treat it the same as if someone walked up to them on the street and punched their grandmother.

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