Hi, your game gives bonus points to players queueing as tank or heal. In lots of timewalking dungeons I play in people in DPS spec queue as tank or healer and then just refuse to play their roles or pull the entire dungeon overgeared while new players just get stuck along for the ride.
The “kick” system only works if all 4 players vote yes and you do not “remove” the vote of a duo or friend they queue’d with in the votes. Furthermore, the only report options are for ignorable things like using swear words or advertising for boosts on the wrong channel.
Is actually ruining the game not bannable because your company doesn’t want to play humans to actually look at the cases? That is the only possible explanation for why chat (which can be automated but also easily ignored with two clicks) can nuke somebodies account but actively ruining dungeon groups and dishonestly farming the timewalking tokens isn’t?
What is the company reasoning for not making “refusing to play your role” a reportable and bannable offense but typed words are? I’d rather play with a bot than an Unholy DK queue’d as tank again.
Oh, I also didn’t leave as your game would punish me with a 30 minute leaver penalty. Again, the only people being punished are teh ones that want to play the game properly
Per CS, its fine to queue as tank, steal the bonus TW badges and then play as any role you like. That needs to change.
Roles are not clearly defined these days. In fact, Blizzard has added extra flavor for tanks and healers to be able DPS more.
Three yes votes will kick a player. If a player queued with two others, then they are the majority and the majority always wins these votes.
Chat cannot “nuke” anyone’s account. The furthest char can go is if enough people report for spam, then the account gets squelched pending review. Any “nuke” is applied by a Blizzard employee.
By whose definition? Yours? That’s not your call to make. A group that decides to stand in a dungeon and not kill anything is welcome to do so.
If a group has a different objective than you, your choice is to go along with it or leave the dungeon. You’re meant to work with the other people, not force someone to play your way because you think it’s right.
Because players are not forced to play any certain way, and you do not get to tell others what to do. Your style is not the only style.
Again, properly by whose standards? Yours? Sorry, but you don’t get to press your opinions onto others’ playstyle.
If a player queues as healer and plays dps they are hoping to speed up the dungeon but can cause issues if the tank is undergeared or new. Generally its not an issue as most TWing dungeons are cheesable with a good tank. If a player queues as tank and plays dps they are just being silly and im sorry you dealt with that. Tanks need to actually be in tank spec.
No they didn’t. You keep on twisting Vrak’s replies to suit your narrative. Vrak said that Blizz wouldn’t get involved. Micromanaging groups in dungeons like that isn’t necessary since there’s a vote to kick option as well as the ability to remove yourself from the group.
Blizzard already gave us the tools to handle these sorts of situations. No system is going to be perfect, but reporting people who change their role in a dungeon is just a waste of time and resources really. Drop group and move on. Better yet, put them on ignore and you’ll never group with them in via the dungeon finder again.
How they may be playing their class or fulfilling their role is not something we’d generally be able to intervene on. The Vote to Kick system was implemented to allow the group to determine when someone doesn’t exactly fit within the current group.
Its BLUE text so you sitting here lying is pretty funny.
Is there a penalty to me if I leave? Say, a 30 minute penalty where i cannot queue again?
How they may be playing their class or fulfilling their role is not something we’d generally be able to intervene on.
Its the beginning sentence in his third paragraph. Its verbatim and word for word. “Fulfilling your role” means what? To me, that means queueing as a tank and then trying your best to tank.
So you can’t. Got it. That only says that Blizz isn’t going to micromanage your groups for you really. They’re not getting involved in this petty nonsense. Vote the person out or leave the group. Those are the tools Blizzard provided you.
Are you saying that Vrakthis responded to my question incorrectly and was confused on what I was asking?
Hi, your game gives bonus points to players queueing as tank or heal. In lots of timewalking dungeons I play in people in DPS spec queue as tank or healer and then just refuse to play their roles or pull the entire dungeon overgeared while new players just get stuck along for the ride.
CS responded with the above post. I clearly and concisely stated the issue, Vrakthis responded with “not fulfilling your role is not something they will get involved with”.
Its honestly like…blowing me away that you are somehow trying to tell ME what I typed and said in my own post.
Yeah, my topic was on DPS players queueing as tank but remaining in DPS the entire dungeon just using four other players as his tanks because he’s overgeared. I typed it out. CS responded that it is not TOS to do so despite it ruining four other players experiences and going against the spirit of the game.
That is why there is no REPORT OPTION for the behavior.
To be honest, TWing dungeon content is a joke and people treat it that way. Ive only ever seen a dps queue in as tank a few times and ive queued for hundreds of these. DPS queuing as heals is much more common. In the vast majority of runs the dungeon is not affected by people playing alternate roles. I say just move on.