Why is nobody talking about this?

The audacity! A game company trying to make money on the game it spends a ton of money on developing. And doing so with of all things a promotion where they are giving things away for free. It’s truly terrible. Clearly we need Bernie on this one. Save us from the evil Blizzard Bernie!!

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Wow another shill. What a surprise.

I have no issue with blizzard making money. They make money every time my sub renews and everytime a new expansion is released. They have made their money back and then some. If any of you try to claim they spent “millions” on the BFA development you are blind. I would buy that argument in wrath or even cata/mop. but not BFA.

I am sure you are probably right but that thought makes me want to go curl in the fetal position and rock. Though…

will make me feel better. :wink:


No one told me we were playing forum bingo.


That’s because it is all part of the Grand Plan of the Illuminati, you poor, naive gnome. Now you’ve alerted them that you know of their “secret reasons” and they will come for you, they will get you, and you will be taken away.

Where will we get our forum cookies from then, little cookie gnome? Where!?!?!?

/moo :cow:


Of course they’re trying to make money. That’s not a bad thing. That’s what a business is. There’s not something underhanded about a business trying to make a profit.

(Hey, anyone remember the old days when you had to buy the base game and each expansion separately? Like if you started in Cata, you had to buy the basic game, then BC, Wrath, and Cata, all at full retail price?)

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Seems to me it would take longer and be more frustrating to level to 60 in Classic than get a retail character to 110. Not sure id call it a good trade off unless I just really wanted to experience Classic to 60.

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The OP doesn’t like that either. People should still be paying 40-60 per expansion before they are allowed to breathe the air of Azeroth with the OP.


Call me what you want, Terest. I’m pointing out that the company that makes the game that you enjoy playing it running a promotion in an attempt to secure future revenue SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN THE GAME YOU ENJOY PLAYING.

And you’re on here calling them unethical and cash-grabbers lol.

Don’t do that - at least with this person. I am sure he is a troll at this point. After he’s had his chuckles here he’s going to go picket a local burger joint who is giving free fries with the purchase of a burger and large drink for Labor Day. They are the true criminals!


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These people can’t see past the fact that it doesn’t benefit them directly. It’s a complete vision blocker. “I AM NOT GETTING ANYTHING THIS IS WRONG SOMEONE DO SOMETHING”

I do understand the difference very much. Yet we were required to do it for so long. I remember when I started only being able to get the expansions because of the Christmas sales every year. I wanted compensation when they made all the expansions free and I want compensation now. They release a subpar expansion which kills the game and then give it away for free. Its unfortunate so many of you have your heads shoved so far up blizzards b-hole that you cant even criticize them for trying to pull some bullcrap like this.

Well, the thing is… even though they may not be getting anything directly… it is still a benefit to them. The more people that play are well… the more people we have to play with, along with the fact that more customers means more money (duh), and more money is directly related to how long they keep the game up. Maybe OP hates the game and wants it to shut down? Otherwise their logic fails under every metric possible.

Yes, darn that evil Blizzard for trying to get more players into the retail game. What are they thinking for trying to make both games successful?

I guess the OP wants every new player to go through what I did – I was extremely short of cash, and was stuck in the Cata version of 1-60 for about the first 5 months I played. Now, that didn’t put me off the game, but I am a known weirdo.

There are things worthy of complaining about. There are plenty of things I have been vocal about disliking about BfA. There have been several threads where I have ranked BfA only slightly above WoD. In other words, you can dislike the direction the game is taking and still manage to not go full bore pants-on-head stupid.


I dont want anything but my money back seeing as theyre giving the expansion away for free halfway through the expansion. I didnt ask for anything for free, I didnt ask them for something that I could use since I already have BFA. Im saying I want my money back.

To me it only shows how desperate is Blizzard to make people play the garbage BFA is

Just has much has those missions to remind you that theres a Selfie cam toy in the game (that no one gives a one about)

Not confirmed and if it’s going to be true. No I don’t care…

And ‘‘why is nobody talking about this’’.

They are… but I know it’s hard to believe but it’s not that big of an issue.

I feel people seem to miss the threat of activision. Blizz got bought out by a company that only cares about bottom dollar. I.E. if not enough people are playing bfa and spending money on the game store , wow tokens, or subs, the game is in danger of getting shut down cause activision peeps own majority shares and they give two dungs about a dino like wow. If it doesnt pull the numbers they want to see its on the chopping block so yah the blizz guys are going to do all in their power to get as many playing retail as possible.