Why is nobody talking about this?

Please explain how I’m being stupid. The argument here is that Blizzard will already be giving the expansion away for free when the next expansion is released so it doesnt matter. Im saying that it does matter because the expansion isnt even over yet. My argument is that its wrong for them to charge ALL OF US for the expansion and then give it away before its even over. Im going to ignore your insult, which might I add generally when someone insults you its because you have a leg to stand on, and Im going to ask you simply to explain how I’m wrong here. Im able to listen to reason.

I got BfA when it was on sale last month or so for $29.99, and got a lvl 110 boost. Was that also a slap in the face?

You were compensated for your purchase of those expansions by being able to play them at the time. What more do you want?

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yes. It was.

we were compensated when we bought the expansion by being able to play which is true. we were not compensated when they gave that expansion away for free even though we had to pay for it to gain access to the game.

Analogy: Theres a concert. Its 60 per head. Halfway through seating they announce the concert is now free for anyone who hasnt gotten in yet and those who payed will not be getting a refund. That would make you a little upset wouldnt it? Or would you be happy with that scenario too?

Buddy, Activision Blizzard has been around since Wrath of the Lich King. And, shockingly, we’ve had some really good (MoP, Legion), mediocre (Cataclysm and BfA), and shockingly bad (WoD) expansions since then. They’ve also released critical failures such as Space CoD, yet that’s still going strong. This whole “big scary Activision” is sort of getting old at this point. Do they have a hand in pushing Blizzard lately, especially this year? Probably. But the bad design decisions are all up to Blizzard devs.

Also? Activision wouldn’t care if more people are playing Classic or Live. It’s the same subscription! So they’re making money regardless of if Live is tanking, which I don’t really think it is.

Things go on sale all the time. It’s not a bad things because it’ll help entice people to come try the game out. There are a lot of games that I just shrug off until the price comes down. When it’s clear that there’s some lull in new players, promotions like this tend to pop up. It’s not an insult, it’s not a slap in the face, it’s not whatever other buzz word you want to throw out.

If you feel like your money is wasted, do what some forum posters I know do: pay the sub and play an expansion behind. The game will only ever cost you $15/month after the initial purchase of your account. And bam, you don’t spend your money that you’re hyper focused on maintaining!


Your analogy is seriously flawed. Very seriously flawed.


I would imagine they anticipated many players coming back for Classic. But it’s a closed world - why wouldn’t you offer a boost in this one for when that one is over?

lol yeah that’s the first thing came to my mind as well.

Blizzard doesn’t owe anybody anything for playing the game. No matter how long you’ve been playing.


It isn’t free. If you don’t have an active subscription you can’t play Classic WoW, therefore in order to reach level 60 on Classic, you have to pay AND work to attain this reward.

Nobody asked for anything for free, that is the point of a promotion, to be a pleasant surprise or bonus for doing something you can choose to do or not to do. You are asking for something to be changed to benefit you more directly when NOBODY asked for it to begin with.

I paid for BfA when I pre-purchased it back somewhere last summer, I don’t want my money back, even though I have been incredibly critical of BfA. You and anyone else that feels like you deserve that are simply angry that someone else got something for doing an activity that you don’t want to be a part of.

It’s like a kid refusing to do a kindergarten art project and then throwing a fit when they don’t get the treat the other kids got for doing it.

Haha. Post #69. Nice.

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When the cereal company makes a box with “20% more free” do you throw a fit telling them that is a slap in the face to your loyal customers and that you demand a refund of your raisin bran?


whiny entitled children who hate capitalism

There was a thread about this, guess OP didn’t bother looking. Also that promotion apparently was deleted.

How does any company justify a sale or a promotion?

It’s good business if it brings in new customers.

Dude… I hate store mounts and all other cash stuff but this one is no big deal.

To get to 60 you’re gonna have be subbed for quite a while. Maybe not enough to pay back the boosts value but they’re still going to make money off world of Warcraft either way.

To top that off retail might actually benefit off the massive hype that classic got and pull some people to it. Retail needs the help man… This is a super tame way to do it.

You need to chill out lol