Why is modern day IRL politics such a popular topic in Trade Chat?

Idk to be honest but its damn joke now. And Blizzard are doing NOTHING to discourage it.

Um do you even Loremaster bro?
WOWs lore is way more interesting than earth lore.

It will all be over soon, there will be a change of leader, the bad guy will lose and go to jail, his supporters will cry and whine for a while and life will go on.


I got the badboy addon and just added trump and biden to the filter. The quality of trade chat went up tremendously.

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Election year. That’s why.

It’s an Election Year.

Also some sadly think that the result will save the whole year 2020 for them…
(That thought made me evil laugh irl )

i don’t believe in censuring talk about what ever you want.

People were yelling at each other about Bush Jr. and Obama when they were relevant too uwu.

There is a huge amount of turmoil in the world at the moment. I think people are afraid, angry and frightened about the future.

Maybe WoW is their comfort zone where they feel safe to vent and discuss?


Because it’s the lowest common denominator. Easy to get people to talk and get a social fix, especially if you don’t have people you talk to much IRL.

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Perhaps you’re right about that. However I’d say instead of complaining on social media or in a video game the best course of action is to get off your booty & start doing some thing about it. That’s one of the biggest issues in modern times, too much talking & very little action & if there is action, it’s never a focus because drama & death brings rating where as good, humanitarian work doesn’t.

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Yes, I do agree, Sernius. Keyboard activists and heroes everywhere! :seedling:

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No seriously:

Anywho, “left-wing ideology” isn’t what you think it is.

What it is: a recognition of class and wealth disparity as the guiding force of inequality and marginalization in society. A recognition of the need to abolish the system of class (aka, capitalism) to become a truly fair, just, progressive society.

There is no “left-wing” in North America. At least, not one that is organized, ready to govern, and within spitting distance of actually assuming power. Liberals are liberal in name only, so much so and for so long the term “liberal” pretty much means another flavor of conservative.

Bernie Sanders is a centrist. He was the compromise, and liberals shot him down. Liberals and conservatives might hate each other, but they hate the working class more.

Hence, Trade Chat.

Trade chat has been politics since classic

Very good point.

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You must be new, welcome.

See: Barrens Chat

Because I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone can vote for Biden at this point. So I like to hear those people’s opinion. And trade chat gives me a little insight on these misinformed people.