Why is modern day IRL politics such a popular topic in Trade Chat?

/block immediately. I’m here to escape from real-life BS for a while, not talk about it.

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As a non-american, I turn it on whenever I’m bored or needed a good laugh.

I agree. Politics should not be discussed in the WOW forums. Unfortunately, zealous activists don’t respect this. They want to force their agenda on everyone.


Same reason analing things is popular on trade chat.

“Tell them Joe!!! Tell them what you’ll do, huh JOE!!” exhales excessively at his opponent
“Ah, will you shut up?!”

“Sir, were you tested before the debate?”
“I don’t know! I take lots of tests. What test?!” quietly mourns failed assassination attempt

What else will we talk about? Lore?

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Familiarity may breed contempt, but there’s something else that does as well or better, anonymity. I don’t really see this on the RP server, I think it’s because people know who the trolls are and you can’t even leave a guild for no reason without getting random whispers of people who want to know the scoop. :roll_eyes:

I think if you trolled politically on my server, before it even got to blacklisting you’d just get reported right out of the game most likely. And that’s why I like it, I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

I can’t comment on Trade Chat, but I can say that as bad as the fighting is in GD, its moderated and extremely tame compared to real political boards. People go into the “opposition” boards and just let loose.

I just stopped going to any real political board after spending days being screamed at and accused of being BOTH ends of the political spectrum because I didn’t agree exactly with what a person said.

FYI - I had the same IRL. I worked in a small town in TX and was hated for being a “liberal”. I drove to the big city to work and was hated for being a “conservative”. I can’t be both on all issues…

At least in GD, some people are remotely open minded, though sadly most are not.

Oh god, as if on que

It has been like this in trade chat for as long as this game, and other social MMORPG games, have been out.

And the answer is because people wanna talk about it, for some reason.

Its gotten worse over that last 6 years…
For the simple fact there’s anonymity for the most part in trade chat…

And I don’t mean from trolling… It’s getting bad out here if one has a different opinion from the current group think, then one is Ostracised and ridiculed…for just thinking a tad different…that was why the polls where off with the 2016 people didn’t want to be ridiculed for supporting and or thing about giving ones vote to Trump…

There is no meaningful discussion both sides do it…

The Attitude of it my way or the highway is getting worse…and a lot of people are just in there political tribes

100% agree

The majority of people are trolls based on their limited and uneducated takes, and that’s on both sides.

American education doesn’t teach much more than America No.1, and the rest is filled in by parents who’ve lived their lives inside the same American propaganda machine for years.

I do find it hilarious how people think Democrats are socialists when they are more right wing than the right wing party in Canada.


Yes, that would be way more interesting

I am guessing you haven’t been to a college/university campus in awhile

My thought on politics… My life hasn’t changed one bit in my thirty some years no matter what president has been in office. So it really doesn’t matter to me if the cheeto or kid sniffer wins.

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Maybe it’s an election yea? :thinking: I don’t just guessing.

WoW is ‘home’ to many players, that’s why. They are in their comfort zone.

The federal government should make every corporation and small business that accepts a government bailout or subsidized loan to sign a one-sentence form which states Socialism saved my business.

Here are my 50c - Most people that play WoW grew up playing this game, most of them are fat, balding and in their 30s now, WHICH MEANS, as a person born of the boomer generation, they follow the same patterns of making politics part of their very identity.


Is there any data that supports this? I’m not saying its wrong but my guess was wow playerbase is mostly people between 17-35