Why is modern day IRL politics such a popular topic in Trade Chat?

I really don’t understand, if you want to discuss irl politics why not visit an online chat room dedicated to that? Is a videogame really the best platform to give your opinion on real world events, I think not.
obviously this isn’t a problem exclusive to WoW, pretty much every mmo has this occur. But as of late its like 95% of the time all I see people talking about.


it may not be the best platform but there are people in this game and misery loves company


As in the last 15 years of WoW’s life?


It’s the trolling equivalent of junk food. Really easy to acquire


^ This has literally been a thing since WoW’s onset. It’s just gotten worse because of the current political climate.

For what it’s worth, everything is political. You can’t escape it, so it’s best to stop trying to pretend it’s something you can ignore and just accept it’s part of your reality :woman_shrugging:

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All you have to do if you want to start in argument in Trade Chat is this:

“[Insert American Political Figure here] is bad and I don’t like them.”

All you have to do after that is sit back and watch as that random Demon Hunter starts going nuts.


Trade chat is where people go to voice opinions that would get them punched if said to an actual human being IRL.


It’s a mix between people feeling passionate about how their team can impact the future in a tangible way (it won’t) and people looking to get a reaction.

Better is just, “I disagree with you about [insert anything with any political angle to it] and you can’t argue with my logic.”

sixty percent of the time it works every time.

I’ll do you one even better than better!

“You are wrong.”

That, or, as Dunkey puts it, “You are nitpicking and biased. I win. Bye bye.”

Because it’s the biggest news at the moment.

I find it entertaining.

Misery does love company.

My elbow kinda hurts… I think I will head to Goldshire and laugh at anyone who has that new mog with fairy wings. Especially if they are Dwarven.

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Because deep down, working class people feel that there’s something horrifically wrong with the system that keeps us all oppressed, and look for answers in how we govern.

And then you have crappy, right-wing political parties (and yes, right-wing includes liberals) taking that justified anger and radicalizing the working class against itself.

And then we get Trade Chat.


Nothing like this on my eu realm. People usually just argue with each other for dumb topics, demon hunters being cringe and someone jokes with [spell name] /word/

Honestly that sounds so much better, at least its relevant to the game

I like that you specify modern day irl politics, as though theres a possiblity people might be vigorously debating the merits of Taft vs Bryan or something

Probably because the game itself has nothing interesting in it to talk about.

i don’t notice much going on /2 chat when my characters are in town. likely because i play from Hong Kong time zone and my realm cluster has been listed as low population since before March

Because where else would we learn the truth about who we’re voting for. WoW trade chat is the new CNN

Because it triggers people. Complaining about it will only make it happen more.