Why is modern day IRL politics such a popular topic in Trade Chat?

huh? /10char

A place they can finally bark about politics ‘anonymously’ which is hard to do anywhere else.

really I don’t understand, it’s so easy to block/mute people, why not just do that if it bothers you so much? let people talk

Probably because lots of people have difficulty with critical and/or original thought, so instead of communicating like rational intelligent beings, they communicate through cultural symbols.

Or rather, through parroting the words, actions, and demeanor of the people they call “leaders.”

What is truly sad is that actual conversation about the ISSUES would be interesting and welcome. That is what most humans actually crave, to be a part of a dialogue about things that actually matter to the world.

But sadly we are prone to LAZINESS, and regress to the level of hurling these cheeseball cliches back and forth rather than engaging the IDEA behind the politics of change, almost as if we have been conditioned to believe that ideas and change are the ENEMY and to be FEARED.


because discussing politics in trade chat is fun. If I’m mindlessly setting myself to auto fly in circle around stormwind cause I’m bored, I should at least indulge in some entertaining trade chat banter as well.

US election day, is like a troll holiday tbh.


It’s gonna be a great day for trolling regardless of who wins, I can’t wait to see what type of threads GD can come up with when the results are in.

When we got a clown tv star as president. We will get a clown show :clown_face:


I feel this issue everytime i go into a major city i even signed up to be a guide to new players letting them know trade chat is for trolls! Me and my wife fly new players outside of major cities to level . I always try to share my positive views with others. Last night i was on making new friends complaining about how bad trade chat has gotten. It was super upsetting i even went as far as to text my wife when she was at her boyfriends to let her know how out of hand the trolling has gotten with the shop transmog and the election. I feel like blizzard needs to do something about it

This word “wife”… I don’t think it means what you think it means. /hug

I’m going to hazard a guess (pulls on troll flame proof suit)… It is likely because

  1. The Orange Oaf in office is systematically dismantling the American Government (for better, for worse), eroding confidence in any & all things we should be able to trust (courts, justice department, media, the concept of truth and facts); breaking many laws while doing so.

  2. There is a pandemic and a lot of people of been couped up with nothing but 24/7 media feeds and WoW to occupy them.

These two situations generate a LOT of stress and people need to vent, even if it’s not the best venue.

oh, and

  1. trolls like to stir s*** up. There’s always that.

I assume they are talking about the larger scale of economic politics specifically, where the American left is still usually considered center right.

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What i find disturbing more then the people talking politics is how often they are wrong and have no clue what they are talking about often purposefully it seems.

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It’s probably in part because we’re so close to the election and it’s a really easy troll topic.

Best way to deal with it is to just turn of trade for now I think.

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Thanks for the hug! I do know what it means me and my wife have been happily married for 5 years now and we have been apart of the wow community this whole time. It has been amazing and eye opening how much wow has changed in that time. Sometimes she stays late at her boyfriends house and doesn’t come home until early morning because of his schedule at work so ya i had to text her. She was surprised all of these trolls are in trade chat too

Because many people have no other hobbies & nothing else going on with their lives/time so they take to the internet to vent/intentionally piss people off. Plus we’re all “anonymous”. Since or irl names & what we look like aren’t listed people are going to say whatever they want because there’s no actual repercussions for doing so. Same exact thing can be said about these forums as well.


i dont see it. if anything i think it’s the opposite. people that are now considered right-wing are more likely to be considered centrists due to the Overton window shifting towards left-wing ideology.


The current generation can’t set politics aside for 5 seconds and they can’t keep their mouths shut. Two very annoying phenomena that have made the internet a pretty crappy place, honestly.

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I don’t think it’s just the millenials and gen Z to blame. everyone in general, including baby boomers, are quite outspoken politically in almost every social forum.

boomers, the reason is old people.

WWII gets brought up sometimes, although less for historical significance and more just to call someone a Na*i or Commie

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