Why is melee shoved down healer throats?

Because pure ranged gameplay is unhealthy and not good for the longevity of the game. Same reason ranged DPS have to go into melee, often times due to mechanics.

“caster” Mistweaver still plays in melee though.

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Only for like top MW/keys. All throughout DF people have been doing 10’s ( old 20s’s ) and pushing keys without jade stomp, while still contributing decent damage. Though you are still in melee using rsk on cd and sck for damage, interrupt and aoe stun. If you want to push world first MW keys then sure, firstweave away, but it’s not really relevant to most players and you can still get max rewards and push a bit without it. People did it all DF.

Looks like itll be the same in TWW

Not when I play it.

That’s fine. It’s your gametime homie.


Melee is why I love Hpally, I dusted mine off yesterday after seeing a video about the talent changes that work great for the playstyle I love. I’m a fan of the strong instant heals with HS & WoG playstyle, along with healing from doing damage. I don’t think most healers should work this way, but I love that we have the option with 2 classes.

I’m pretty sure most people playing Pally enjoy the melee, it’s just very loud people on the forums that make it seem otherwise.

They seemed to fix all the issues I’ve had with the spec in SL when I last played it and finally committed to the playstyle so I’m excited to try and get back into healing for TWW.

With most content, you don’t even need to play the meta. Hpally still looks very good as ranged healer, you just miss out on interrupts and blinding light if you are not in melee for M+ along with doing less damage. Plan around a comp with good interrupts and CC and you are golden even if you ignore those abilities depending on how far you plan on pushing.

Why is melee shoved down healer throats?

You couldn’t even go one sentence without being wrong. Sigh…

I actually kinda enjoy fistweaving with monk but Oooo boy do I loath holy pally now. And it will be a dark day in hell if I ever go cat form when I’m healing. No thank you. Or tanking (1 of the hero talent trees for bears is actually based ON THAT too…).

Monk can just back-roll out of trouble and continue to do his thing. Pally just gimped himself (holy power is awful, don’t care. so is their mastery). It would be so lovely if blizz could give us the option of going back to ranged healing. Denounce spam and safe healing, that’s what I want.

Note: this is the PoV of someone who does not raid and is totally casual

kinda wanted to turn into the weird birb for fun sometimes tho

Which of the quotes you just posted were discussing a melee rotation for healing?

Someone started off wrong with their first sentence, and it wasn’t me.

I remember that as a choice, but certainly not a necessity.

Anyway, point of my case still stands in opposition towards: “If you don’t wanna play melee don’t play a monk” — with my own statement -

Because I could ultimately retort: “If want to melee, don’t play healer – as the counterargument with the above fact. :person_shrugging:

Just like you didn’t read past 1 sentence? Rules for thee not for me…

Must be a Pawzer alt. Nonsensical response with nonsensical rhyme at the end. Not engaging further.

Folks asked for a melee-to-heal spec. They got what they wanted. Normally this would be a cause for celebration but as some famous person has probably said, you can please all the people some of the time, you can please some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.

try reading the entire comment you reply to before getting 1 sentence deep and claiming that they only read 1 sentence next time. Or better yet log out and touch some grass, at 26,000 posts you are the definition of “terminally online”

Back when it was equally viable to be either or… this did happen. But without the ranged damage we used to do as Monks, it no longer is as viable and even less so now with the current changes.

To me, Mistweaver (edited to fix that, it’s late and I’m tired LOL) is now just a worse version of Prevoker. Because when you have ranged and melee as Prevoker, it’s much easier to heal everyone— even with Creative Geometry.

You’re really not good at this whole subtlety thing. Good thing you don’t play a rogue. Or if you do, I feel bad for those around you.

However, what players had been asking for was a melee to heal. And they got that.

The fact that there are 6 other healing specs that are fully ranged seems to me to offset any ebb and flow in the ranged capability of the melee heal spec that was introduced to fulfill a specific niche.

But they had it. And not everyone wanted just that option. So the design change made some drift away from it.

But that happens with any spec.

I just wish they’d make them both equally useful again.

Interesting enough, though the term fistweaving stuck. MW isn’t just solely a melee healer. It still has plenty of MoP uniqueness to it that those here are either too new to not know, forgotten or blatantly ignoring. That, MW is and should be just labeled as a Mobile Healer.

All of the talents, no matter if you pick for more melee heavy or channel heavy talents, the spec is very heavily reliant on mobility at nearly all times during all combat encounters, be it trash packs or bosses. Like how it was back in MoP. Only difference now is there no more channeling mist on the move, torpedoing through party/raid members to heal them to avoid melee AoEs/Boss pisspuddles and spinning fire blossom (which this ability needs to come back as base line for all specs) for extra ranged damage for adds and tightly packed trash.

Which is more reasons why I love my Gobbo MW. So much extra mobility to dive in to melee and zip on out to avoid damage while topping of members and keeping active all over, with transcendence, rocket jump, torpedo and a centralized placed statue there isn’t an area that I can’t reach and heal those in need. Not a Band-Aid Bot, nor a topical ointment spray bot, but your friendly neighborhood EMT, who likes to smack those hurting those in my group and using a cooling Aloe topical cream lol.