Why is melee shoved down healer throats?

First I noticed my Druid lost Moonkin form as Resto

But as I was setting up my Mistweaver Again, nearly every single talent is somehow linked to Rising Sun Kick. Like…why?

I’m fine with DPS to heal being an option, and I realized those spells tend to also be linked to Vivify. But I know if I play Mistweaver the way I enjoy it - as a range - standing far away from the bosses - people will just tell me I am “doing it wrong”.

I hate being in melee. I die when I am in melee. It’s harder for me to see for one, and also watch the ground stuff while also trying to watch health pools and heal people.

I will never catweave, fistweave, or any sort of melee/heal combo.

ETA: I forgot, Holy Paladin is another, where the mastery and such people expect you to fight in melee as you heal


Holy priest also has to run into melee frequently for holy nova, or psychic scream. Disc uses holy nova infrequently (or not at all) but uses psychic scream in melee. Preservation evoker has spells which need to be aimed (dream breath) or move you to the character you heal (verdant embrace).


monk has been melee healer since its inception, if you didn’t want to melee don’t play a monk


True, I forgot about that. Though I don’t do that either lol.

Why does that have to be the stance? I did Season 3 M+ and I think I got to 2k score, and not once did I stand in melee and DPS. It’s fun when I don’t have the expectation to DPS in melee

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I think the only option for pure ranged healers is resto shaman currently, every other healer should expect to be in melee sometimes to play optimally. In fact, that might not even be true depending on your racials. (Note: I’m not saying I like that. There are enough annoying movement expectations in this game already)


I die when I am in melee.

That’s why they want you in melee more. So that there is a risk/reward calculation.


because melee healer is what drew people to monk to begin with, why should they be changed to cater to meleephobes when those people can simply play something else?


Iirc in S3 monks talents for bonus healing still revolved around Rising Sun Kick. However, if you’re wanting to play it completely ranged, then just do it. Find a premade or like minded players. Only high keys pushes 15+ and Mythic raiders need the big bonuses from you using Rising Sun Kick to boost your heals. If you want to push high keys, then you have no choice as thats the way the class was designed from the beginning in MoP.


Just saying, if Priest can have both Disc and Holy, there’s no reason Monk can’t have a viable melee to heal version and a straight up range version.

The spells are pretty, I love renewing mist and Yu’lon and all the pretty green sparkly stuff


Doesn’t that make healing a lot more difficult? When I used to run a lot of group content on my healers I would be just shy of being out of range when I healed so I could see everything and not have to worry about a random cleave cutting me in half.

For the most part, you can stand with/on the melee dps, they will know where to stand. If the tank hits you and the melee dps with a frontal, that isn’t your fault.

I’m not a fan of it, really. They made holy nova too good to pass up by adding rhapsody and cdr on chastise, I don’t know why.

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You could try resto shaman, they never need to go into melee outside of fights that require stacking up on the boss.

They got a pretty okay talent rework yesterday too.


And strictly speaking, you can do that. The only real downside is people will say you’re playing wrong even though it doesn’t matter at 2k.


Take fist weaving away from my cold dead hands!

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Uh… no. Not since its inception. Back in Mists, Crackling Jade Lightning was powerful and used for DPS as a healer. At range. Like our healing. There was never a need to be in melee range, unless you wanted to be. We were excellent ranged healers back then.


They needed to separate the fistweaving healing from mistweaving healing, to have both styles available in different specs, but that would require two sets of testing/balancing around the same goal, something they already do with priest.


With current mechanics the concept of ranged and melee have been replaced with, “DON’T YOU DARE STAND THERE”

Hoppers and positional mechanic forcing ranged towards melee, and get out of melee dance dance forcing melee out towards range.


Generally because people like it. There are two viable ways to play MW, one is just not optimal. Which is a choice you get to make.

Positioning is a large part of engagement with a tab target MMO. Even Resto(Shaman) has to worry about it, even if they get to be pretty far ranged most of the time.

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Castweaver feels as good as it ever has. And you can still cast spells as resto without moonkin form.

Nobody is forcing anything.


Mistweaver talents have always been connected to RSK…

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