Why is melee shoved down healer throats?

If you’re pulling the HPS needed to carry your weight, what’s the problem? The current raid build for MW is all ranged and doesn’t require you to fistweave.

If you’re doing M+ sadly it is in fact the only viable option if you want to go higher than low keys.

I used to love the ranged MW playstyle back in the day. I was pretty upset when fistweaving went from a niche playstyle to a fundamental aspect of the spec.

It hasn’t, actually. MW has always had melee attacks but did not always rely on using them to heal. Fistweaving used to be a niche playstyle people would run to break the meta.

Melee is shoved down everyone’s throats. It’s not just the terrible DPS-to-heal design that has infested almost every single healer spec in this game, it’s also that many spells require everyone to be stacked - particularly ground-based HoTs or cone nonsense like Light of Dawn or Dream Breath. This means that in the vast, vast majority of circumstances ranged must also be stacked in melee unless there is fire to avoid. Why even bother having ranged classes of any type in this game if everyone must be stacked with melee? Blizzard has truly taken this game in some mind-bogglingly stupid design directions over the last several years.

Blizzard loves deleting old, perfectly good sub specs. Anybody remember combat rogue? Gladiator warrior?

You know what terrible design is infesting every part of the game? Healers healing too much.

Healers have been way too overpowered for too long. They completely break pvp and they force every boss encounter to have unavoidable damage. Which in turn forces dps and tanks to have self healing.

All to cater to the least popular playstyle.

Bring me back my classic healers like shockadin and one shot restro druid. Those were the healers people liked to play. Not this boring “never press an offensive ability ever” nonsense.

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No, it hasn’t. MoP and Legion had a fairly casual stand back and heal talent tree. Specifically in Legion it was crit/vers stack and vivify win.

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They have also had specs in various periods where ranged healing was an option. It wasn’t until DF that it became the only way objectively.

Even Paladins have had long stretches where ranged healing was good.



Mistweavers are literally tagged as melee for every single melee/range mechanics. You are melee. Go in melee.


Mistweaver and Paladin are melee healers.

There are other ranged healers to choose from.

Not knowing how to play as a melee spec isn’t a valid reason to ask for it to be reworked completely and lose one of its base identities.


I suppose I should be more specific since your comprehension is below sea level; show me the talents for Restoration Shaman, Preservation Evoker, and Discipline and Holy Priests that tie a melee rotation into their healing like Holy Paladin, Restoration Druid, and Mistweaver Monk.

I been bashing mobs to heal for years! (Holy Paladin!) I love it!!

It’s not so bad! :smiley: I personally love it, and recall the old days of … casting… a lot.

For me, BFA and SL were the best for Holy Pally melee healing. :slight_smile: :heart: :heart: :heart:


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This is incredibly disrespectful to say just because I disagree with you.

Bro forgot completely that “fistweaving” was a term originally coined at the start of mists to describe monks going in melee and dpsing to heal. Melee monk was so established that they straight up counted mistweavers as melee for raid mechanics because it was expected from a core design perspective that you would be in melee to maximize your effectiveness (a fact that holds true even today).


Sorry I accurately described your intelligence.

I don’t care if you disagree with me, the point is you couldn’t show me where Restoration Shamans, Preservation Evokers, and Discipline and Holy Priests had talents to weave in a melee rotation in order to heal. And because you couldn’t, you cherry-picked only three abilities that are not even melee abilities trying to defend your incorrect position and when correctly called out you cowered behind “muh feelings” and could not continue the conversation further. At the very least, you have an astoundingly accurate character name. Go back to the tear-soaked corner you came from and don’t come back; the adults are talking here. Cheers.

Those are reasons for them to be in melee as their job as a healer to contribute to the group. Does it increase their healing? Depends if you consider preventing damage as healing. A gcd to stops 5 casts dealing 100k damage each is better than a 300k heal.


I didn’t forget. I literally addressed the fact that both existed in my post to you. But I guess you didn’t read past one sentence.

HP feels awful, why give us spells even if we have to be in melee range? We picked Holy pally to stay AWAY from combat…far away. Please rework HP and make it so we do not have to go into melee just for holy power or dps

No one was arguing about Priests having a melee healing rotation; the examples were about talents or abilities that situationally require you to be in melee (as the OP who plays MW doesn’t want to be in melee at all and a Priest that might need to be in melee to optimize damage with Holy Nova or use Psychic Scream for an AoE stop might not be the ideal alternative).

Moving the goal posts of the argument to launch an ad hominem attack due to your misconception of what is being discussed is quite rich.

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Even resto shaman has to move into melee to get the best use out of spirit link totem.

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You don’t remember Jab Jab Uplift?