Why is melee shoved down healer throats?

Bro you press jadefire stomp once and you can just spam spinning crane kick without much loss in the passive healing. You’re having an anixety attack about imaginary mechanics, chill


That’s a really aggressive title posting.

because it’s a melee spec.

there are plenty of non-melee healers. i recommend giving one of them a try :slight_smile:

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I thought some healers wanted to be able to do more soloing and leveling while in heal spec?

Its fun to have different specs with different ranges, this is a skill issue.

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I do very much :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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One of the resons I stopped leveling my healers was because I had to maintain an extra set of gear to do so much of the day-to-day content. Only have time to really keep one spec up to snuff.

The answer is because those classes were are are designed for melee healing/damage. But…

So m not really advocating for not being in melee as a MW monk but chances are you will still be able to push that 2k IO even if you run a soo mist build that avoids as much melee talents as possible, something like:


Change points around as you want, lots of utility in the class tree you can shift points around for. You still need interrupt to path to celerity for the extra roll charge. Could pick up RJW in raids but youll still need to be near melee to get the most out of it. ( ideally with a build like this Id suggest being in the middle of melee and ranged, unless you need to stack for some reason )

Mostly reduces the RSK interactions. You still still need to roll in melee if you want to use interrupts or the aoe stun, but you can set up your transcendance early- roll in - teleport out. This can slow adds too if talented and heal you if you got hit. Same thing with the conduit ability, you will want to position yourself somewhere close so you can hit everyone with it.

I don’t entirely suggest it because there are other benefits to being in melee - but you shouldn’t have any issues getting 2k io even if you wanted to drop as as much melee as possible.

Be mindful of raid mechanics targeting you. The game still considers mistweaver melee-healer for raid mechanic.

Again, I dont really suggest ignoring your melee abilities like this, and you still need to be close to stun/interrupt but in a 2k IO world you can most likely make it work.

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And they’re currently bugged to have a little more AoE healing than usual. It’s a fun bug lol

OP’s been out there assisting DPS with crackling jade lightning for years and never thought to torpedo in for the RSK.


people who want to play “caster mistweaver” don’t have stuns or interrupts on their bars, and don’t see a problem with that :dracthyr_shrug:

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I haven’t encountered this issue at all on the healers I played this expac: Shaman, Druid, Paladin (only in S1), and Evoker.

While it’s probably more optimal to play as a Melee-Healer on Holy Pally, I was completely capable to play a pure ranged build that was good enough for Normal / Heroic raids.

And from what I’ve been told, a pure Mistweaver Monk is the same way - viable, but not optimal.

I think that’s fine. Having one or two healer specs be a more “melee battle healer” gives us more variety to choose from. If someone absolutely cannot stand the battle healer play style, they can look up a Monk or Pally build that’s more ranged… or just roll a different healer like Shammy or Priest.

This is probably true. I imagine one can get 2k IO ignoring those buttons, but it’s all on the dps/tank to make sure they have all the stops. I doubt anyone would notice up front if something was off though unless people started dying to obvious healer mistakes, or if someone in the group runs a MW alt and calls them out. OP’s situation it probably doesn’t matter if they only care about 2k io though. Damage wont make much of a difference at that level so meh there. It’s their game time really but I dont suggest ignoring abilities at all. Every ability interrupted is something we dont need to heal.

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oh of course. these are the “i’m doing the bare minimum, so leave me alone!” healers.

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Then don’t do it! Be a rebel with your bad self!

Yeah, pretty much. If they cap out and stop at 2k IO I guess it doesnt really matter for them though. Once they push higher they will most likely see the value of hitting those “melee” buttons. ( more damage/faster kills and more interrupts and stuns means much less damage coming in, possibly timing the key or killing the raid boss )

At this point one might as well play a resto shaman if they don’t want to be in melee as MW monk because those tools are ranged on Shaman, but I imagine if OP is determined enough they can get the 2kio with whatever.

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i’ve advocated more than once for rsham glyphs to give all their abilities the chi green color/look so “ranged mw” players can enjoy their preferred gameplay feel without compromising the spec :slight_smile:

Caster mist weaver is actually a really strong spec. Crazy spot healing and big hps. It just does no damage and burns through mana. Fortunately healer dps is meaningless in M+ so you shouldn’t feel bad about playing it.

Too many healers like to stand 8 miles away from the group and then get mad that someone is out of range. So yeah all healer classes should have something that encourages to stop being a chicken.

That said, no one will ever be able to stop me from going restokin, especially with the removal of melee range extenders. I am fine with being close enough to Incap or Typhoon. Maintaining melee range while also throwing Regrowths on specific partyframes is such a huge PITA I would rather not play resto at all.

It literally has it in the name Mistweaver. It’s always been a melee heal class. They can’t give every class the option to be every other class.