Why is melee shoved down healer throats?

Melee healing is fun and a unique vibe. I’ve never understood why Holy Paladin players are so violently opposed to it. It’s a big part of what makes Mistweaver stand out, even.

Most holy paladins want melee. Look at how many turned away from it in season 3 when casting was forced upon them.

There is a huge section of casual “vanilla” stans who think ranged is the way. But it’s been proven time and again that holy paladin is always best played in melee. It’s just a matter of being forced to cast in melee or use melee abilities.

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I miss the MoP version of MW. Wasn’t a Melee Healer, nor was it a Ranged Healer. It was a Mobile Healer, one that could balance and bounce from long range to short range mixing defensive and offensive while actively avoiding danger and keeping party / raid members topped off and having decent DPS from nearly any where in the encounter and not stuck to one or the other.

This new theme of you are either Fistweave melee Band-Aid bot or Long distant topical ointment aerosol spray bot styles are boring and lacking in the originality of how the spec first was.


You can talent/play however you want in most content.

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Is there a rational behind why so much healing is in melee range now?

It’s just monk and pally, and even they can be played at range (though it’s usually not optimal). The rest heal from ranged. Druid will catweave if they want to try optimizing dps, though it’s not necessary, most of the time.

ahh that kind of makes some sense, though, no?

catweave? I’m out of touch man, I’ll google it. lol

cool! sounds fun.

I’m not opposed to melee heal but I specifically just don’t enjoy catweaving. Its not fun because there are just too many abilities to juggle. Also, shapeshifting does not flow well at all. The constant context shifting of attention doesn’t feel natural in a game that’s all about ability rotations and the dance. There is no synergy between cat and healing either, which makes it feel like a distraction at best.

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The good old days pre Catta when healers even Holy Pally where to stay back and press heals Dpsing was what bad healers did.

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Pre cata the game was very new and people didn’t have such easy access to the stuff we do nowadays lol no better proof then classic WoW :dracthyr_lulmao:

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yea it really sucks, i love my Restokin(resto/moomkin) class fantasy but now thats not even an option… all the cat talents are garbo, they are trying to get rid of healer dpsing in downtime it seems, so much so that it feels punishing to even put dots out lest you run out of mana.

mist weaver used to be REALLY fun, but they keep nerfing soothing mist and the jade statue and trying to force the punching and kicking.

i dunno about priest as they have felt bad to me for a while, i used to really like disc but after breaking atonement healing its really not fun now.

… I don’t remember being a melee healer when monks first came out. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also whether or not you agree with OP - Making the arguement: “If you didn’t want to melee don’t play a monk” — in regards to its healer spec, is kind of a copout statement. lol

Because ultimately:

  • Healers have always been ranged spell-casters since their inception.

They may have had varying ranges to one another, but that’s been the core-principle.

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Show me the melee talents for Restoration Shaman, Preservation Evoker, Discipline and Holy Priests. I’ll wait.

It’s almost like there’s varied playstyles for healers for those who enjoy them…

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What are your goals in wow?

You can play any healer at range and achieve this goal and more if you wish. I’m sure if you asked in the class forums or discords that someone would gladly make you a no melee and/or no dps heal build for raid and m+.


Shaman: thunderstorm with thunder shock
Priest: holy nova and fear
Evoker: I have no idea how they work so maybe?

That’s not melee.

Those aren’t melee.


Yea I wish they didn’t remove Moonkin form from Resto. It should be baseline, IMO. They get access to cat form and bear form but not moonkin?

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I disagree that they aren’t melee abilities.

Below are the ranged healing specs.
Disc Priest

Below are the ones that you can, but do not have to, play melee:

Please just stop crying and play a ranged healer if you want to be a ranged healer, and stop trying to get the two melee healers taken away because you personally don’t like them