Why is melee shoved down healer throats?

Did you forget that stance of the crane existed back then?

God I miss stances for monk.


That wasn’t added until Warlords and removed in Legion.

Edit to add: Warlords is when Mistweaver was thrown into melee more and continued after that. Originally we had Stance of the Wise Serpent, which increased healing and Crackling Jade Lightning. It was the stance Mistweaver got. But when Warlords came out, they deleted Wise Serpent and replaced it with Spirited Crane, which forced us into melee healing.

That’s when I dropped Mistweaver.


Monk isn’t a ranged damage character.

Monk had Eminence in MoP, which caused you to heal the lowest HP character when you dealt damage with non auto attacks.

I coulda swore it was in mists… hmmm. I def remember fistweaving in mists.

I mean, unless there’s some mechanic that requires you to spread far, there’s really no reason for everyone not to be kind of clustered together near or in melee range so that everyone can get the positional aoe heals or to make sure you’re in range for your prevoker. Or to bait mechanics like boulder on 2nd boss of RLP. No need to be standing all the way in Narnia (looking at you, MM hunters)


No matter how hard the devs try to force me to go into melee range as a healer, I’m just not gonna do it lol


I think this conspiracy is valid because I mulled over it years ago when they pruned BDK.

They pruned, mitigated and reduced every single ranged ability DK had. There was this ability called Death Siphon, it was the perfect solution for being brittle on initial pulls of packs, they took it away.
I had to relearn BDK when Legion came out. It went from slowly rotating your CDs to just spam Death Strike over and over, which is funny because now they’re finally backpedaling on it.

Just leave BDK how it was, a spec that rotates through short cooldowns. I have no idea why they went on a crusade to reinvent the wheel.
Blooddrinker is just a cheap rip off of Death Siphon. I feel like they did it because of PVP, but why??? Who cares.

Aww man, I remember Death Siphon. It would work better nowadays too, since all runes are considered death runes.

And unfortunately reinventing the wheel has been standard operating procedure for a solid decade now.

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Crane stance was added in WoD yes Eminence however existed since MoP and was provided by Wise Serpent until WoD.

Basically yes since MoP Mistweaver has been a Melee Healer just that well Chain Lightning wasn’t always complete trash.


And that’s why Crackling Jade Lightning and Spinning Crane Kick could heal. Both were used at ranged. Wise Serpent upped healing and improved the functionality of Crackling Jade Lightning and Spinning Crane Kick.

Like I said, you could be in melee range, but our ranged healing was fantastic and Wise Serpent with Jade Lightning made it even better.

Warlords destroyed any ranged healing and I noped out after that.

I just think it’s better when both styles were viable— like from the start.

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Yuh I think that at the end of the day it’s either they split into 2 seperate specs, ranged is basically removed in favour of melee or they take the Weaver in Mistweaver more literally reworking it to weave between Melee and Ranged.

I just don’t think they can coexist within one spec forever like Blizzard has kinda shown their hand with Resto Druid.

Ngl I think they do need to split it into 2 specs. Considering druid also had a talent tree where 2 radically different types of gameplay was fighting. I don’t think melee versus ranged should share a talent tree.

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You play the original melee healer spec, but don’t want to be a melee healer? Ok then.

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The original mistweaver spec way back in MoP was almost purely melee. I didn’t mind it - but it wasn’t very popular then. Then ranged options were added together with a more complicated fist weaving. Both options were in the same talent tree during dragonflight. I got to prefer ranged for raiding. Now the emphasis and talents has favoured melee. The skill ceiling for doing that really well is too high for me. I’ll keep playing windwalker and brewmaster - but probably not mistweaver. Ill pick another ranged healer.

I’ll never understand the throat obsession with the forums

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why even make this edit . holy paladin is a staple in melee

What does this mean?

Oh the phrase “shoved down throat” that phrase has bad vibes to be honest.

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Nothing is stopping a player from playing monk or paladin from ranged. Especially since dragonflight. You just have to find a build that works in the current meta or go away from the current meta and do your own thing.

Yulon isn’t going away. Neither is Tyrs Deliverance for holy. Or just casting spells as resto.

Besides from what it looks like healers won’t really be forced to dps.

If all you wanna do is follow wowhead or the meta build then you will always be a slave to the meta and the picks.