Why is leveling not remotely dangerous?

Because you want leveling to be less dangerous.

So the real question is… why do you want leveling to be less dangerous?


But if I want content to be less dangerous, why do I have more fun when it’s more dangerous? While at the same time, I put on gear to make it less dangerous.

It’s not a contradiction. It’s a fundamental hole in your logic.


Nah i just like watching his followers squerm whenever they get called out for their bad taked that they are uninformed about and just repeating

You don’t. If you did, you’d level naked instead of deliberately making it easier.

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I do, actually. In any piece of content, I put on gear and get better at completing that content, but that content wasn’t less fun when I was worse at completing that content.

You don’t actually understand what makes enemies and gearing fun.

Nope wasn’t war mode. Like I said in the post, it was related to campaign completion of an old xpac. Even though he has a level 80, he didn’t complete 4/4 Dragonflight campaign. World content and non linear quests are still gate kept behind completing this, meaning a fresh character or a character with partial completion is going to have constant phasing and scaling issues when grouped up with anyone who isn’t on their exact level of completion.

If you think a non wow player should just intuitively know that, idk what to tell you.


I understand just fine, because I actually play the game when it IS difficult, instead of complaining about the tutorial like you are.

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You don’t even have that while leveling.

“Why does Fallout have a survival mode when you could simply just delete your character and restart if it doesn’t eat or drink enough food?” Is the logic of the replies here.

You don’t. Or you’re being intentionally obtuse. In either case, you’re making a terrible argument.

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So war mode was on. Or again youre lying. Its npcs have skulls and your phased out its warmode. Try again. Got another lie i can debunk? Or are you just that dumb?

If you want something difficult, go fight Mythic Queen Ansurek.

Sitting around complaining the tutorial wasn’t hard enough when you did everything you could to make it easier is ridiculous.

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We live in a soceity of short attention spans and instant gratification. I don’t think old school grinding would hold up today.

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The old school grinding isn’t even a grind, anymore.

It’s just that a lot of people were terrible at the game in 2005.

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It really wouldnt. HC is already on a decline its still popular tho mostly becauae if streamers and them just content farming it.

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HC is just people deliberately getting themselves killed in hilarious ways for clicks.

It’s always been very easy to level without dying; WoW’s tutorial has never been hard.

I don’t think leveling should be like mythic Ansurek. Actually unserious replies lol.

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For sure. I leveled 2 times in HC it was a cake walk. Just slow and a slog. HC is just people getting clicks from doing stupid things. Like which onlyfangs recenty died from jumping off a cliff on “accident” again i cant remember

Tell that to the battalions of murlocs in Elwynn.
Tell that to the mobs in any cave dwelling.
Tell that to the Defias in Moonbrook.
Tell that to the Dalaran Mages at the Ambermill in Silverpine where there’s 8 of them in one room with all of their Voidwalker summons.

Leveling wasn’t THAT easy.


Yeah, the current leveling model where everything is trivialized is absurdly bad.