Why is leveling not remotely dangerous?

I can tell you one that happened just yesterday when my friend who plays on and off for the last few years gave the game another shot.

He logs in phased from everything because the game just has him in BFA time walking by default. I walk him through getting back to org to time walk to the current timeline. Now I can see him in org.

He had done about half of the dragon flight campaign in the past so I port him to valdrakken to continue. Problem is, I’m phased from him in Valdrakken and cant sync to him. In fact I’m completely phased from him in all of the Dragon Isles.

I bring a fresh character down who hasn’t completed the campaign. I can see him in parts of different zones, but not Valdrakken and also mobs that we can both see scale to me, but for him they’re still ?? Skulls.

This doesn’t even mention the myriad of bugs that he experiences. TWW trailer playing every time he logs in, some legacy quests never being adjusted for the level squish / level scaling, so they’re just impossible to complete at a lower level etc.

Its just a really bad experience for new and returning players


This kind of phasing stuff happens all the time when my wife and I pair up different sets of alts. Unfortunately they only maintain a few of their rides at a time in this theme park and the rest are starting to look like a rickety ferris wheel that no person in their right mind would bother riding.


Actually no it’s not the same as those things. The only thing that would change with my plan is that the mobs and bosses would not be as easy to kill and they would have more time to kill you.

Physically and visually it would be the same.

That’s not what OP said.

Why? What’s the difference? You encounter mobs, you shoot at them, they shoot at you, what difference does it make if the XP is 20 to 20 something or 400 to 400 something?

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I see fantasy games (rpgs) as progressing while you level up.

You’re supposed to have an easy time at the beginning, or else you’d be completely turned off and not want to play anymore. The game eases you in so you play more with each sitting.

I got turned off of retail though because of scaling. For me, it feels like there’s no more progression or any incentive to gear up or grind out levels to be stronger while leveling.

That’s why I enjoy Classic, because the more you level, the truly stronger you become and you can feel the power of your character progressing. There are those danger zones so you can know your limits.

I enjoy the feeling of “Oh, this zone is for level 25s, and I’m only level 10, it’s going to be almost impossible for me to have fun or level over here” and then 15 levels later, I go back to the zone and I’m like “This is much easier, and I’m blasting these mobs now”.

In retail, it’s more like “This zone was supposed to be level 50+, but at level 10, I’m blasting mobs anyway”. There’s just no danger anymore, no feeling of impending doom if you step foot into the wrong place. It’s not even an MMORPG at that point, but it’s still a grind, just not a very fun one.


These are just numbers. You can simulate this by raising or lowering your own numbers by changing gear and talents.

The major difference is that making it easy allows those people who want to get to Mythic quickly don’t have to be bothered with long grinds. Anyone who likes the grind to be longer can just gear and talent down to the level they want.

The more replies I read the more I realize you are right.
You are, no doubt, a true Shaman

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? This is not a serious suggestion lol. If there was no difference I would be doing exactly that.

Do you imagine that when I put on better gear I’m making things less fun for myself?

It’s exactly the same as those things and has exactly the same results. The act being that you handicap yourself and the result being that mobs take longer to kill and have more time to kill you.

People that want more challenging dungeons and so choose to do M+ could do the same thing and find more challenge in a heroic. That doesn’t mean M+ should be removed or simply not exist though.

Because it’s a bad suggestion.

That is exactly what is happening. Putting on better gear does one thing, it makes you better able to fight higher level bosses and mobs.

If those bosses and mobs are too weak, adjust yourself down.

From a mathematical point of view, the ratio of 500:450 is the same as the ratio of 50:45. They are just numbers. If that ratio is what you like and you find yourself at 500 to 45, divide your gear by 10. It’s that simple.

Tiffany the type of person to say “Well if you think the wealthy should pay higher taxes, theres nothing stopping you from sending more money to the IRS with your tax return!”


Yea thanks for confirming youre lying. That or you and your friend are really dumb no offense.
Sounds like one of you was in warmode and the other wasbt actually no one of you was in warmode which is why npcsvhad skulls.
So you not going oh check if your in warmode and disable it something so simple shows more on you and if this did happen thats even more embarrassing for you both.

So why do I have fun when I put on better gear?

So many folks worried about new players.

If you wanna know what leveling grind really is, roll a toon on a classic only server, where you walk till level 40, have to grind to get enough gold to ride slow. When you finally get to 60, come tell us how “stimulating” the experience was for you.

Oh and so ya know, they streamlined leveling because the old experience was running new players off.

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I can’t say that I agree.

Faster leveling for alts is one thing, and if you wanted a challenge, you could over-haul your gear and talents, sure.

As a new player though, you need to get a sense on how to survive, your rotation and using mitigation (if you want to tank) against tougher mobs. If you’re 1 shotting them, are they really learning anything other than to be disappointed once they hit 70+? As soon as they do meet a challenge, it’s likely they’ll get frustrated and play less and less.

Getting them started early on being challenged can be a great way to train, so that way when they do get met with a tough time, they know what to do and can avoid being kicked from groups due to “I didn’t learn how to play my toon because I leveled too fast to learn anything about him/her”.

Because people whined about leveling and blizzard kept bending the knee to the whiners.

That’s not so much a leveling grind as it is a time sink. People aren’t saying leveling in Classic is stimulating, but it does teach you how to use all of the tools in your kit, and does a better job preparing you for harder instances/issues.

Retail on the other hand, you blow through it so fast that you don’t even use 1/4 of your toolkit, and you won’t really learn too much until level 70. Even then, you might start using 1/2 to 2/3 of your toolkit.

TL:DR, Classic is a better teacher, so it’s a good idea to start with that.

OP is talking about wanting leveling to be harder. My suggestion is a way to do it. Then you can put the high level gear back on and do the higher level dungeons and raids.

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Just ignore those people. They are asmonites followers of the roach lord asmongold. They dont think for themselves just rehash whatever the roach lord decrees. Its sad honestly cant ever be happy, blame their lack of skill on the game, etc. They rather the game die before finally admitting its their own skill and nostolga thats the issue holding them back from wnjoying endgame

That’s completely wrong. If you are one middle class person, how does you paying more taxes shift the balance of taxes more toward the rich?

Tell us how much you hate Asmon without telling us how much hate him. I don’t care for the dude either, but he seems to be living rent free in that head of yours, lol.