Why is leveling not remotely dangerous?

They may as well give us infinite free boosts if they can’t make leveling engaging or stimulating.


Yea i can only kill so many troggs for 10x scrap papers that have a 5% drop rate such good design such engagment. Classic is far easier then retail like i have 2 max level HC toons because i played with friends and none of us died it just slow and boring and even doing the raids was boring we started doing the raid got bored 3 bosses in and quit. Went back to retail had a blast getting them aotc and now im setting them up with a mythic prog guild for undermine


Why give it free? People pay for boosts its a cash cow. Also some people still enjoy retail leveling. Very few plus its fast i got all classes to 80 so i can be my altaholic self.
But you can go to 1-80. It about 4-5 hrs if you know what youre doing.

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Dude’s defending 4-5 hours of unfun gameplay so Blizz can make money. Lol.


Im not defending it im stating the facts. Blizz is a company they want and need money if wow wasnt making money it wouldnt exist simple as that

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Unfortunately retail is just 8 dungeons and a raid with the rest of the game designed to be boring obstacles placed in between you and those 8 dungeons and a raid that are relevant at any given time.

It’s their template.


Thank you for stating the fact that leveling is an unfun feature that they sell skips for

Is that news or a shocker? Leveling always been unfun in wow. Lmao did you just like learn of wow or any MMO for that matter? End game is the focus of every MMO FF14, NW, BDO, ESO, etc. All their lvling sucks and most offer a skip. Like idk what youre trying to get at.

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I’m sorry you didn’t like leveling in any version of WoW

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-_- i see now you just trying to troll. Good day then sorry you couldnt have a discussion. Probably to busy dying in classic to a gnoll failing to push your 2 button rotation. Peace lazy


I always enjoyed it, felt like an actual adventure rather than sitting in a capital city waiting for your instance to pop.

It’s a lobby game if the world isn’t of any importance. Retail is one, just a bit more glorified.

To me, that’s the slog content. I avoid it for a reason.

It literally doesn’t change, you’re always doing the same thing, week after week.

PvP is more fun, so that’s what I’d rather do instead. At least you have different maps and objectives and stuff, lol.

An open world is what makes an MMO, an MMO, not instanced content.

There’s nothing ‘massive’ about 5-20 players in a group/raid.


Its like i said some people enjoy it also pvp is wnd game content sooooo yea.

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I mean there’s not much to discuss when I’m talking about how leveling should be more fun and you talk about how it’s impossible for you to have fun leveling in any MMO


Sorry what you say? I muted you because trolling is just cringe and makes you look dumb. Come back in 24 hrs and think about your behavior


Lots of people don’t want to do the grind. They want to get to M+ and/or work their way up raids from normal, to heroic, to mythic. However that being said, having questing be harder is an option.

To make leveling harder, all you have to do is to go to the AH and get low level gear then take talents out of your talent tree until the questing is as hard as you want it to be.

I’ve made this suggestion a number of times but once I do I never hear from the person who made the original complaint. I’m puzzled as to why.


I know awnser to that. Because doing that isnt as fun as complaining about a none issue or trolling people. Plus 99.9% of them are asmonites and love the clout and moral high ground they feel. Rehashing the roach lords bad takes.


To make leveling even harder you can also play with an arm behind your back and blindfolded while playing on a touch pad.

The reason people wouldn’t spend a lot of time entertaining that suggestion is because it’s a bad suggestion.


Because “Quest naked with no spec” isn’t a good solution lol.

IMO it’s not about how long it takes to level, they can leave that the same. It’s the complete lack of any gameplay challenge. The only challenge for new players comes from trying to figure out how to navigate the incredibly convoluted mess of antiquated systems from previous xpacs that new players still have to contend with.


Name one of those complex systems? Would love to know. I keeo hearing this and it never gets awnsered.

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I also don’t want to do the grind, but I don’t want to pay for a boost any time I want to play a different class.

So if I must go through the leveling process as a prerequisite, I’d like for it to be fun. Taking off my gear to simulate harder hitting enemies is less fun than actual harder hitting enemies. It’s also less fun than 2-shotting them.

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