Why is kicking a thing?

In all fairness I wasn’t doing well on my mage when I got kicked but i certainly didn’t deserve to get kicked… just wish the game was more welcoming to people who are just trying to figure things out. I was on a normal dungeon so it was completely uncalled for

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I do feel like eventually AI judge will become a thing.
Seems logical when everything is starting to become AI deciding with aggregate data.

Those days are over. The days of helping someone are done for the most part, as sad as it may be.

I’m not helping some random person from some random server I’ll never see again. Back in the day when we had actual server communities people were much more helpful, we don’t have server communities anymore.

An environment that fosters patience is good, but removing player choice in group kicking will not accomplish that.

As much as it is a game some people do value their game time as much as you do. It may seem petty to you and I am not saying it is wrong or right but it is their prerogative to play with who they want to.

Just take it as it is and move on, you will run into better people more than you will run into buttheads. Stressing yourself over it will only ruin your gaming experience.

It is a shame people has to be in the level of toxicity.

Question: Does it give you a high on tearing someone apart cause your one dps number too low or going one second too slow?

Grow up teach someone how to play instead of mashing the kick button.


Have you seen Deepmind the google AI for starcraft …its beating pro players :+1:

How is a computer supposed to tell between a person that pulls the entire dungeon to kill everyone and a person that pulls the dungeon because the healer is badass and tells the tank not to stop?

Does it end matches by typing “gg noob”? It better do that…


There are people who play this game who would rather help you vs. kick you. The people I play this game with are those types. The only time we ever kick someone is if they are jerks. If the person is new, we try to help them through the content.

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I cannot argue that, it is sad and I do miss those days. I myself try to be outside the norm. I am not saying you need to or that it makes you a bad person, we also have more ways to help ourselves grow and learn available unlike those days.

Nah it doesn’t like to waste Apm on petty human emotions :rofl:

Logically speaking the AI will not be deciding to initiate the kick, but rather, be the judge when it is initiated.

So if a group wants to pull the whole dungeon AI wouldn’t be involved. But if the group initiates a kick, the AI would analyze the data and decide whether or not the kick is justified.

And I don’t have to pay 15 a month if I don’t want to deal with people like you.


Because if there was no kicking there would be no soccer or football, or KICKball.

That’s right, but here you are paying $15 a month to deal with me.


I would like to point out that the investment to develop an automatic griefer detector is slightly more daunting than a kick vote

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Way too many variables people would learn how to manipulate that system with-in weeks of implementing an AI system like that.


You sound like the type of guy who is frustrated when the world doesn’t bend to your will and wants.

It sucks when you get kicked for under-performing, but you also need to realize they have no obligation to waste time simply because you demand so. It’s a harsh democracy, but still a better alternative than having four disgruntled players for the sake of one.


At first, sure. But deep learning exist exactly for that reason.
They aggregate not just a few thousand data, but millions and billions of situations over the course of days. That’s how they eventually learn how to beat humans in very complex situations - by playing near infinite possible outcomes.

It will eventually learn to make “better” decisions. Perhaps never best, but better.