Why is jaina killed off?

Sorry but people can ask whatever lore questions they like in the forums. It’s called a forums, you know, a place for discussion about WoW and other subjects. Ever heard of it?

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I would doubt it lol


I guess we get Gilblins and the Alliance get those fish guys.

She only fought horde to give alliance time to get to safety and teleported out after trolling and wasting their time, destroying their docks, killing rakhastan, and trash talking Talanji.

Cool but when you ask questions that you could literally type verbatim in Google and get the answer without wasting others time then don’t be surprised when someone mentions this.


I’m confused about this statement… I know I took a break from during legion but like legit the last things that happened before that was King Varian Wrynn died, followed immediately by Tirion Fordring… like not even 10 minutes later quest wise. This was just last expansion too not forever ago…

Rakhastan and Zul die. Zul gets killed by Rakhastan during campaign, returns as a ghost in king’s rest and we kill him again, and he fully reanimates in a new body in Uldir for the last time and we kill him forever. Rakhastan is killed by alliance for not standing down.

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I get that I just never understand it when I see people claim alliance bias with this issue as if they’ve never been willing to kill off ally leaders too… That wasn’t directly said this time but I’ve noticed it come up frequently lately (as in this xpac) as if a bunch of important alliance people weren’t just killed off literally 1 expansion ago

I don’t even want the Nathanos we have now… which means Blizz will do it.

Tirion wasn’t alliance thought. He was alliance a long time ago until he made friends with an orc and decided a long time ago the alliance vs horde was pointless and has since avoided these conflicts. Only person we’ve lost is Varian. Illidan is a night elf but he, like Tirion, removed himself from this alliance vs horde and accepted both side’s elfs as students to be DH’s and he’s now guarding a jailed god.

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I want to like him as an undead loyalist, but my God is he insufferable. Orcs are more polite. He needs a dose of Zelling personality wise…


The <insert single word for female dog in heat> MUST dies !

I mean, at least he’s different. It’s not like he has any reason to pretend to be nice to anyone… so I get why he’s like he is.

But, I’d rather have Flynn telling me what to do all the time.

There is a reason though. You want your guys to back you. If you’re going to be a repeated dick to literally all your followers barring dark Rangers and the warchief, then don’t be surprised when they leave you to die rather than sacrifice life and limb when you get yourself in a serious predicament.

I’d personally let him stay a popsicle in the Jaina fight, but the canon fight makes us release him and what does he do? Acts like a jackass.

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I actually do like Nathanos.


He’s curt (we undead are like that), but he’s an excellent commander and is supportive of those under his command.

If he showed even a small bit of gratitude or acknowledgment I would to, but he’s full on ungrateful edgelord for me.

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He does just that when you complete WQs in Darkshore, e.g. “Well done. The Dark Lady will be pleased.”

Also what he says to Tyrande or is it Malfurion about the tree burning, I laughed, I felt guilty about it but i laughed.

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I had a raid leader like that back in Wrath and Cata, he would say things like we are not waiting for you we’re waiting because of you. He knew our classes better than we did and was a damn good player, I liked him. I guess I don’t need someone to tell me good job every time I do a good job it’s nice to hear but not necessary.

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