Why is jaina killed off?

I didn’t want to come off as snarky and rude like most people here. So I hope I didn’t come off that way.

Jaina should have helped Arthus in the begining, she is a traitor to the light!!

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No, seriously, it’s ok, you didn’t. I’m not saying that these things are real and there’s only been a million supposed leaks since WoW first released, but it is interesting that it has seemed correct as crazy as all of it sounded back right before launch of BfA lol

I mean the leak might have truth to it, but might be hidden among parts that are not true to avoid being discovered or completely ruining player experience. Not that BFA has been good at this.

Could be! But they were also very adamant that as of 8.2 things might not be what Alex Afrasiabi originally wanted, so maybe some of it will change. So, who knows, but fun to postulate. I never even considered a worgen/tiger troll with the run thing that worgens get until I read that post.

I really want a cat race that would be pretty awesome. I’d play as cat troll in and out of battle. I just hope if this part is true they look good. I’d finally get a race I’ve been asking for. I still hope that we get undead elves though. I want my Dark Ranger fantasy satisfied one way or another. I also hope everyone gets a least one race they want.

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Especially since she got that awesome Warbringer video clip :slight_smile:


I have hope for a big ol’ revantusk troll! They’ve been in the Horde since vanilla- hell, they even had a rep bar back then! Anyway, I am also very jaded and I am thinking that Allied Races will end up being random weird things that are just suddenly introduced as opposed to classic ones.

I remember when they first talked about them at Blizzcon 2017 and Ion said that the “BfA” would go to every conteninent and that races from all over Azeroth would be pulled into the fight and have to join a side. Instead… we get gilblins and the new fish men. lol

Pretty sure our King and most interesting character wasn’t just killed, he was vaporized.

Thrall still lives, go figure.

With that said, please kill Tyrande, Jaina, Anduin, Magni, Genn, and soon to be junk Gnome Mekkatorque. Just leave Moira alive. The rest of the alliance leadership is awful.

Are the revantusk the trolls in the Hinterlands? I wonder how their models would different than Dark Spear other than size. Maybe they have tattoos, different tusk styles and skin colors?

Sadly, she doesn’t die.

Jaina holds off the Horde’s mightiest heroes alone while her fleet escapes, then teleports out. Elsa basically embarrassed The Horde.


Yeah, you can see them in the Hinterlands (flagged Horde for 15 years) and they are green to us on the Terrace of Speakers and say they will always follow the Horde when you talk to them.

I think they could just utilize the new Darkspear skeleton, but maybe make them look more like Kazara’jin.

Personally, I think they could do the same for all the tribes, since they usually follow whatever the Zandalari do. And just use these models here as the guides and attach them to the Darkspear current rig.

Dang Kazra’jin is a big beefy boy. That could be different enough. Would the females be that buff?


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You know how she tried to drown Orgrimmar and all the civilians and children with giant water elementals? How about her killing countless people in the Purge of Dalaran? Do a fricking Google search before you post something so ignorant and myopic. My god…


I am not sure who you were replying too but everything you said is correct.

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i doubt that very much, since they already raid bossed her, and she got away. next raid is all about fighting azshara. while jaina is with anduin trying to stop sylvanas and her old god blade wielding schemes

in fact it seems like they are making a warbringer the raid boss for each patch, in 8.1 it was jaina, in 8.2 it is azshara, and in 8.3 it will most likely sylvanas as she is the last one left, possibly wielding a awakened old god dagger, since in 8.1.5 she talks about how she wants to awaken xal’s old dagger that serves n’zoths will

Gilblins in the Horde? As an Allied race?! This… I never knew I wanted this!

It’s directed at OP. I don’t understand why sometimes these forums link who you’re replying to and other times do not