Why is jaina killed off?

Naw, where Sylvy goes, so goes her puppy. Look at the Horde war campaign, especially in Stormsong, and the reactions of the horde leaders to Baine getting arrested.

They both point to Lillian Voss possibly becoming the Forsaken leader. She is a Forsaken who is extra powerful because of what she was created to be in life and she shows compassion and honor and conforms more to Thrall’s ideal of the Horde and has earned the respect of the other like minded Horde leaders.

If Sylvanas dies or leaves, my money us on Voss taking her place.

I don’t raid or do many dg’s either but from what I’ve noticed, I don’t think any of the well known bosses ever die.

They usually just go poof after saying they’re tired of us.

So much bait, so little time.

If you here in a forums “wasting your time”, that’s entirely on you. You don’t have to reply and you don’t even have to post. Again, this is a forum and it’s literally made for that kind of discussion, obvious or not.

They made her more powerful than arthas. Worst part is the hordes payback plan is Derrick proudmore, I think it’s his name. I never even heard of him. Terrible plan.

So in other words, just merely a setback?

Just like Nathanos! :slight_smile:

Ikr! No other class can bubble hearth away from being attacked by 25 highly skilled members of people trying to kill you whole holding them off for a long time.

She led the attack by the Alliance into Dazar’alor. She’s therefore the end boss of the story as the Horde chases her and the Alliance back out of the city. And she doesn’t die. She gets beat up near to the point of death and then runs away and flees because plot armor.

I don’t have to reply, but it’s my choice whether or not to reply.

I’ve only done this in LFR. Wiping on the ice wall didn’t seem very skillful.

I mean, the Horde champions/adventurers are overall skillful in lore :stuck_out_tongue:

IMO given the… kwality… of his plot arcs so far, anything Danuser thinks is “stupid” is probably amazing.

All of this happened after the Horde nuked Theramore, killing everyone in it. This included Rhonin who literally saved the world, Jaina’s best friend and advisor, Pain, and Jaina’s gnome apprentice, Kinzy, as well as hundreds of her people. So I say that her response is defending against further aggression.

So Blizzard can kill off Sylvanas without too much of an uproar; they painted themselves into a lovely corner with the current NPC situation, so this their way of fixing it.
Flips hair

Then take out army outposts and not cities that have people who had nothing to do with the deaths.
By this logic you approve of preemptively nuking Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Iran because Al-Qaeda was responsible of 9/11 and countless terrorist acts and Syria, Libya, Turkey and Qatar because ISIS has done the same solely because members/supporters of both organizations exist in those locations. I mean it’d stop further aggression if all members were dead right?

I mean if you want to stoop to the Horde’s level, sure. Advocate for the genocide of them indiscriminately.

I’m not condoning what the Horde did, but Jaina’s actions against non-combatants such as innocent children are not justified just because some Horde members started it and she deserves to die just as much as those who nuked Theramore.

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From those parties, yes.

Jaina had the power to wipe Orgrimmar off of the map, yet she chose not to. Something that Garrosh never did, even though in Theramore there were children and other innocent civilians.

And furthermore, you might argue that Theramore was a city with heavily trained military, but so is Orgrimmar.

I wish Jaina was killed off.


Care to add to that because without third parties convincing her not to she would have followed through just like she did in the Dalaran purge.

My comment you’re literally referencing counters this. Just because Garrosh and his forces did this despicable act doesn’t get Jaina off the hook for the Dalaran purge unless you want to say she’s just like Garrosh, which in that case, we agree on something :smiley:

Theramore was a port, not a heavily trained military outpost. So no, I wouldn’t argue that. It was nuked because it helped the Alliance military. I wouldn’t condone Garrosh’s actions, as I said.

I just can’t understand why people who obviously have no interest in actually conversing with other people, other than just insulting them, make any comments at all if they only want to be nasty.

I mean, is the object of this kind of response just to look cool by putting someone else down?

It doesn’t look cool at all. It just looks like someone getting their jollies by ripping into someone else for no reason at all.

I repeat my concerns about the lack of community in game and here on the forums and this is a perfect example of what I mean.


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