Why is jaina killed off?

That sounds exceptionally awful, making this entire xpac even more pointless than WoD was, and basically ending with both an ex machina for no reason, and killing off two of the most popular Horde, and one of the most popular Alliance heroes.

Sounds like something Blizz would do.


Well, like I said, so far the leak was accurate, but one never knows. It also said that Alliance would get Mechagnomes (which looks accurate) but that one of the Allied Races that Horde will get are “tiger trolls”. Apparently, if this is accurate, they work like the worgen do for Alliance, but are trolls that either have their troll form, or can become one of the two legged tiger/panther looking trolls from the ZG bosses.

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She fights everyone and then loses and then says ‘haha I have a herthstone nerds, get rekt’


Don’t be silly. It’ll be Basic Campfire.

She doesn’t die…runs away like every other mage at 5%


But not until we take most of the other side out first. :smile:

It’d be very difficult to believe since her character personality has actually progressed back towards the way she was pre-Sunreavers betrayal, willing to do what she can to spare the most lives. Her bloodlust towards the Horde is nowhere to be found after the Alliance champion rescues her from Gorak Tul.


Yeah, like I said, take it with a grain of salt. See, according to the leak a lot of player anger/reactions that happened in BfA has taken Blizzard leadership by surprise, and that according to the leak, they are one of the writers. They said that a lot of this might change because, for example, back in Legion when they were writing it, they didn’t know that Jaina would be as loved. Which means, that might get written out entirely.

They said a lot of things, another is Allied Races. They said they had a list of over 20 to add to Horde but find it very difficult to make up races to fit the Alliance. So, who knows. Originally, I thought we’d end up with races people have wanted a long time like the big bulky forest trolls that are in the Horde or the ogres that are in the Horde, but it appears we will get a cat type of troll, and the Alliance will get Mechagnomes and fish people. Not Jin’yu like one might think, but a whole new thing. I think all the allied races will end up being races we never even heard of until they are suddenly in our factions.

Oh i rambled. Anyway, the leak has been right, but they said that Alex was scrambling the writers to try and change things for 8.2 onwards for damage control, but that they personally thought the changes being made are really stupid, so who knows.


With Sylvanas gone we get Nathanos, do you really want two more years of Nathanos?

I don’t think sidekicks ever get to be the main character. :rofl:

Wait, wasn’t Arthas, Uther’s sidekick? (JK)

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Imo he had his own story ark going for him.

I was just joking around. I’ll put a jk there.


Have a question in game?
Ask in chat and get told to google it (often followed by insults).

Ask a question in the forums?
Someone is bound to tell you that you “could take 5 seconds” and google it instead.

Google…a question on the forums…as the first response to someone…really?

If you don’t want to answer someone’s question, why can’t you just say nothing at all. People talk about all kinds of things here and 90% of these things could be Googled. We could save most of the time spent speaking to each other at all if we all followed that suggestion.

At that point, we could seriously say that these forums are pointless, except to complain, since some people really don’t seem to want to just have a friendly conversation here any more.

These are things that give me a little understanding of the Lounge threads, where people just want to talk and be friendly, rather than look for excuses to criticize each other.

We are slowly just sucking every little bit of community and good will out of this game.

“Can’t we just get along?”


Weretigers allied race is the only thing I like about this rumored leak. Did it predict undead elves/san’layn too? Kul’tirans, Zandalari, Vulpera and whatever else as well?

Spongebob Squarepants for Warchief?

It didn’t say all the types, only that they had a ton for Horde but had a very hard time finding any that meshes well with Alliance. The only ones mentioned (this was back in August) was gilblins and mechagnomes, fish people that were unnamed and “cat trolls” as they kept referring to them. WHich they said we will encounter on an island that they have been hiding at for a long time. I am assuming they are Kimbul’s old followers? No idea on specifics.

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Sorry, I’m a little sceptical. But I’ve never seen this rumor before. I’ve heard of the San’layn over Darkshore tormenting the Nelves one. How they join the Horde and such.

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Hey’ it’s totally cool. I am always skeptical as well. At the time I thought it was BS because I was like, gilblins in the Horde? And I had never heard of a mechagnome ever in the lore like that. But, as of 8.1.5 it’s still right, it said that’s when we would get Zandalari.

I should add it also was VERY laden with cuss words referring to Alex Afrasiabi whom they appeared to have a great anger towards.

She acts as a distraction to buy time for the allisnce troops to pull out after yhe siege was successful.

She bubble hearths away at 5% hp in the fight. Lore wise she suffers minor injuries. The overall losses in ally side from the events of the raid are overall minimal.

The biggest loss was the gnomes leader. His escape pod malfunctioned and has essentially frozen him into a coma. But no one has any idea how hebuilt his robot so hes incspacited till someone can wake him up from his ice induced coma.