Why is gold abysmal this xpac

I love when he does that. I giggle and am like, thanks. It will help with repairs :rofl:

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I wouldn’t mind lower gold, but it feels the expenses of stuff increased as usual rather than staying the same. Admittedly, I don’t do tons of end game content.

So why would you want less gold to be earned in the game lol
Man the people in this game are whacky af.

“Here’s your cut!”

I wish I could say, “you keep it, you obviously need it more than I do”

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Where did I say I wanted less? I just said that I wouldn’t care if they toned down gold, if the costs matched.

What a weird statement.
Literally meaning;

Because if you

Kind of is a pointless statement in general.

I don’t know you you are missing my point when it’s obvious. I’ll try again “Keep the gold income to expense ratio how it’s been”. Regardless of if they inflate it, deflate it, or keep it the same.

Yeah, they made gold less easier to make. Things are more expensive in general.
So thanks obvious.

LOL gold is so easy to accumulate its laughable.

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lol? Nope.

But I’ll stop feeding the troll maybe it’ll get off the forums and make gold :slight_smile:
Good luck making gold in the easiest expanasion since WoD to make gold.

You basically have to know proffessions to make large sums of gold.

The game isn’t relying or anticipating large sums of gold from just quests. People with proffessions are have been making a killing, but it takes work.

Just leveled a new alternate in about 12 hours from 71-80 while passively gathering herbs and ore as she leveled. I estimate to have made about 45k gold if I sold that stuff, which I won’t because it will support my crafters. I have about 9 million in raw gold overall since I came back in 2020 after a 9-year hiatus from the game. Doesn’t even touch the tabs of stuff I couldn’t even value at, but don’t care because they are pixels.

Other than selling your gold for tokens to purchase game time and possible expansions, why do people dedicate so much time to farming gold? Everything is pixels and everything eventually goes away due to bugs, consumption or just plain and simply burnout.

I know in 1 game I use to play, reason I left World of Warcraft, after 5 years I had a staggering 600-700 million in currency, and it got stripped from me by the company as punishment for finding a game bug and reporting it. Still don’t know why as it had nothing to do with that game bug. But it left hard feelings on me about ever farming anything even passively ever again and took me an additional 3 years to ever try online gaming again.

I would imagine not everyone has played this game for 18-20 years like some of us, don’t really understand what it takes for gold to just fall into our pockets, and they do not farm or grind for things the way we do and need it to simply shop at the AH for the current outrageous pricing. They have champagne pricing on 7-11 items at the AH, and the avg user just wants to buy it and move on.

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I’m kind of surprised there aren’t more people complaining about consumable and enchant expenses this expansion.

It really is starting to feel like they are keeping things expensive to push token sales.

The only good things to do for gold are your weekly caches and the world boss, you get about 3k for all of them together which is still not much.

I’d like to know what fish?? And I agree that the gold nerf to things like the race quests is a little much. Prices for mats are still pretty high so gathering is a better idea than casual crafting. As usual the no-lifer crafters are raking it in, I just don’t have that kind of time anymore. And like a couple have said the SL quests and weeklies drop more gold than the DF ones, and SL paragon rep is still 3500g. Loss of the app has cut my garrison/sanctum earnings by 70% though, and the transmog market is crap right now. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

I have never really had much gold. I usually take double gathering and do that as I level. I have done additional farming. I’m about 1.5 million since the start of the expansion.

I made nearly twice as much per toon during Legion as I did WoD, although I was late to the Level 3 inn gold party. Made nearly as much per toon in BfA and SL. Actually made MORE per toon in DF. So Daddy Blizz nerfing gold since WoD just isn’t true.
So far in TWW I didn’t get the big “first month” boost I have the last couple expacs since I’ve had a lot less playing time. Gold per day is a little less than my DF overall average so we’ll have to see if things improven but it’s not really a disaster. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I just throw a phial of truesight on a miner, fly around for 30 minutes, and then throw 40-50k worth of mats on the AH. Gold is easier now than it ever has been for me in the past.

We get less gold this expansion from everything, but everything costs more. The difference between DF & TWW is staggering.