Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

tf is wrong with you lol go to bed

I’ve long since lost my ability to be surprised at people flying so far off the rails so quickly. It’s like I always say after a long day at work - try to never think you’ve met the dumbest person ever, because someone will always come along and tell you to hold their beer


Like this guy?:

Wasn’t really “Ancient” times though, it’s still relatively recent — Faerin herself just left when she was a child, I’d hardly call that ancient history :joy: She ain’t THAT old dayum. lol

‘Ancient’ History in WoW would be like:

  • War of the Black Empire & the Titanforged
  • Aqir and Troll Wars
  • War of the Scaleborn
  • Revolution of the Pandaren
  • War of the Ancients

etc … The Arathi of Hallowfall splitting from their original kingdom is “old” in the traditional timely sense – but it’s hardly what anyone would call relatively “Ancient”


Nothing is wrong with me just sick of all these Buzzwords from spineless men who demand representation via a stereotype that they don’t even meet.

Garrosh had the spine to say what he thought about non orcs he didn’t hide behind buzzwords and dog whistles he was a bigot and proud of it. You want more characters like him to represent you simple prove that they actually represent you and grow a spine.


You’re misunderstanding what he’s saying. This Arathi empire split off 2k+ years ago. 15(ish) years ago the Arathi emperor had visions of Renilash and sent out the expeditions to join this final battle. The people in Hallowfall are one such expedition who were pulled to the Undersea by some strange force and founded Hallowfall.

All of this is handily explained in the zone itself but we all know terminally online people cannot read.


I mean, they haven’t confirmed a specific timeframe yet, but the original Arathi Empire splintered into the Seven Kingdoms about 1,200 BDP.
Considering that the Hallowfall Expedition straight up say they are from the Arathi Empire, I’d have to imagine the group they originated from went exploring right around that period of time and hasn’t been able to return across the Storming Sea.

The group we meet on Dorn has been there for ten years, but the Empire they have come from is very likely to be about a thousand years old.


I believe they intended to provoke that type of conflict with Faerin. The character would have been better received if she wore a prosthesis and wasn’t a member of the Lothar family.

They’re doing a disservice here.


Tell me you have no idea what’s going on with the story without telling me you have no idea what’s going on with the story.

I wonder how many of us here have last names that don’t show up anywhere on Wikipedia?


Lol my last name goes right back to colonial land no doubt one of the most common and generic Bri’ish last names in existence :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Faerin Lothar is a discount Raubahn Aldynn.


Feel like thats offensive to The Bull of Ala Mhigo.

Not that I have any issues with Faerin but like oranges and potatoes Raubahn is a major faction leader from a game with competent writers it’s just a comparison no Character from WoW deserves.


There was a Commander Lothar in the Alliance of Lordaeron. Knight Champion. Interesting theories. Don’t think he’s fighting anymore. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? Probably lots of Lothars where you’re from. Like Smith. Or Anderson.

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You compare something like that to Raubahn? What an insult…

Imagine comparing a character in whom the writers have so little confidence that they feel the need to give her the name of a well-known legend like Lothar, even though she has nothing in common with him, being compared to a character who is actually well-written.


This dude doesn’t read text quests. :rofl:

They did explain how they got there and sort of when though.

They were sailing away, until eventually caught in a violent tempest above the Storming Sea — the Third Fleet became enveloped in Holy Light. In a flash, the light transported the entire fleet into Hallowfall. They had come to believe that Beledar had brought them there.

  • Faerin particularly was not supposed to be part of this expedition, but had stowed away on it as a child — Both to escape the shunning & disappointment of her family and because that she, too, heard the call of Beledar (The reason why the expedition that settled Hallowfall had ventured forth in the first place).

:thinking: So unless Faerin was given immense power via Beledar that provided supernatural longevity to her lifespan such as Turalyon did through Xe’ra — The timeframe would still hardly be ancient.


You’re wrong on that either way. We are told that it was a group of humans and High Elves that left, which ultimately founded the Arathi Empire we are now encountering. They were not half elves when they left Lordaeron.

Legend says that when the Arathi first settled at our home, we were two peoples: humans, and the high elves who joined them to help teach magic. They built the foundations of the Arathi Empire together and became one. We have remained united ever since.


That bubble was burst when they brought in the Tyr’s Guard in Legion. The order that preceded the Order of the Silver Hand by thousands of years. Also Uther was always stated to be the first paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand. Not that he was the first Paladin period. Because I can name a couple of Draenei Paladins that predate him as well.

So we are just gonna ignore the 4-6 Night Elves I listed that all have the Whisperwind surname? None of which has been stated to be related to any of the others.


From my observations they’re not interested in an actual discussion about the lore but complaining all over the forums about how she’s “dei” or whatever like feel like every thread I’ve seen about her he’s in there going on about “dei”


Mike Johnson and Josh Johnson both have the same last name, yet I’m absolutely sure their parents did not know each other.