Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

I believe we are setting up for Azeroth to bust out of the planet. Personally, I feel one of two things will happen with that - Azeroth the planet will end up looking like Outland Draenor OR we’ll be called back to evacuate everyone to the Vindicaar, Exodaar (meaning they will have finally repaired it & gotten it airborne again), Tempest Keep, etc., then we will go to the “reset button” in Algolon’s room (“we” being Magni & the players) to reoriginate Planet Azeroth after Titan Azeroth is gone.

As for OP… Ok, humans are descended from Vrykul. Vrykul were created by the Titans in metallic forms to keep Yogg’Saron from waking & escaping his prison. There’s a theme here, the Earthen tell us that they had a Keeper who used to visit them but who has not been seen in thousands of years. The Vrykul ALSO had a Keeper, who stopped communicating with them and they began to suffer the “Curse of Flesh”, turning from metallic golems to living, breathing flesh & bones. Given that there are many metallic minerals in many different colors, Vrykul probably had a variety of skin tones. We only saw a few, because there were only a few left when we got to Northrend. Once the Curse of Flesh set in, Vrykul babies began to be born “deformed and weak” and their leader ordered that all such babies were to be killed at birth (and that the reason behind these births was that their “God” [Keeper] had abandoned them) but some Vrykul could not bring themselves to do so. Thus the Arathi were born (and Kul’Tirans), as some Vrykul rebelled, took their children as well as the children of others who were not brave enough to leave, and sailed over the seas to the Eastern Kingdoms. From the Arathi, the other human groups developed. Why would anyone question the skin tone of an NPC is beyond me, but given that Arathi heritage directly descends from golems of metallic mineral origins, I’m surprised we don’t have red-, blue- and green-skinned humans or more with bronze/golden skintones. As you’ve been told multiple times, the Arathi split & some sailed over the seas, including members of the Lothar family.

Now please stop with these childish, whiny “why is there an NPC of color???” in my game threads.

It’s not a limb to go out on. Of course they are not related, Iron- (or any stone/metal for that matter) is EXTREMELY common as a surname for Dwarves of any sort. As far as JoJo, did you not pay attention when you were leveling a Pandaren? He’s called that because he used his head to break things while we were travelling on the back of the turtle. Hence the name “Ironbrow” - a brow (or forehead) made of iron, strong enough to break stacks of wood, bricks and stones.

Arator - Half-Elven child of Turalyon & Alleria. Has been in the game since TBC & is canon.

Rhonin and Vereesa also have twin boys, who are also Half-Elven. We’ve not seen them, but we know they exist and are canon. This lore comes from the book that accompanied the OG Collector’s Edition.

Had the events leading up to the Sunwell not occurred when they did, it’s entirely probable that Sylvanas and Nathanos would also have had a child or children, also Half-Elven

Hardly “invented out of thin air”, not to mention VERY present in the D&D lore, which all games of this genre are based upon.

You would. And since there isn’t any, it’s pretty safe to say that’s NOT what happened. The King of Arathi that WE know, Anduin Lothar, was in the Eastern Kingdoms and NOT across the western seas. Faerin is from a different branch of the Lothar family, why is this so difficult to understand? Do you not have cousins? Aunts? Uncles?

The Hallowfall Arathi split right after the Troll Wars. If the Troll Wars are ancient history, then it would be correct to say that the Hallowfall split & sailed away during ancient times.

She’s not run into the Mechagnomes yet. (That’s being said jokingly, although I would not be surprised to see her with a mechanical arm in the future.)


They were rare once. But with over 2000 years of mingling, there is no evidence to suggest that they still would be.

When they wrote the books for the TTRPG, they were considered common enough to be a playable race.

They are common enough that Kalecgos chose to make his Visage form look like one to appear friendly and approachable. Jaina thinks this also makes him attractive, not important, but a fun fact.

If a ship full of both elves and humans left 2000 years ago, and a civilization still exists as a result, then nearly every person in it would have to be mixed in some way.

Well, they WERE a thing, there for a while. :grin: :heart_eyes:

Are you really goin to imply that the Name Lothar is just a happy little accident. While the game references to Anduin Lothar himself and both are - oh wonder - royal families?!

Faerin is already so long in the deep that she still can think that Anduin Lothar and her Family could still be alive, because she doesn’t need to know that anduin is already dead.

Faerin isn’t that old, Anduin Lothar wasn’t that long ago, there is enough information to think that they are directly related. The only reason not to think that is the difference in skincolor, which is far of from Anduin so there must be another mother.

She doesn’t even know who Anduin Lothar is. Until Anduin Wrynn tells her about him. You have been proven wrong about this made up scenario you have created.

We have A LOT of evidence that says the opposite. I have provided that in this thread in a response to you. Stop ignoring that. Faerin was born in the Arathi Empire that is beyond the Storming Sea. That alone proves you wrong.

Anduin Lothar was never a king. He was the last of the Arathi bloodline that we knew of, but he was not their king.

Well I mean it is a middle ground between the two men who fancied her. Arthas and Kael’thas.


It’s been amusing watching people lose their minds over this character. They claim to love this game so much, but trip over basic lore that explains why she is the way she is.


Faerin is not closely related to Anduin Lothar. They are distantly related as members of different branches of the same family.

One branch of the family went to Stormwind and died there.

The other branch went with the Arathi empire.

As for why she is a Lothar, here are some possibilities:

1 - The Lothar name is cool and nobody was using it so Blizz decided to make a new Lothar.

2 - They want Faerin to be romantically involved with Anduin so they gave her a well recognized noble name because Andy is a king.

3 - To make people mad that there’s an old white man and a young black woman in the same family.


Yeah! Some of us they couldn’t disclaim.

because these arathi are from an alternate universe and were sent here to play wargames with the void until nozdormu deemed it necessary to converge the fates

Yep, this is the my biggest problem. Just like Disney and Netflix, they cannot create compelling diverse characters and to make up for it, they have to tag a major established character. I am done, Illidan save us.

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did you have a good sleep, Sunshine?

Not slept yet darling but soon wanna tell me a bed time story :dracthyr_uwu:

Just wait until OP finds out all the Wongs aren’t related.


In fact, there’s a relative simple in-universe explanation for this: the lack of distinct languages.

One of the reasons why there’s a huge diversity in last names across our globe is the fact that you have so many distinct languages and dialects. Only when the amount of languages or people in a given region are limited do you see a repetition of surnames that don’t necessarily denote a close genetic relationship. Iceland, for example, has a very traditional and rather ancient naming system (along with government requirements) where the surname denotes only the immediate relationship of father and/or mother. Because of that (and the relative lack of distinct given names), you can have many Stefansson’s and Gunnarsdottir’s who are not directly related to one another, but because Stefan and Gunnar are extremely common first names, and the traditional naming system is so prevalent, you have many unrelated people with that same surname.

In the Warcraft universe, not only do entire species speak a singular language, but the surnames often denote a tribal relationship rather than a direct, linear familial relationship. Because of that, you end up in a situation where all of the “humans”, regardless of their particular “race”, all speak the Common tongue, even though many of them have been separated from one another for hundreds if not thousands of years, and presumably independent languages (or at least dialects) would’ve developed in that time, yet they haven’t.

Also, and let’s be clear about this, the uproar about Faerin being a Lothar is entirely due to the fact she’s black. If she was a blonde, white lady, no one would bat an eye. This is one of those situations where people can accept all of the absurdities of the Warcraft universe (upto and including inter-species relationships leading to procreation and outright time travel), but a black character being distantly related to a long-dead white character is a bridge too far.


Great information, wish I could give you more than a single like!

People are having a lot of trouble understanding the 1,200 years part.

She is not a descendant of Anduin Lothar. She is a part of the Lothar family which branched off and left the eastern kingdoms with some elves to found the Arathi Empire on some random island we haven’t seen before 1,200 years ago.

10-15 years ago, their emperor sent out an armada to fight in “Renilash”, and that is when they found themselves transported beneath the earth with young Faerin stowed away.


Nobody tell these people that families can have branching lineages.

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Let me see if I understand this. They come from the Arathi Empire that left the known kingdoms 1200 years ago but they only arrived in Hallowsfall about 12 years ago?

Yes. There was a lot of time for interbreeding between the elves and humans in their new home, as well as a fusion of cultures (they have lynxes as battle companions and their religion appears to be a fusion of human reverence for the holy light and the elves reverence of the sun).

So everybody is partially an elf and fanatical devotee of holy flames.