Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

I don’t have a gripe with the character in itself. The look and bla bla.

But couldn’t they have came up with a totally new character instead of Anduin Lothar cheated to his wife and had an unwanted child?!…


Got the Netflix treatment.


Unwanted children need representation too you know!!


yep wow was netlixed


You know the Hallowfall Arathi are from a branch that split off in ancient times, yes? It only gets mentioned a few dozen times ingame.


She’s a Lothar from a whole different branch of the family I believe. She is not directly related to the Anduin Lothar.


Best guess is to further Anduin’s story along with making her a Prominent figure using the Lothar name.

Without spoilers, the way he accepts her advice vs how he shrugged off everyone elses, leads me to believe she will become a new large part of the Lothar line that we never had much knowledge on prior. We only knew the Lothars split and a little extra, but that was the extent of it.


Not what happened at all :stuck_out_tongue:
Faerin is from the arathi empire located somewhere weve never been.
They split off from our arathi and sailed away like 2000 years ago.


This character is all the more reason to just press escape and not pay attention to the story. Glad I’ve been doing that for years, sounds like I didn’t miss much this time around.


Yeah but how does that connect to the Lothar Family? Anduin itself referenced his name giving Figure of Anduin Lothar. So it implies a direct connection.


He didn’t. She has no connection to him. The just have the same surname.


Anduin Lothar could be her uncle for all we know for example, just becuz it’s the Lothar name does not imply it HAS to be that Lothar you were thinking of.


They are directly connected by ancient ancestors. Like 2k+ years back. However the 2 lines of Lothar have had nothing to with each other in that time.

Best case scenario: They share ancient ancestors <— this is most likely given the story context and lore of the Lothar family
Worse case scenario: She was adopted into the Arathi Lothars that split. <— Doubt this though


Anduin Lothar had family. Go back as many generations as you need to find where the split happened, and that’s why she has the same last name.


People can have the same last name and not be related.


Yeah but pretty sure the story team isn’t dropping the Lothar name to random NPCs…


And that right there shows you haven’t even paid an ounce of attention to anything that’s gone on with this franchise in the last 30 years other than the fact that there was a guy named Lothar.

The Hallowfall Arathi are descended from a group that left the Eastern Kingdoms along with a group of high elves hundreds if not at least a thousand years ago. They formed a new kingdom across the Storming Sea (you know, that sea that no one has ever returned from?)

Among their numbers were some of the Lothar family. Or did you honestly think it consisted of one man all the way back in the original Warcraft?

TLDR: Two branches of the same family. One that left for new lands long before Warcraft even started, one that ended with the death of Anduin Lothar during the events of Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness.

If you’re going to complain about lore, at least KNOW the lore you are attempting to complain about first.



It could just be a last name given to people who did stuff for their emperor guy and passes down to children too.


You…do realize families are not straight lines over the course of thousands of years and can branch wildly, right?

  1. Faerin is not Anduin Lothars “unwanted child”. They are not even directly related.
  2. Faerin says that her parents are still on the Empires mainland. A mainland that is beyond the Storming Sea, which is west of Kalimdor. Also Anduin Lothar is dead. Has been since the end of the second war.
  3. Faerin was only a child when she sneaked abroad the expedition fleet.
  4. The humans and High Elves that would end up becoming the Arathi Empire we see in TWW left Lordaeron & Quel’thalas around 2k years ago (sometime after the Troll Wars). And had no contact with their Eastern Kingdoms cousins since. Hence why Anduin Lothar was believed to be the last of his bloodline.

Well except Captain Nightsquall if you believe the pirate note we find on the Forbidden Reach.


That what they say about the western storms be true, that monsters and magic make the ocean impossible to cross.

That in payment for his pride, it was now Nightsquall who be feedin’ the fishes in the halls o’ Neptulon.

But hear me now, and know I be speakin’ true. The Nightsquall has returned!

He ain’t tellin’ tales o’ what he seen on his journeys, but the hulls o’ the ships that made it back be full to burstin’ with treasures like ye’ve never seen before!