Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

Half-elves have existed since the War of the Ancients Trilogy novels, where Veressa gives birth to her twins at the end of the trilogy. Then you have Arator who first appeared in Burning Crusade. Kalecgos uses a half elf visage and has since his introduction in the Sunwell Trilogy manga. Alodi, the first Guardian of Trisifal was a half-elf as well.

But sure, they just suddenly invented half-elves out of thin air for The War Within.


Which is perfectly fine as it is well written and doesn’t brutally retcon pre-established lore like Shadowlands did.

Dog whistle grow a spine say what you really mean mate.

No it is not that would probably go to Arthas Menethil he’s an important character to the lore yes but he’s not exactly a well known name like Thrall, Sylvanas or Arthas


ok, your other bs wasn’t worth repeating, but if you read what you literally quoted, buddy was giving someone else grief for not knowing this brand new lore when the game literally dropped less than 24hrs ago was the context. qft

But, was I wrong?

^ The argument in this portion of the debate is the fact that if you’re going to give characters the same name in a work of fiction, then they MUST be related.

All I did was prove that this isn’t always the case.

All that said, you’re wasting a ton of energy arguing with me and constantly pointing out that Faerin is more than likely some half baked self insert that has vast amounts of diversity checkboxes, as well as a bit of a Mary Sue aura coming off of her:

-Minority character
-Disabled character
-Related to famous character
-Mixed race character

Never thought I’d say this, but I think I’d just rather have Med’an at this point, because despite his own issues, at least he doesn’t come across as the same bland caricature that everyone seems to be using just for a woke pat on the back.

It would also be more fun to dunk on Med’an as you know any attempt to be critical towards Faerin when she eventually becomes insufferable (and she’s already pretty damn close with her constant reckless running off with zero regard for the situation) is going to be met with massive backlash.


yes, you were wrong.
Two literal nobodys who share cultural values they were named after that nobody knows about or will ever know about do not equate the gravitas of the name Lothar, or Menethil, or Windrunner.

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They’re also exceptionally rare.

Half elves who were working with the Arathi and flew on flying machines to the middle of nowhere. It’s also explicitly rare that people have half-elf children. The high Elves are not big fans of humans.

Read what I actually wrote, not what you wanted me to have written.

No they weren’t they were helping fill in the gaps for someone who seemingly didn’t read anything and just rushed through it whilst you had a go at them and used a dog whistle cause you got no spine to admit what you truly think.

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lol, k guy.
For everyone else, they can simply read above to find facts lol

Beta has been out for months, the actual storyline of the zone covers some of the facts, and there was an interview all the way back in November right after the original announcement for TWW that covers some of the basic for the Hallowfall Arathi.

I understand it’s brand new lore, but that was still quite the leap in logic to make the mind boggling reach that the DEI character is somehow Anduin Lothar’s bastard daughter.

Even taking not reading every article into account, not paying attention to beta into, etc., some level of grief is warranted. At the very least it demonstrates the fact that they’ve either ignored every little bit of info learned in the zone itself, or they straight up skip every single cutscene, don’t bother to read any quest text, and just stop long enough to see what their current quest objectives are.

FYI, these are the sorts of folks in ANY game (not just WoW) that either can’t explain a single thing that’s happening at any given moment, or that will sit there and tell you how bad the story is despite literally skipping 90% of the cutscenes.

Yeah. I’m going to call folks out on that, context be damned.


Spoiler: famous names are just as likely to be widespread and unrelated as unknown names


Ok, my own issues with him aside, calling Faerin a bland DEI character is not the “dog whistle” you seem to think it is.

And it isn’t just about race when folks do complain about these things, but that’s generally the only argument folks like you ever have, isn’t it?


nice, whose alt are you. Dumb or Dumber?

I didn’t read that he wrote that until you quoted it lol

I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so happy to embarrass themselves, bravo for the dedication I guess


thanks for the impressive introspective, someone’s classic alt :+1:t5:
probably the guy who ironically said I “have no spine” lol

Ok I’ll post on my Retail main if that makes you feel better. I’m sorry to hurt your pride so badly but sometimes when you say something wrong multiple people will tell you that you’re wrong, they aren’t the same person on multiple alts


Boy, this whole thread devolved in a hurry, didn’t it? :laughing:

So, Kal’s playing that game now? It’s actually rather quaint.
I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen someone accuse someone else of being the alt of another poster just because multiple people have called them out for some sort of nonsense or bad take.

yea, buddy came out the gate hurling insults like it’s his/her day job
all based on couldn’t read a couple comments

Okay then what does it mean then hm? Also before you go on about “oh its cause it’s forced” Art is not natural it doesn’t just happen everything about it is “forced” whether it be an Able Bodied Straight White Masculine Stereotype or a Black Woman who lost her arm in combat.