Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

I’ll be honest: until the reveal of this expansion, I figured THAT would be the next big thing.
Obviously, it’ll be a set up for later, especially now that we’ve made contact with a group linked to the Arathi that left many years ago. The real question will be how and when they manage to do it, because with the way the Worldsoul Saga has been set up so far, I’m failing to see exactly how and when new landmasses across the sea are going to come into play (especially as MN and TLT were already confirmed by Metzen to be specifically set around the Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend with what I can only assume to be revamps to their zones)

Not in a fictional story. If you’re going to give someone the same name, there has to be a reason. You can’t just brush it off as a coincidence. It doesn’t make any sense from a storytelling perspective.


Its pretty clear that her name is lothar because shes part of a noble family of the arathi empire.
It does have meaning. Its just not that shes anduin lothars cousin or anything.


They literally cannot.
The modern blizz team writing stories for WoW was reading twilight and 50 shades of grey just a few years ago in high school. They literally cannot do anything impressive, they do what they know.


My guess is something goes horribly wrong during the World Soul Saga and we seek the aid of the Arathi Empire. We might encounter Nightsquall and his pirate armada there. And maybe that Green Dragon, Erinethria, who was last seen flying into the Storming Sea. Or at least her descendants if the rumors are true.

“Fear not,” she told them, “for I can fly higher than any storm. Faster than any thunder. And when I know from whence the west winds come, I shall return home and tell you all!”

And with that, Erinethria soared into the sky.

Moons passed. And still more. Yet brave Erinethria did not return.
Most believed that Erinethria was lost to the Storming Sea. That her mighty wings grew tired and torn by the harsh winds, and that she tumbled into the roiling waters.

But some greens claimed that they saw her in their dreams. That she reached a land beyond, where she raised a brood of her own.


Also it is speculated that Goriona, the Twilight Dragon from the Warmaster Blackhorn encounter might be beyond the Storming Sea as well. She was last seen flying due west and hasn’t been seen since. Dead or Alive. It would also explain (in universe anyway) why she was not present when the Twilight Dragonflight resurfaced during Legion and BFA. Or why she was not present in Dragonflight. The Dragonflight Codex continues with the “no-one knows her fate” after so long since Cata.


I mean. This is how we got Josuke Higashikata and he’s pretty cool


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that an earthen flight master is not the long lost relative of a pandaren monk.


It’s a fantasy game. this is a hamfisted connection, not the 3rd Bob Smith you’ll meet walking down the street.

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It’s fine for some things to just be a “hey that’s neat” moment, not everything has to be a Chekhov’s Gun


My guy Shall I introduce you to the following characters that ALL have the surname “Whisperwind” and none of them have been stated to be related to each other.

Tyrande Whisperwind (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Tyrande_Whisperwind)
Orenthil Whisperwind (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Orenthil_Whisperwind)
Kariel Whiserpwind (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Kariel_Whisperwind) [She was removed from the game in patch 9.1 due to been connected with a certain former Dev with the first name Alex. Like a lot of his OC’s in the game]
Kamatari Whisperwind (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Kamatari_Whisperwind)
Drelanim Whisperwind (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Drelanim_Whisperwind)

There is also Mave Whisperwind, who was a random Priestress of the Moon in Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos for custom games. Like how Drelanim was for Wardens prior to WoD. Which made her officially canon along with some other Wardens.

When it comes to Tyrande, the only people we know she is related to in some shape or form are

Malfurion Stormrage (Husband)
Illidan Stormrage (Brother in Law)
Shandris Feathermoon (Adopted Daughter)


It’s just a coincidence.

I’ve been mashing through quest text and skipping cutscenes since Cataclysm.

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What? She is a totally new character who just happens to be related to one in the past like if Thalyssra and Lor’themar have a child together you gonna claim that their child is not a new character too?

Blizzard invented half-elves out of thin air who all collectively moved to Warfin ~2600 years ago and for some strange reason wanted to make them more important by implying they’re a spin off of the Arathi lineage. It also breaks the lore by pushing the first paladin back ~2600 years.

But more specifically, the same Hollywood writers who can’t find work are now apparently contributors to Blizzard. I can’t think of anyone else who’d think a half-blind paraplegic black woman with an absent father figure was a bright idea.

You’d think someone would have written it down that the king of the Arathi Empire had some side booty and fathered a half-elf who stowed away on airships bound for parts unknown.


She comes from a Noble family. You don’t think families have cousins, uncles, whole branches?


Hey, I’m not denying that Faerin is by all means a DEI wet dream with all the boxes being checked (and I frankly find her to be very uninteresting), but new lore or not, it’s still lore that is being outright ignored for the sake of making wild leaps in logic.


As you well know, those are unknown characters, with very similar cultural beats and named as such. They’re not a Lothar.

Half elves have existed in the lore for quite some time. The only thing they did here, was have a whole faction of them.


cool, just not worth jumping on someone about brand spanking new lore and the game just dropped literally yesterday.

I’m ready for them to forget all about the other more important other human kingdom that never got their story completed.


What about Calia? I love Faerin and all, but where’s my undead paladins that my Queen Calia and her flashlight hands promised?!?!?

I mean MORE humans!?!? How many are there? More than twelve now?