Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

Because they didn’t think about that. Decisions like this aren’t made from a logical extension of existing lore. They are made like:

  1. We want a main character that hits a ton of diversity points.
  2. Sir, this will be contentious, players may not like it.
  3. Attach a famous name to her so that players will like her.
  4. Sir, how do we explain that this person is part of that family?
  5. I don’t know! You make me think of everything… I guess her ancestor had an affair with someone else and made her line.
  6. Ok sir… not sure this is going to go over well.

This is so weird cause I’m not justifying anything? I’m simply focusing on the lore domain and I’m not interested in your social commentary. There could be lore implications in the sense of wanting to exhibit that an ancient line declined because the New Arathi organized themselves very differently, or to maintain some sort of old/new world connection through that Faerin. Whatever your grip with socio-cultural issues, you can leave me out of it

Maybe Anduin Lothar wasnt the only Lothar? Did they say she was descended from him specifically because I did not see it. But it wouldnt be a stretch to imagine a soldier having a child out of wedlock while away from heart and home.

You’re in it. Because there is NO lore reason for this. It wasn’t made with lore in mind. You’re trying to invent lore where no lore was considered.

You jumped in a pig sty, tried to clean up, and are complaining that its muddy. Duh

They did not.

She’s a very distant relation to Anduin Lothar, given that her side of the family left Eastern Kingdoms at least 1000 years ago. Something the game makes abundantly clear with even a cursory amount of attention.

But the secret here is that it’s not really about the lore. It’s just about that sweet sweet hit of adrenaline from being outraged.


I think that’s just you cause I’m here enjoying myself lmao

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It is disappointing seeing people still side with the OP when the OP is 100% wrong.

But I guess people just want to be mad for the sake of being mad at something they themselves made up.

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to narrow it down to a single word

The Lothars have been Valyrian’d.

average concord enjoyer.

Get ready for the Wrynn line to get mucked up here in the future.

How do you people not understand how family trees work?

Are you all directly related to every person in the known world who shares your last name?


In real life yes, but, it is a game they can’t by accident to choose this name randomly, they have something in mind.

Cousins maybe?


Every time I see this thread I laugh remembering how the OP didn’t realize how family bloodlines work.


We have a lot of NPC’s that share the same surname and are not related. I listed some examples of them way early into this thread.

So this whole argument of “can’t use real life logic cause this is fiction” falls flat because of examples like above.

Either that or they ignored the story we are told in Hallowfall, got confused then posted on the forums. Only to double down on their own headcanon when given the actual lore.


lol You do know that a family noble all carry the name Lothar right? So Anduin Lothar is a branch from her family. Do you know how nobility works? She isn’t descendant from Anduin Lothar. They both are descended from the original First human King and have the Name Lothar. If anything, she is mostly like a cousin twice removed or something that still carries the family noble name. That is how nobility works if you don’t go the inbreeding route.

That is what I am thinking. All I see are “shoe horned” and “he cheated”…like…please pay attention to the fraking story. Anduin Lothar and Faerin share an ancestor, they are not directly related to each other. Anduin Lothar is part of the Lothar family that stayed with the first king and broke off to the 7 kingdoms.

Faerin’s ancestors are the Lothar family branch that went off to the expedition from the first king and got trapped for thousands of years on the other side of the world. Both carry the name Lothar, both come from the same ancestor, Anduin Lothar is a distant cousin at fracking best.

People do not know how nobility works at all or family bloodlines.


You do know how cousins work right? I’ve never met people across the globe who share the same last name as me. Why is this any different. The fact is they both come from the ancient Lothar family. Anduin Lothar branch of the family stayed with the first king, all the way to Anduin and the 7 kingdom.s Faerin’s part of the family are the ones that went on the expedition and grew. Lothar is the family noble name, that is the name that is going to survive out of any other name if the marry others.

She is a Lothar and so is Anduin, if anything, they are very distant cousins.

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Mangling lore how? Haven’t we kind of always known that there was a branch of the Arathi empire out there somewhere?