Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

No, that detail came with TWW. First mention of it was the TWW reveal at Blizzcon last year.

You might be right. I’m not hip on all the deep history of human kingdoms. Still, the reveal of more Arathi people didn’t exactly confound me. It made sense given how many other kingdoms and factions had splintered off from them to begin with.


[quote=“Gumblé-thrall, post:170, topic:1931275”]
Sure we can. It was bestowed upon her in order to get people to care about her more. There is no logical storyline reason. Inventing one months after you did it by mangling lore doesn’t count.

My guy, breath. It isn’t something they did to make her “special”. It literally isn’t hard to understand. Anduin Lothar and Faerin Lothar share the same ancestor. The same family tree.

They did it to make her a big deal. It worked, but likely not in the way they hoped.

Don’t know what you mean by that, because anyone with half a brain could understand why she is a Lothar. Isn’t a huge deal, it just means a branch family survived.

It is the equivalent of “no, I’m Rey Skywalker.”

Literally not the same because Rey is a Palpatine who took the name Skywalker. Faerin and Anduin share the same ancestry. Only difference between Anduin Lothar and her is that Anduin’s family line stayed behind in the OG continent while Faerin’s family line went on the expedition and got trapped on the other side of the planet. They are distant cousins.

Appropriation… ironically.

That is so damn dumb. Would it be better if she was white? Because that comment has racial undertones.

That is an expedition from where their people relocated 1,200 years ago. 1,200 years past isn’t ancient?

The expedition is from a place we haven’t even seen yet. Avelon or something along those lines.

:thinking: So unless Faerin was given immense power via Beledar that provided supernatural longevity to her lifespan such as Turalyon did through Xe’ra — The timeframe would still hardly be ancient.

Faerin comes from the Arathor Empire. The Arathor Empire was made from an expedition of High Elves and Humans from the first age of humanity. They left Arathi, before Stormagarde was even made, to explore the other side and got lost. Old Arathi thought they died off, but they survived and made their own kingdom for over 1200 years.

That new Arathor Kingdom of half human/elves sent an expedition back east, towards us, and got transported underground. That is 20 years before our time when we found them. So no, she is part of the new kingdom and is aging correctly.

Because she’s not white

Shes a distant cousin at best its ok

And they made her a lothar to drive home that this arathi empire really is arathi, and not just a empire calling themselves arathi empire

On this side of the planet lothar was considered the last of the arathi blood. But this empire is arathi blood and not just in name


I never played that so idk what you are referring to with that.

Bingo, it is just to say that Thoradin’s bloodline survived on the other side of the planet outside of Anduin. That is it. But Faerin is not taking Strom’Kar from my giant as$ hands.

her branch of the Lothar dynasty split off THOUSANDS of years ago she is not directly related to anduin lothar

That’s the main problem.
Another retcon for the lols.

no, they became half elves after they left across the sea

I mean I wouldn’t really call “Someone in Thoradin’s family line had a brother” to be a retcon


there are absolutely no retcons involved with this Arathi empire.
the old arathi empire sent a colony fleet across the sea of storms, they built the new arathi empire there while the old one collapsed into the human kingdoms.
thousands of years later those now half elf arathi send a expidition back across the sea, which shipwrecks and gets teleported underground, creating Hallowfall
its simple


Meanwhile: dark-skinned people are so rare in WoW that we don’t even know if that’s a hereditary thing in this universe.

ISTG the one and only piece of supporting evidence that exists at all is the Exile’s Reach captain and her son that you rescue along the way. But no one freaks out and creates 800 forum threads about minor bit characters being ‘token DEI’ when that’s what actual tokenism would be about.

And yet it is.

Anduin Lothar was said to be the last of the Arathi bloodline, or Thoradin’s line.
If there is another Arathi, he is not the last heir of the Arathi bloodline. If another Lothar exists, he is not the end of Thoradin’s Line.

This makes it a retcon.

It shares a nearly identical history with the other six kingdoms. The “Arathi Empire” would be the seventh colony and the eighth kingdom of humans/Arathor. It would have been consistent if they had also changed their name. After all, the Arathi Highlands are now also inhabited by the “Stromic”. There was a reason they were no longer known as Arathi.

That isn’t a retcon, that is literally just an expansion.

An expansion wouldn’t contradict previous or established lore sources.

And yet it is.

Literally isn’t because the Thoradin bloodline was left vague for a reason with Anduin being “the last of his line”. Now we know there is another.

Anduin Lothar was said to be the last of the Arathi bloodline, or Thoradin’s line.
If there is another Arathi, he is not the last heir of the Arathi bloodline. If another Lothar exists, he is not the end of Thoradin’s Line.

Again, not a retcon, literally an expansion. A retcon is saying Anduin was never a Lothar. Not that Thoradin sent one of his kids to an expedition and his kids had children and those children had children.

And Faerin doesn’t contradict that Anduin Lothar is still a Lothar. It is expanding something we didn’t know before. Just because we thought he was the last of Thoradin’s line does not make it so.

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