Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

Weirdly enough I have more respect for people who stand up and scream slurs at me till they are blue in the face, than I do for people who avert their gaze and whisper code words and dog whistles behind their hands for fear someone else will notice.

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Advice from a foriegn source usually hits different, they also had a good talk in a way no others quite approached the topic before and it was handled very quickly which surprised anduin.

Showing that their common sense was different and gave anduin a new perspective.

Remember, kids, if it’s traits you prefer, the writing “makes sense” and “is natural”. But if it’s not, it’s “pandering garbage” and the writing is “forced nonsense.”


Gotta give her some kind of recognizable name to associate her with importance…otherwise they would actually have to come up with an interesting story line.

I feel like you answered your own question…

I don’t think the implication is that Anduin Lothar cheated and had a child.

The Arathi split off from the EK thousands of years ago. The implication is that the Lothar bloodline survived in both groups for that long. Anduin Lothar and Faerin Lothar are very distantly related.

Don’t think I was asking a question and all I said is that there’s no way anyone can tell right now the eventual end point of her storyline and why the Lothar name was needed to be bestowed on her until the entire Arathi storyline plays out, which will require a whole patch or even expansion exploring that continent

Sure we can. It was bestowed upon her in order to get people to care about her more. There is no logical storyline reason. Inventing one months after you did it by mangling lore doesn’t count.

They did it to make her a big deal. It worked, but likely not in the way they hoped.

It is the equivalent of “no, I’m Rey Skywalker.”

Appropriation… ironically.

If there’s no implied connection then giving her the name Lothar is simply virtue signalling of the most blatant kind.

I mean I still stand by how that’s just social commentary. It’s like saying Thrall is Metzen’s self-insert or Jaina is Golden’s self-insert. We can use that as arguments all day, but there’s also lore to discuss. We also don’t exactly know how the Lothar line separated. There’s at least 2800 years of separation since they migrated. They’re not even the same species anymore. They’re more of half-elves.

… you DO know the Lothar name goes further back than Anduin Lothar, right? Anduin and Faerin are much more distantly related than what you seen to think.

The Lothars are an old Arathi family from the ancient Empire of Arathor. Faerin is from a branch family, much like Li Li and Chen to the main Stormstouts in Pandaria.


The reason seems to be that the Lothar lineage runs a lot deeper throughout history.

Reminds me of House of the Dragon, when There was this big hoopla surrounding the Lowborne when they could ride Dragons because they still had connections to the bloodline

The Lothar family and their name continuing to be prominent in the Arathi Empire is a reference to how the real world royal families of Europe existed back in the day, nothing more.

Well, that’s putting it nicely. lol

“Faerin, Faerin, wherefore art thou Lothar?”

More than one person held the Lothar name, and Anduin Lothar didn’t have anything to do with Faerin Lothar existing.

We don’t know what part of the Lothar family she hailed from, because she wasn’t even originally supposed to end up where she is now.

Ive met a lot of Jones’ out there that were not related.

They could have, but ‘diverse’ modern inserts are not fully complete unless they corrupt something existing.

Just look at rings of power.

Sure, but you are trying to justify a decision that was made not for Lore reasons or because it was a good storyline. The decision was made, quite obviously, because they wanted to create a very specific type of character to have as the main focal point and to make players care about that character.

They could have made her Faerin Farbringer and had her do the exact same story that is in the game. They didn’t do that, they made her a Lothar.


Because the playerbase KNOWS that name and associates with that name. They did it because of the exact reaction most Star Wars fans had when they tried to say “Rey is a nobody, born from special line, just a random Force user.” People hated it, and they changed it in the next movie to not only her being of a very powerful line, but they APPROPRIATING the most beloved name in the franchise.

They made this character a Lothar to get player approval for a character they knew would be contentious (whether you like it or hate it, a female, black, disabled paladin with a lesbian haircut was going to be contentious). They didn’t make her a Lothar for lore reasons. They did it for cover. Personally I think its silly, because it reminds of some comedian (bill burr maybe?) who said that companies try to shove all their diversity points into the same person and call it a win and she absolutely fits.

People trying to backfill for them to make their decision make sense are trying to unsink the Titanic. Bail all you want, iceberg was already hit.